


2 0
What's wrong..?
Oh... Nothing... I just, I really like you. But we live so far apart... And, yeah...
Well... I gtg... I will probably be back at like 9:30 PM ur time
Cya maybe tonight or tomorrow
Okay, bye <3
D: just try to be happy for me..? I'm already depressed..
About what?
Well I might not be on MC or PicCollage for maybe 1 or 2 days. I have a lot of homework 😣 So I will see you... Like Friday or possibly tomorrow... Maybe the weekend, I hope Friday. Well, bye... 😊
Oh.. Okay.. Bye.. <3
And I'm depressed bc of people liking me.. D:
Oh, I am so sorry...
It's not your fault.. I mean it's mine for stressing over it..
Well... Okay.
Really... Please believe me? I'm sick of everyone telling me it's okay..
Okay, I will see you later... <3
Yeah, hopefully soon <3
Bye then...
So, yeah.. See you.. <33
Hai :P
Hai! Sorry I fell asleep, and yeah, I know you're asleep.. I'll see you later then I guess.
<3 😁😊
Heyyyy X3
Lemon, this is so hard for me to say..
But to stop everyone's pain, I can't like you anymore.. :(
We're still friends, right?
Oh.. And everyone, except muskey I think, is RPing at 6 our time..
Um, yeah...
Sorry... I was just so depressed....
Lemon, I'm really sorry. Just going through this... :(
I understand if you don't want to be friends even... D:
You didn't do it... And I am sorry, you didn't do anything wrong... I did it... I'm so sorry.
No! It's me! It's my fault! I feel like everything is my fault right now! That's why I'm doing this..
No... It's not... If I didn't start it on MineCraft... We could move on in our lives... I don't want you to feel sad and I don't know how to help you...
It's not you.. I swear. It's me... I feel like a jerk... I am a jerk right now.. Sorry.
Lemon.. D:
I promise, you did nothing. Everything going on for me right now is making me so depressed..
How is it you? I started it on MC...
It's me bc I feel like I did everything WRONG. My life feels wrong..
And... Me too... I have a bad grade in band... and I feel miserable everyday at school...
No don't say that... It makes me sad when people say things like that about themselves in front of me...
Yeah... Math right now is a B.. I feel like I'm going to stress myself out too much..
Mine is way worse... I don't want to talk about it.
I'm sorry Lemon, it's how I feel...
D: okay.. Just.. I'll be here always for you..
I have an F in my band class... My elective... Because I can't bring my instrument home... I really didn't want to tell anyone but my parents about it...
Oh.. I'm sorry.. :(
You didn't have to tell me..
And you probably think I am an idiot because I got that grade...
I do not!
Don't even THINK that Lemon!
Well... If I told anyone else... They would
D: I'm not like that though.
Oh... Okay
Lemon, you're my friend, why would I want to judge you?
I... I don't know right now... I feel like... I don't really wanna say it...
Like what...? You don't have to say, sorry.. I have a feeling I know what.. πŸ˜”
Yeah... I don't want to say it at all... But it is what I feel like, and it's not your fault... Half of it is this and half is something else...
I'm so sorry.. I never meant to hurt you.. πŸ˜”πŸ˜ž
You didn't... We both started this, It's true because we both admitted we liked each other... So it's not all your fault..
Yeah.. I'll never forget you.. ☺️ <3
I won't either...
😊 At least we can say we knew each other
I guess so...
I never had anyone like me before... But we can always be friends...
:( I'm so sorry.. :) Of course we'll always be friends!
Oh okay
Dude, considering we met at my BFF's RP and became friends.. Wow.
I'm not friends with everyone you know XD ☺️
What do you mean?
I mean not everyone wants to be my friend.. 3:
So I was surprised after the RP you talked to me..
Well... I sorta have a lot of friends... Just... Not everyone I see everyday
I can't even remember that far back...
And... I thought u were nice
And you are 😊
:) Thanks.. It's always nice to find a new friend..
