🔓Single squad🔓 -singles


🔓Single squad🔓 -singles

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what about Jacob? pls tell me he did leave
idk he's not talking to use because he's mad about something else
o tell him I'm sorry if I caused him any harm -Jasi
no it's not y'all it's something that happened yesterday
hey baby (That's shay) -Bobby
shays single
how is she single
we are dating
no yeah are not
yup she's crushing on someone at school and he's crushing on her to so.....
okay...*starts to cry*
so than shay basically lied to me -Bobby
she never said yes
yea she did😑😑
well she didn't mean to
u ok
I guess (not) -Bobby
I'm sorry
I...its okay.......
can you tell hunter to remix my sister Vanessa back
hi Blake