Hey Come Talk to me


Hey Come Talk to me

29 21
hey Mac
hey I'm Sierra
wat HAPPEND to my fren Itz_Mic this acc was called that before where is she!!!!
nice to meet you to so what sports do you play
Oh ok soz welcome to her (and now urs and passions acc) hello
ya I now right
Thats not my name
thanks for the comment . šŸ’™
is that u or someone else
so u a guy
sorry for what and who is mic
or what ever
same so that's u right their in that pic
Nā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“žā“ž šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
I forgot what we were talking about I'm like talking to my Freind's on here and then I'm talking to u so it hard to keep track
no why u
I just realized what this post said ur post and I would do the same if someone hurt m Freind cause they like fam to me except half of them haven't even met my fam we weird people and crazy too but o well
who's that
just show me a pic and let's see
ok well tell me about him what's he's like what type of person he is
I'm confused
now I think
I hate football I love baseball and I used to play my team was so good that we won every game but one sadly
I already watched the vampire dairies and vampire academy
about what
which one
yep seen that a thousand time
ok so how r u but I have to leave at 10 so I'll tell u bye when I leave ok k
ok but first tell me ur name plz
not to be weird or anything
ur hot