πŸ˜„ And so are you Lemob
Yeah... Except... We can't see each other... Irl
Yeah.. I mean.. My friends tease me for being shy irl.. Sometimes I'm glad it's only through a screen.
Sorry spelling error.. 😁
I am shy too... I wouldn't ever tease my friend anyways...
Okie and yeah I'm the only one really of my friends who is shy..
K I'm back
But soon I have to go type the rest of a letter to the principal at my school
Wait.. What? D: I'm sorry.. We can talk later!
No it's fine it's not a lot
Okie, if you say so.. πŸ˜”
Oh no... I forgot I started a clan war in clash of clans... I think it may have ended... My clan is gonna be mad at me... 😬XD
I didn't attack... XD
Oh.. Lol my clan is my dad, brother, and friends :P nobody is ever really on.
Except my dad.. So, no clan wars for us XD
Oh u play clash of clans?
No one in my family does except my sister... Not really tho... She goes on like once every 3 months 😐
Well I guess I should go soon... To do my homework...
Oh okay.. Bye Lemon, and really, you should join us tomorrow..
What do you mean join us?
If you need me, I'll be on Creative..
Oh... Okay, bye
The RP we're all doing I told you about earlier..? I mean it's your choice
Oh so only at 6 ur time
Bye, I'll hopefully see you later and I'll probably have my phone like right next to me XD
Maybe, I'm not sure.. I think that's when we all agreed to it?? I'll tell you more tomorrow XD I don't think my friends r seeing my texts
I wanna do it just... I can't on Thursdays, but probably every day except Thursday... Wait the weekend too?
Okay bye 😊
Maybe, and it's tomorrow, Friday
Bye! πŸ˜„
I'm really sorry..
I'm crying too... D: I'm sorry.
See you tomorrow hopefully.. Goodnight
U too
Should I post a picture of me
Or naw
If you want Lemon, only if you want.
I've just never cared if someone recognized me..
πŸ˜” I might not be able to rp today
Bc I am so sick... I am going to take a nap. I hope I can get on in time.
Okie, Lemon.. It's fine.
Just, feel better for me. :)
Okie thanks
Yeah.. And what'd I do..? :(
You didn't do anything wrong
I gotta get my iPad
I have to go to bed early bc I'm sick πŸ˜•
Oh okie.. Sorry, I had to go for a while.
D: I'm pretty sure I was crying in my sleep :P
But why were you crying? That makes me sad... πŸ˜•
I have NO idea... :P sorry I fell back asleep
X3 Imma weirdo
:L I just realised I didn't really eat anything yesterday brb
Nvm, Lemon, r u there?
Lemon..? D:
Oh... I had to go do something all day today. I have to tomorrow also... Sorry I wasn't on πŸ˜•
It's okie.. I was just confused.
Well, good luck with it 😊☺️
Thanks 😊
Np! :D
I didn't do so good today... :P
Y? D:
Idk... I got first in the first race. Then I sucked for some reason...
D: at least you did good
Yeah. XD
:3 your brother sounds like mine and I was like: Same tho
Lol my friend did something stupid after the races... He rode his scooter down the slide at the playstructure... I was surprised he didn't hurt himself... I will have to tell him to do it again tomorrow. So I can post a pic of him doing it XD... πŸ˜†
XD I'm glad my friends wouldn't do that, they probs would kill themselves 0-0
I also had to kick a vending machine bc it didn't give me my candy... 😠
XD Lemon
Well it was in the sand... Otherwise he probably wouldn't do it.
That's good :P
My friends are just like super tiny XD
Then... A bunch of little kids wanted to ride my skateboard. 😐 I was like: Okie don't hurt yourselves😁
My parents threaten me to get a bike and I'm all like: Nope. Never. 😐
Whai... I like riding meh bike. I can ride my bike without holding on to the handles... Only for like 10 seconds tho.
