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I didn't cheat,jai, you wrote single in your bio and we were over by then, that was even before me and Elijah started talking ! and you need to leave me alone, and Elijah and try and be a father for once
haha this whole paragraph is fake😂You can't even be a father to your own daughter so how can you treat a girl like a princess when you can't treat your daughter like one😂✌🏼-Madi
hi I'm Raelynn:)
you've never been mature ,You can't even talk to your own daughter
tell me ..What did she say then
I swear and I'm only doing it for aria
because it's like she doesn't have one because your never around
hellooo I'm Ally and I need friends :))
how are you?
your never there so you shouldn't have the characteristic of being a dad
all I did was eat a cheeseburger 😭😩// leonardo
I don't think so. you already stole my heart so that's enough criminalisation for one little izzy //Leonardo
you're still not getting the top by bring all sweet and cute //Leonardo
PROM when: tomorrow (June 24) all day long:) where: on this page! Comment down below if you are coming and who you are coming with Can't wait!!! Ask your date before tomorrow!!:))
idk I guess
well you just randomly pop up in my life when you want to🤷🏼‍♀️
never said I wanted you to leave but umm okay bye
he ruined it so bye,Jenna and me will no longer be talking this account bye
your not sorry. you you will never be and I can't trust you!
oh, Uhm okay..
thank you 😍💕
babyyyy posttttt 😍