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how dare you. you do not have the right to shame this beautiful girl. she is beautiful and amazing and you aren't gaining anything from being a bįtch to her. this was a social experiment. she should be allowed to do whatever she wants with her body without it ever affecting you. her posting this picture doesn't ruin your life, does it? how does it affect you? because I'm pretty sure it does affect you or alter your life. she is beauty. she is confident. fùck you.
she's beautiful. you have no right to shame someone for their body
ffff guys thank you so much but stop this is the attention it wants to get
wHAt?!?1! a FEmALe bODy PArt uSED fOr rEPRoDUCtioN AND kEePING CHiLDrEN AliVE??!!1!1? I cANnoT BeLiEVe tHIs ItS AlmOST LikE It wILL aCTuALLy eFfEcT ME!!1!1!!