:P I have a bad experience with bikes
What happened...
I was riding a bike when I was little and there was a crack on the sidewalk.. 😁
So basically I fell and I've feared bikes.
I fell of my bike at school. In front of everyone. But luckily there wasn't a teacher around o-o
😣 20%... Again.
Wow.. I was humiliated bc my friend saw.. DX
D: don't leave meee
I fell off my old skateboard bc it isn't the best... And now I have like this weird scar where it was on my ankle. It was a scab... Now it's a scar...
I, uh, fell in kindergarten and busted my chin open so now I have a scar on my chin..
I know... 😐
You do? I told you?
Oh... Owie XD
I'm confused XD
No. I mean I have 20%...
Yeahhhh I'm all like: 0-0 I'm fine.. but I had to go to the ER still.
I dun wanna leave u but... Meh phone is making me.😞
Ohhh XD
Wut did they do there πŸ˜–
They gave me glue stitches and being the person I was I peeled them off XD which is disgusting
Once... In third grade... This girl that sat at my desk... Turned pale from dehydration and... Then she vomited on my desk and I didn't know what happened until this year.
Someone in science told me she passed out and went to the hospital
Ewww! How did you just find out?
But now... They always say "She barfed on your desk!" then they all start laughing
Idk I was scared when it happened and no one told me until now. xd
XD itz okie
Assuming ur still here I'm getting on MC
Sorry 😞 I was trying to tell u I had like 5% battery left then my phone died
Itz okie :D
Not going to be home either today, so see you. :)
Sorry.. I can't say why, but I'm crying.
I just got home...
Lemon, you don't know why.. it's not you..
It's my.. family.
Um... You said you can't say why.
Oh... I am sorry for you.
Yeah I know.. I feel like.. they won't come back though.
Thanks Lemon.. πŸ˜”
Hehe hewwo :3
Hewwo ☺️
XD sorry I completely forgot to keep checking mah phone
It's alright XD
:D okie
My brother was feeding me marshmallows last night. He kept like throwing them in front of me at the table XD
Lucky! I had like, lots of candy today, since it's my grandma's bday tomorrow
And btw know what's weird?
XD I'll tell chu then
So my dad looked up how far away it was from somewhere you'll never guess where it was thou 0-0
San Deigo. So I had a mental freak out like: "Did they find out?!"
I am kinda scared now...
Wait.. What?
I'm so confused.
XD Ikr
And it was like: 1237 miles a crow flies.
Wait why did he look it up... 😐
Idk I was asking about timezones or something I think.
Ye XD idk what I shall do with my life
My heart stopped for a second when you said San Diego
cx I was like: "Morgan. Don't. You. Freak. Out."
I felt like the world stopped when you said that XD
If you were moving here... I would like. Idek...
I was trying to memorize it earlier, and being like: "Why aren't we in a warm place?" :p
I wish, I freeze during the winter. And freeze in my room tbh :P
Does it snow at ur place?
Sometimes. It depends on the year, 50/50 chance
It never snows here it's impossible. I don't think it ever has. We have to drive up north to see snow.
Well since I freeze I'm usually stuck with three layers of clothes.. .-.
If it did snow here... I would have the perfect spot to go sledding or try to be a penguin XD
I live on the top or a hill so I could sled down the street XD
Hopefully before they would move all the snow so I wouldn't get ran over 😐
XD yeah
I used to go sledding down our hill.. used to.
Like 2 years ago I was sledding and it flipped over XD
Soo basically I hit my head on a rock
And everyone freaked out until I rolled over and was like: "That. Was. Awesome."
So your not allowed to anymore
I am, I choose not to XD
But afterwards I was all like: "Let's do it again!" and my mom was like: "No!" 0-0
Oh. You don't want it to happen again?
