


15 1
is this about me?
awwwh thanks, i do like you
she's taken by me so back off bro. 🙄
you know i can't be you're girlfriend
are you serious??
omg, i am such a bad friend, i am so sorry
what the fûck i was always here for him, i talked him out of a lot of things, he just wouldn't listen to me
i would of been fine with it i would of treated him so special and nice, but since he's gone i can't do that
i really am sorry because i am crying rn and i never meant for any of this to happen that was not my intention.
omg stop mikey, i want you in my life more than anything, please believe me, you make me feel happy when you talk to me
mikeyy stop you're making me sad, i really am you're friend and i am sorry you didn't have a chance with me but i promise there are plenty of fish in the water💗
fine i am done trying to make you feel better:( i have tried so hard nothing works i can't convince you that i am you're friend and will be here for you so maybe you should go find someone else that will care for u as much as i do *looks at you and walks away*