I'll miss you guys! This is prob one of my last collages to share with y'all...


I'll miss you guys! This is prob one of my last collages to share with y'all...

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that's a little to personal but I guess it doesn't matter anymore cause I'm leaving, I'm 13 years old
You say it won't solve all my problems, but when I'm gone, there will be no problem
it's okay, it doesn't matter anymore, thank you...
I have thought this out for a year now, I'll be okay,
I know, I know, but is rather be unsafe than unhappy and depressed
my mom is basically living in poverty, I live under full custody of my dad cause he has a job, I have a job though too, everything I have I have to pay for, no exceptions... I can't go to her and be a burden. the only things that have made me happy, is pic collage, and this guy from my school
I'm not ending my life, that would be a mistake, I'm starting a new one... a better one, anything would be better than this... I jut can't take it anymore
I have one week before I go, I'll be somewhere in Colorado
just incase you were wondering, but the only thing that would make me stay is if my dad said he loved me and cared about me.
because I wanted to see who cared... not that it matters... but unless my dad does ANYTHING to show he loves me, this is the last time I'll be on Pic Collage
#{love it}