That's what I assume
Yeah.. It was cool, but I also was like unconscious for like 2 seconds of my life XD
I went skiing down a black diamond hill and I didn't know until I was at the bottom
I can't waste any second of my lifeee cx I don't want to die either XD
My dad told me to try it and it was so steep but there were also rocks
That takes talent Lemon XDD
I think I tripped over one and went like 6 feet in the air... I got snow shoved up my clothes and it was really cold, then it started to burn. XD
XD California people aren't meant for da cold
Not the way I did it
I lost both my skis and I slid down the hill on my back... I watched them slide right past me XD
X3 I'm trying not to laugh, bc I might wake up my little bother 0-
Wow Lemon cx
Does your brother sleep in your room
No.. He sleeps in the room next to mine, and we have thin walls.
He's no brother btw he's a bother XD
Oh... I am glad my brother doesn't... yet 😞
Yeahhhh, same, his dog cries throughout the night so I'm like: "Ughh Lola.."
He is going to have to soon tho... He is four and still sleeps with my mom... 😣 I dun want him to
Almost five
He is gonna be five in December 😦
Oh, gl Lemon XD
My brother is 9 and basically complains about everything and we're always fighting
I am not ready. Never will be. XD
Yesterday >>I forgot XD<< was my half birthday and my brother was like: "So now you're 2 and a half years older than me!" and I was like: "Yeah..?"
My sister... Can be a jerk sometimes
XD brothers r annoying
I only have a brother luckily
And I'm pretty much a jerk to my brother since he talks ALL DAY LONG
Oh my sister... Tells my parents I punched her and I'm like: What?! 😧
Then I get punished 😞
My brother always is my parents favorite and I'm like: "I give up! I'll be downstairs all day from now on!"
My brother called my a name and I called him one and I got no technology for a week
And they wouldn't let me explain myself! And then he got two days of no technology, and I was like: "Really.."
Same. So my brother traded my his big snickers bar for a tiny one from Halloween and he took the one I chose bc I ate his and my mom yelled at me...
I put it on the top shelf in the fridge... Idek how he got it.
Wow. XD I would be like: "TAKE THE CHOCOLATE"
I don't like chocolate very much.. 😁😊
You don't like chocolate?
Or you love it
Not a lot.
I don't really like chocolate but I don't hate it XD
What kind of food do you not like.
I'm a confusing person cx at least that's what everyone tells me 0-0
Hmm.. Seafood
I don't like... Yogurt, avocado, sour cream, cream cheese, and... Idek what else
What about you?
Um... 😐
I'll eat about any fruit or vegetable and I won't really eat meats..
Sorry XD
My dad said once to a waitress at dinner that he wanted "chicken tenders" but... They both laughed. So after I tried it, it was kinda chewy... My sister said it tasted like fish... Then he told us it was calamari
Fried squid XD
Ewwww! DX I had to try that and I was like: "SQUID?! EWWW!"
I didn't mind it... My sister tho... She like tried to vomit it back up...
I hate thinking of eating something living so, lol..
They didn't even look like chicken tho... They were thin and curly
When I was little I called myself 'mostly-vegetarian'
I feel sad that they have to slaughter fish... Bc fish are so cute... But I still like fish... πŸ˜”
It's just so sad...
Yeah.. My first pet were pufferfish, and they died in like 2 days 0.0
Goldfish... Don't really live that long either
My grandparents told me once, "Whoever can put up with you being picky truly loves you." and I was like ☺️
But it was bc my parents put too much salt in their water
I dun think your picky... But I am probably wrong
XD so wrong Lemon
:P but it shows u care for me
But... I don't like the food I mentioned bc... I tried avocado in a sushi roll and I basically vomited it right back out under the table... (luckily it wasn't at my house... or inside) so I had no lunch and a seagull came and ate it when we left
Ew. I hate sushi! My dad always tries to give it to me but like raw fish is not my thing. 0-0
πŸ’™ <33
Omg it keeps saying "Oops! An error occurred please try again"
When I try to send a message
But of course it doesn't now XD
Ye that happens XD and I'm like: Stupid phoneeee
I was like: 0-0 *staring at phone with nothing to do*
Good I am not the only one XD
XD nope brb I need to get something warmer to wear I'm freezing XDD
There XD
πŸ˜… It isn't cold right now... It fed like a heated room
I can't type rn XD
XD lucky I sleep downstairs where the air-conditioner runs all night.
