Collage by DirectionBear05-HATE-PAGE


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wait I did not make this
stop the fxcking HATE!! make an hatepage for me and stop with everyone else's!
yes I did. literally^^
Another hatepage.*sighs, shakes head, walks away* REALLY??!!
shut up! start working on my hatepage! I hardly notice it. but the thing is, you have nothing on me no dirt nothing. that's why I'm not afraid to have a hatepage
eww füćkíńg bìtćh u r horrible. no one should have that much hate in their heart
you do realise no one believes what you say, right?
you know you only have one person against the person you're hating on your getting hated on more then the person u made the hate page for
go awayn
No!!!!!!!!! This wrong!!!!!! hate on me!!!!!! I dare you!!!!!!!
this is not necessary. stop the hate.
God dxmmit! fxck off already! I told u to stop hating on DirectionBear05! okay so let me make myself clear, go on my hatepage, and work on it cause it sucks, and delete this one! okay? okay.
f of
wow you're confident
I guess you're going to hęll for being a bītch too then. plz have fun. sure Satan will love you just as much as you love yourself.
please stop I'm not trying to be mean but stop. she doesn't deserve this. why are you so mad?!?!??!!
you can get arrested
Wow, hating on her must really be hard if you have to use two sweat words in a sentence that doesn't explain any reason why she isn't a wonderful human being.
Also, I'm not a fan of @DB05 or you, but I'm especially not a fan of you. So if you're looking for my vote...well, you're sadder than I thought.
i may not be a cactus expert, but I know a pri*k when I see one🙂Also delete this? Hating on her must be really hard considering you only used two swear words. lol😝Also I love this account! NOT! And have a wonderful day and delete this hatepage💐<-your flowers sorry not sorry they're kinda ugly you know
delete this!! no one deserves hate!! she has done nothing wrong come hate on me instead bc I honestly couldn't care less but nobody and I mean NOBODY deserves hate✋🏻
OK I TIRED TO BE NICE EARLIER BUT THIS REALLY ANNOYS ME!!! Nobody deserves hate so stop!! If you're gunna hate on some hate on me, I DARE YOU!! And guess what when you hate on people it doesn't make anyone like you or give you any kind of attention.. IT MAKES PEOPLE MAD!! So go ahead hate on me and you can watch all the support I will get because that's what nice people do, they encourage and support who they follow, and I will do the same for any of my follower (and people who don't follow me) because it's the right thing to do. So stop the hate right here but if you need to get some of your hate out on someone do it on me... I give you my permission!! HATE ON ME I DARE YOU!!! Yours truly laughing_pumpkin😂❤️
this definitely isn't necessary. please stop all of this.
why don't you hate on me instead. I already know I'm a piece of shít.
lol this is hilarious. ppl are really BEGGING you to make a hatepage on them😂! I have never had one and I DON'T want one. just stop the hate and be of peaceful ppl