A little thing for Father's Day ;3. Aaaa Salvage's wittle trouble-making girls are up to mischief as always


A little thing for Father's Day ;3. Aaaa Salvage's wittle trouble-making girls are up to mischief as always

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Nick: huehuehue- adds something backwards on his head "Gay rabbit down here" and an arrow under it pointing down to his face- HEUEHUEUE
@ HFP- Madeline: oh jeez *giggles* oh wait till he wakes up. Grace: GUYS! Hes gonna skin us DĖAD when he wakes up! Sopphie:....wat does gay mean? *tilts head and dorps*. Grace: yyyooouu dont want to know. *le glares at Nick*
@ Miss_Peridot- HAHA it had to be done XD!
Nick: -grins- what? it's true! -the snoring from Sal stopped- uh oh...get ready to hide!
Salmon Samwich (imsorrylmāo): *stirs in his sleep, begining to wake up*. Sopphie: hide! *poofs off and hides behind a random wall*. Madeline: h-hey, wait for me! *poofs beside Sopphie*. Grace: *mutters* ugh, we're so dead...*poofs with the others*
Nick: huehuehue -hides in a random wall....but not before throwing a mirror at Sal-
Grace: oh great, now you do want to be killed...again. Salvage: *yawns and wakes up, blinking the tiredness from his eyes*. e-eh? *he was kinda woken up from the clank of the mirror hitting the floor so he picks it up and pears into it...his face was priceless*....uuuuhhhhh wwwwaaaahhhh? *Salvy be processin*. Sopphie: *trying REALLY hard not to laugh*. Madeline: *lets out a silent giggle*
Nick: -takes a picture- HURHURHUR -says it quietly- -hears Dementia- OOHH my other victim! Dementia: -groans- my head hurts....-drags himself to the room- too much sleep....-he had a load of graffiti on his face including a picture of Bow and Dementia kissing...and another with Dementia and Salvage next a random Delerium... Delerium seemed grumpy- weh.?
Salvage: hu--.....*notices the graffiti*....ppfft...BAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! *falls over, laughing his ārse off*. Sopphie: ppffhehehehe, oh my gosh. Grace:...oh my gOD Nick i will slap you! *whispers very angrily*. Madeline: *giggles softly* hehehehe! *the star necklace on her glowed slightly when she laughed*
Nick: -to shaky from laughing to reply- Dementia: -looks at Sal and snorts- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! SNRK HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Nick: -giggling and snorting he accidentally bumps Gracie. NOW SHE IS REVEALED TO BOTH THE GAY DERPS-
Grace:...ffffFFFazbear. Salvage: *grunts* yeah, you should see yourself! *notices Grace*....Grace? Are YOU responsible for this? Grace: *huffs and crosses arms* of course not! these dorks are hiding behind here. *snatches Nick, Sopphie, and Madeline and pulls them out from behind the wall with surprising strength*. Sopphie: oh....poop. Madeline: *still giggles slightly*
Nick: guilty as charged. Dementia: -has fallen over-
Salvage: *looks at Dementia*.....u k? Grace: oh wow, he died, HORRAY! Madeline: *suddenly stops laughing and looks at Grace sternly* dont be mean. Sopphie: *durp*
Dementia: my head hurts....my sides are killing me.... Nick: ....whélp.
Madeline: *eyes widen slightly and she struggles out of Grace's grip and runs over to Dementia's side* oh no, d-do you n-need anything? i-is their something i can do? Grace: psh, you cant help him Madle, hes probably just going through a phase. Madeline: b-but i wanna help! *glares at Grace* and i sure can help him...i have a special friend on my side. *looks at Dementia again and strokes the back of his head slightly*. Salvage: *his face darkens slightly*....what friend? Sopphie: *whispers to him* its this weird creature she keeps talking about, she says his name is Nightmare, and that he visits her in her dreams frequently....
Nick: -Le freezes- Dementia: -mumbles something and he started to melt....again.-
Salvage: *his face goes pale* wait....NIGHTMARE? *looks at Madeline with a darkened look* you shouldnt be friends with him! hes a monster! Madeline: y-you can yell at me later dad! *looks at Dementia worriedly* c'mon Mr Dementia please...stay with me here. we still need you in this world. *she closes her eyes as she concentrates and puts her hands on Dementia's side**mutters* c'mon friend please....save him....help him....*the room seemed to darken as she says this*. Salvage: *shakes his head* oh no, this is bad.... Grace: a monster? i never knew this Nightmare dude was evil.... Sopphie:....
Nick: this is bad thisis bad thisisbad...... Dementia:-grumbles- N...n...
Nick: -looks down at his father, then at Madeline- how...how do you know NÌGHTMARE?
Madeline: *she bites her lip, concentrating more till golden dusty magic coils arounds her hands and into Dementia, slowly reviving him and regaining his health and getting rid of the pain*. Salvage: *watches them intently* thats Nightmare's magic....hes transfering it through her and into Dementia... Grace: b-but that could be too much power for Madeline to handle! *tries to step forward but Sopphie stops her*. Sopphie: i-i....i trust Nightmare....h-he knows what hes doing....
Dementia: -groggily wakes up, seeing himself wrapped in whisps of gold....he didn't recognise it at first but when he did, he tried not to panic....not that he could....he seemed calm and clear of pain- ....wow..... Nick: -seems transfixed by it all- wow....this is amazing...didn't know old Nightmare could do that....
Sopphie: yeah, Madeline told me that Nightmare is a real friendly creature, despite his frightening demeanor. Madeline: *after fully reviving Dementia back to full health, the golden dust faded away and the darkness in the room seemed to come together as one shape of Nightmare, slowly rising from the floor behind Madeline. Madeline fainted from the effort of using the magic and falls, but was catched by Nightmare himself before she could hit the ground*. Nightmare:....*he picks her up and craddles her in his massive arms and looks at Dementia, standing rather intimidatingly over him, since he was probably only half the size of Nightmare*. Salvage: *growls warningly, still not trusting Nightmare with Madeline*. Grace:....
Nick:.....-looks up at Nightmare-.....back again huh.....-smiles slightly- remember the last time we got in each other's path? hahah...you tried to slash my face open....for some reason.... Dementia: -looks down silently. he didn't seemed to be scared of Nightmare....but he did have some respect-
Nightmare:....another chance there will be. We have too many children devouring nightmares as it is....your friend Mangle was wise to stand her ground. *looks at Salvage, who was snarling menacingly, with his same old expressionless face*. Salvage: put. my. daughter. down....she will NOT become your next meal like the so many others youve devoured. *snorts*. Nightmare:...*Nightmare continues to stare at Salvage with a blank expression, but his golden burning eyes seemed to bore right into Salvage's very soul*. Grace: *holds her breath*. Sopphie: dad show some respect, you might upset him....then YOU might become his next meal.
Dementia: stay down, Sam. It's not wise to mess with him, even Nick knows that. Nick: -mutters- what's that supposed to mean..... -looks at Salvage- Look. Sal. I don't think he's about to eat his friend so I suggest you don't provoke him.
Salvage: DONT call me Sam! *growls at Dementia*. and please, hes the leader of the nightmares and hes HOLDING my youngest daughter! you've all seen what hes done! hes hurt people! hes a MONSTER-- !!! *all of a sudden Nightmare was right up in his face, the outline of his golden eyes glowed red now as he looked deep into Salvage's eyes*.....*gulps*. Nightmare: you judge a book by its cover and author....you should learn to read the pages like your daughter.... *he lets out a low toned grunt before giving the uncontious Madeline to Salvage*. Salvage:....*he looked legit shocked....but more or so scared*. Sopphie:....ouch.