XD Ikr
Sometimes I'll be like mears
**means UGH
I have an air-conditioner in my room in the window XD Just its not as hot as it was... It was so hot I would sweat. 😞
I hated it
Lucky, I'd die to be warm at night! It's so freaking cold. Every. Night.
I'd be satisfied that I wouldn't be freezing to death
Yesterday... I felt like I was going to pass out for standing in the heat for like 10 minutes. I got dizzy and felt like I was going to vomit at the same time so I had to like hide under the shade XD
That happened twice
It's not fun.
I felt like I was dying
D: still rather have that year round. It's so warm in the summer and freezing in the winter! Ughhh DX
It's never freezing... And this is winter...
Like I knew it was happening bc my vision started to get blurry and dark
:L my parents said when I was little it was -18
Lemon! Don't do that then! D:
Degrees Fahrenheit?
My mom thinks it's 'so nice' outside in the winter yet then again she's from Alaska XD
You could grow ice on your finger for standing there for like one minute
I probably would too... 😞
XD yeah maybe
Actually... Idk
My family is all northerners and me and my brother are like born down here XD
Maybeeee idk I can't remember it
I have never been in like the north or the middle of the U.S.
Well in the North it's COLD I'll tell you that, and I've lived in the South for all 11 years of my life so idk about the middle
It's like a 30 minute drive to Tijuana, Mexico, aka the border of the U.S. and Mexico but there are so many abandoned puppies there it's so sad πŸ˜₯
Whaaat?! Who DOESN'T want a puppy?! :o πŸ˜”
I know... and it is kinda scary there... people like walk in front of your car trying to sell you stuff at the border like stuffed animals and toys but it's like right at the border like... Come on...
Sorry I used 'like' too much XD
Not in general just in that message
Eeee! I would be like: "Nope, sorry we're leaving." 0-0
I was born in Texas so I was near the border but basically I'm an Oklahoman by now.
10 years of Oklahoma.. great..?
I mean like it's nice here but it's a small state that nobody knows of really.. :P
I get scared of... being right behind an illegal.. you know what bad people do on the border of Mexico right?
Yeah.. 😁 I, uh.. Nevermind..
They transport bad things illegally... I always get scared of that and like if they come out of the car armed with a weapon.. If they find what I am trying to tell you...
Yeah. I know.
Wait u know what I am talking about? I just don't like saying things like that
Today, has been the worse day ever for me.. And now I started thinking about it again.
Yeah, I get what you're saying.
How? What happened? Please don't be sad 😞
Lemon.. My uncle.. πŸ˜”
What. My dads truck window got impaled at like 8 PM 3 months ago... They sort of stopped, hit it, hit it again, then it shattered and they sped off...
No one saw them
This is.. Ugh.. making me cry again.
Oh... Sorry...
How is he in trouble?
How do they know it was him?
What if the people who broke in planted them their?
I am kinda mad now bc... That doesn't make sense... Tour uncle sounds like a good person...
Idek what I'm saying now
My mom said that too... "Everyone is a good person but makes bad mistakes."
It's okay..
Like... Can't they use their fingerprints? If they didn't wear gloves? Or they weren't smart enough to do that?
I'm not sure.. My mom won't tell me anymore.. I wasn't supposed to hear what I did..
If there is anyone bad in the world... they go to my school...
Yeah.. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone but I trust you..
So my friend
He said he hacked into a kids school account and... he said he found things about...
Omg idk how to spell it
You know what that is...
Oh my gosh.......... I just realised what you said
Well... apparently that kid was giving it out in little bags for free... So they searched his backpack DURING class because they could all smell it...
