double clickyy💦
#forest_sky300giveaway :)) go follow her and spam her¡¡ SHE'S AWESOMEE💕


double clickyy💦 #forest_sky300giveaway :)) go follow her and spam her¡¡ SHE'S AWESOMEE💕

24 4
oh ok thanks for clearing that up 😂 TYSM 💗 I find that too there are a lot of very complex collages and it gets overwhelming.
sorry for this horrible layout the pic didnt rlly fit:/
re:// of course! do u want text or background/quote?
I like dolphins and no there are 2
I did this btw
Your Q: So is there 3 winners or 2, and do you like dolphins? If so we can b dolphin buddies! My A: I like dolphins and no there are 2 winners💖!
k! I'm Lauren(it's kinda obvious tho cause of my username)
can I do text? we could do a water theme
We could do a summer theme I have great pics!💖
I'll remix 3 you pick 1
I'll get it after you choose the photo
Of course!!💖 What time is it where u live? it's 1:41 am where I live.💖
yeah it's 6:43am I'm sooo hungry
remixed an extra pic so that you could make the edit btw can you make the edit and than share it with me before you post it?
suree lets be friends😊
I'm Jasmine,what's your name??
how are you Rebecca??🤗
Ok. Thanks. I got them away.💖💞
use it for what?
Is our collab done?
No it's alright🤗just wait a sec
Hello Team Blue !! just letting you know that round 2 is up on @calm-seas. the task is to create a collage, but every member of your team has to use the same background. check out team blue's chatpage on @calm-seas - I'll remix some backgrounds that you could use if you want. GO TEAM BLUE !! 💙 -Artistique xx
okay we can totally collab!! but what was weird about it? sorry that I'm asking so many questions!😂
ohhhhh okay
no sorry I think you got the wrong gal x I'm Christiana tho nice to meet you
oh ya sure
ye sure! I'm Alexia nice to meet u!