This was a vent I did yesterday to distract myself from smth but I kinda like how it turned out? there was more text but it sounded like I was leaving which I’m nOt ok qwq
As for what was wrong, it’s personal but I’m doing ok now! Don’t worry about


🕊Tap🕊 This was a vent I did yesterday to distract myself from smth but I kinda like how it turned out? there was more text but it sounded like I was leaving which I’m nOt ok qwq As for what was wrong, it’s personal but I’m doing ok now! Don’t worry about

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caption continued: don’t worry about me please úwù
well I’m glad you are doing , if you need anyone to talk to I’m here. :)
Yay! I’m glad you’re doing alright! like always, I’m here if you need anything. also that PENGUIN AAAAA
I know! It’s so strange, because my username isn’t my actual name either. 🤔
Im glad you are doing better now Skye! We’re always here inc see you feel like venting, but you don’t have to either. :)
re:// Yeah, I think so too. but I haven’t had the nerve to ask Who gave it...
RE//: Yes :000
RE//: Yeah I could see that 😂😂😂