Ew! D:
He only got suspended.
He should've gone to juvenile detention
Srsly? He should at least go to Juvenile.,
And... that's why you don't give homeless people money... Most of them buy that from hospitals... medical marijuana... They don't buy food, just alcohol and drugs...
And the homeless ppl sell it on the streets
Yeah.. My uncle wasn't like that.. He was always so happy, and made corny jokes.. πŸ˜”
He had his own money.. He worked everywhere.. Africa, Utah, Nebraska..
Just wait... It's not him... They will find who did it
I feel so bad...
I hope it's not him.. 😞
I am sorry for you...
It's not your fault Lemon!
I never said it was...
Don't feel sorry for me.
I am sorry that you have to go through this...
I never said I did it...
I know.
Just.. ugh.. My life.
Bc.. My mom is going through worse, it's her older brother.
And her only brother.
My other uncle barely comes to see us.. πŸ˜”
Just, don't worry about it.. Everything is going turn out fine.
I just needed to tell someone it.. or else, I'm not sure what I'd do.
Well... I had to go through this.. awhile back... except I was being accused
My friend was accusing me
That's why we are enemies now
Like what was he accusing you about
He said I did something...
And I didn't
It just deleted what I typed
So I sail in these boats called Sabots and he said I scratched his boat but I didn't and then he sabotaged me right before this big race called the Sabot Nationals
That's what I was doing today and yesterday
Not that same race but the same thing
That's cool 😊
Yeah, I guess so 😊
I've been doing nothing really, thinking only now that I think about it..
Yeah.. Thinking has been my main thing to do lately
Well... you know how I had to kick the vending machine 😁 I had to again... It also took my money when I wanted a Cherry Coke but there wasn't and left so I had to go get my money back from the front office XD
Lel XD I don't even try to use vending machines anymore
Oh I did it because it was there but there is a snack one and a drink one... The snack one has those spiral metal wires that push the candy out... the candy I wanted always gets stuck... It happened with my friend also
The drink one ate my money even tho there wasn't any of that one left 😐
Oh lol I gave up on them bc by the time I was done there is be broke XD
Friends :/
Lol the funny thing is my friend broke it by putting the money in, choosing what he wanted and immediately pressing the money return button
It gave him his money back but also gave him candy
Then I tried it and failed
I am back
Okie? XD
I just got "Okie" and I was like: ....?
Um yeah...XD
XD I'm going crazy from sadness and being tired and being myself :P
Ugh... I'm still sick... From when I told you I was. It's kinda getting worse and better at the same time
D: don't die on me
I have a really bad cough but I don't really have a sore throat 😊
I won't
:D good
I hope not...
Oh.. I had this thing with a really long name but it's called Mono for short and I got it 2 years ago
Luckily you can only get it once but I was srsly gone for half the year and couldn't do anything fun.
Lemon! Don't even joke about that!
Is it permanent
Nah, 6 weeks but lots of medicine 0.0
I have this thing I think it related to when I felt like I was gonna pass out in the heat
And it caused a sore throat and stomach ache for me, so I basically became stronger against them 😁
D: Don'ttttt
I am pretty sure it's called...
brb XD
Beautiful name: 'Wait' XD :3
And okie, I'm not 100% stupid I'm just joking
I know
Okay it's called Mastocytosis and it says there is no cure but my mom says I don't have it anymore
That's good
Well I do know my mom told me I have or had it
But I am not quite sure what it does
.-. I'm a person who usually gets sick a lot and then feels success when they don't get sick in a long time and then get sick again XD
Just don't look it up please
It's something to do with mast cells
I won't Lemon! If you don't want me to, I won't!
Idek what those are but my mom said when I was younger I would get hives when I was too hot and then I would itch it but I don't get hives anymore
But still Idek what causes me to feel like I am passing out in the heat
You learn something new everyday
Sorry, Lemon. But I'm tired.. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
Like I guess you can but I don't think it will make sense to you. Idek what it is except for the part with overheating
I don't really mind.
