Collage by HeroAcademy


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"So! who's ready to eat"
"Tacos? Count me in!" Says Spencer.
"heh, ohhh I know! let's do a confession circle!"
"Cause we need to get to know each other!!"
"Whatever, as long as I can keep enjoying my taco!" Said Spencer.
"Spencer first"
"Hmm... I can speak Spanish, I went to Puerto Rico once, and I have 2 sisters."
"My turn! Ummmmmm, Skylar already knows but I'm 35.7 percent robot!"
"Skylars turn!"
*whispers* I know you want to smàsh with him
"Yes, a crush."
"Kiss kiss kiss kiss!!!" *then teleports into the next room"
Wait... What?"
"hehe" you hear her from the other room
"Skylar, spill."
"I know you're hiding something. Spill."
"I feel so bad now"
"Oh... Well, might as well do this now, I was gonna do it after dinner though..."
Skylar.. will- you be my girlfriend?"
*fangirls* "Yay!" *teleports back in"
"Wanna go to MoonBucks for some breakfast Tommorow morning?"