Lemon. I. Won't. You asked me not to.
If you do look it up just I kind of guessed how to spell it but it says it's wrong anyways XD
Gn <3 β˜ΊοΈπŸ’™
Well.. XD
Wait so you said you had something that like started with Mono?
Or Mono for short?
It's Mono for short, you can look it up.
Okay Gn 😴❀️
Idc what anyone knows about me really, I'm like a piece of glass, see-through XD
Gnnnn :D
I saw something when so searched Mastocytosis it said Monoclonal
Idek but Gn ❀️
Idk what the whole thing was.. they only called it Mono for me.
Owie. I slept on my shoulder last night and it hurts now 😞
Well gtg to school... Cya later
I slept on my arm last night and I could barely move it.. :/
Omgggg... How did she find ur account?! DX
Who is that person following me
Is that you?
Nooo, it's me and my friend's shared account
And I guess she's been stalking my comments XD
Dinner I'll be on in maybe 2 hours, I also need to talk to my family.
Lemon.. It was him.. Plus I need to talk to you.
Oh okay
Who is him?
Oh... I think I know now...
Morgan are you there... 😐
Wat do you need to talk to me about
Sorry my phone 😐 I fell asleep, I'm so sorry..
And, my uncle might move in with us... So I'm not going to be able to talk every night if he does
Bc my parents are saying that he would get my room.
I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to fall asleep! Apparently I was laying on my phone so I was like "NOOOO! No battery! WHYYYY?"
Well I fell asleep soon after that
I can probably fall asleep rn standing... o-o
Meh, I woke up X3
Nvm... I won't be on tonight. Or at all this week probably.
Oh okay... πŸ˜₯
Sorry.. But I will get up really early to talk and after school on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Friday's.
D: Lemon..?
Sorry I was at the movie theater today... Are you still there?
Gtg be back in like... 2 hours
Oh. Okie.. I can't like get on MC still though.. Still have this 'nice' couch to sleep on
Ohh noooo my life is ruined
Lemon?? Are you back?
.-. I guess I'll see you tomorrow night then.
I am back 😁
Aww... I think I just missed you by a minute
I'm still here
Just was doing nothing..
Btw, do I call you Lemon or Dylan?
0.0 Okie I guess we're just going to talk tomorrow then
Sorry I had to go eat dinner so I could go to my friends' band concert
:D Cool
Yee :p they sounded cool
Sorry I have to go for a while, be on in like 2 hours if I don't fall asleep 0.0
Okie back, are you there?
Lemonnnnn! D:
:/ itz Friday dudeeeee D: talk to meeeee
.. Okie..
Ξ™'ΞΉΞΉ Ξ²Ξ΅ ωαιτιΝ'.. οωο
Omg I feel so bad... I had a busy week 😦
I am so sorry
It's okie.. I've been needing to talk to someone though..
I am here so you can talk to me
:) okie.. Well, um, first of all ty for the fries XD
And I made you a melon.. >>failed<<
Uh.. Idk how to say the rest of this
Lemon! 3:
Okay <3
I am sorry I haven't been on... 😞 Just a really busy week... And weekend
Oh okay.. I just thought you started to ignore me.. 😁😞
Oh my gosh I am so sorry πŸ˜₯
It's okay! Seriously! I've been busy too, but more frustrated with my life than busy.
Oh... I hope I can talk more over Thanksgiving break 😊
Same, but I REALLY have to practice my violin too bc our concert is like in two weeks.. 😁
I'm so sorry.. I've been a jerk lately.. To everyone.. 😞
Goodnight, I guess.. I'm sorry if you're mad/ignoring me.. πŸ˜”πŸ˜ž I left you the reasons why on your plot.
Bye <3
No please I am not mad πŸ˜₯
Are you there?
Okayyyy I'm still here c: I was just like watching a video