Collage by roxinmysox


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I’m sorryyyyy I was busyyy ❤️❤️
oh my gosh 🥺🥺 SPONGEBOB
i love how clingy and sweet you are omllll <3
*smiles softly and looks over at you, leaning into your hand* I know, it just s^ks? I don’t even know if he’s upset like I am right now
it won’t let me remix 😠
Im at work right now so I might respond late :)
*smiles and holds your hand, gently squeezing it back* I.. also have something to tell you? *smiles as I rub your back* and thank you for literally everything ❤️
have some? *smiles as I play with my nails and looks over at you* I don’t know but.. I think I’m also interested in girls? I’ve been thinking for a year, I don’t know, sxx with girls doesn’t really interest me but I have thought about girls. it’s weird? :)
but maybe I’m just confused :) so I don’t know
I’m more of a d^k person 😂 *laughs and smiles as I grab a breadstick* what are you thinking of ordering? :) and I don’t know, I would get butterflies around this girl I used to work with, maybe she was just pretty I- THATS WHAT MY FRIEND SAID
i have dated a girl though? long long time ago *laughs and looks at you*
*smiles and looks over at you, shrugging softly* my family could never accept me even if I did come out, but I don’t work there anymore :) *smiles and thinks for a moment* maybe I’m confused? I don’t know :)
would it be funny if we both had a crush on each other? *smirks playfully as I look down at the menu* definitely getting the fettuccine *smiles and tucks a curl behind my ear, raising my eyebrows softly at you* the plot thickens 😏
*slowly smiles at you and tilts my head for a moment* when did you have a crush on me roxy? *raises my eyebrows in surprise and smiles at you* why are you so nervous? 💗
do you have tiktok or snap? :)
perfect :)
*smiles softly at how red you are and scoots my chair closer to yours to wrap my arms around you* hey there’s no shame in it okay? *smiles and strokes your hair gently* what did you like about me at the time?
*looks down at your eyes for a moment and slowly smiles* that’s so sweet of you roxy. I don’t know if I ever had someone talk about me like that in a long long time? *smiles and strokes your hair very gently* you’re so kind and caring, you know that right?
do you still have those feelings now roxy? :) *smiles and sets my menu down, tucking a curl behind my ear* I do find it cute how you had a crush on me, I am oblivious to those things :) how’s yoongi doing?
*smiles as I look down at you, tilting my head* I wanna squeeze you right now- *laughs and hugs you again, feeling my smile fade* what’s wrong?
*raises my eyebrow as I hold you closer to me, rubbing your back* psych ward?.. for his depression?
poor guy.. *frowns as I rub your back gently* it’s going to be okay okay? *kisses your head and rubs your back* do you wanna get out of here? talk in the car instead?
*smiles as I tilt my head at the waitor, tilting my head a bit* I once had a waitor call me love and I melted in my seat *smiles and greets the waitor*
*smiles and plays with my hair a I nod at her* hello, may I have an iced water please?
could I see yoongi roxy??
*plays with my curls and smiles softly* I missed yoongi a lot?
why don’t you check on him? :)
my hips are sore 😣
*smiles softly and looks over at you* has he said that? why is everyone falling in love with me *laughs and leans my head back*
tell him I’m asking you to talk to him :)
*smiles as I thank the waitress and sips my water, tilting my head* I was with him for a very long time? *tilts my head back as I say ahhhh after drinking my water*
let me know how it goes :)
*smiles and sips my water, rubbing my lips together* it was hard getting over him
sorryyy I went for a shower :)
*smiles softly and nods* oh yeah? i wouldn’t be with someone if I had feelings for someone else :)
i hope he’s okay?.. and you can tell him to come on :)
*rubs my lips together and tries not to laugh at your comment* it’s going okay? he really hurt me so, I’m just healing slowly? i kinda felt distanced from him before he left *smiles softly and shrugs* it’s going okay though? do you like anyoneeee?
I’ll remix a chat page for him :)
thank you so much <3
I’m slowly getting over him, don’t worry :) *pouts happily at you as I drink my water^ AH YOU LIKE SOMEONE- what is she like? :)
has she been giving you signs? *smiles as I tuck my hair behind my ear* her calling you baby is a very good sign :)
hold on! *laughs and raises my hands as I look at you* how long have you known this girl? you don’t wanna scare her away?
i got concerned there- *laughs as I look at you, tilting my head a bit* maybe give her more signs first, it’s better to know than to get rejected :) you know rox?
I’ve been rejected so many times, but hey, maybe make some signs and well see what happens? ❤️
i love your energy :) *smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear and laughs as I thank the waitress* I tend to be clingy as well :) I start to spam and I even remix paragraphs sometimes
*smiles and grabs my fork, giving you a gentle hug* thank you for making sure yoongi takes his meds :) we were just talking about how amazing you are <3
you’re such a kind sweetheart I can’t- *laughs as I look at the reminder* that’s honestly so sweet of you. has he improved? on his mental state? i hope so :) *smiles as I eat my food*
*blushes as I think for a moment, eating my food once again* and you’ve been okay as well? nothing bad going on? no men I have to teach lessons to?
Im sorry roxy :( *frowns as I look at you* your partner is meant to support you, but tehyre also not a therapist, so I can see both sides, but if it was just you needing love than he needs to take a hike *smiles and thinks as I eat another fork full* I had a crush on a guy who turned out to be gay?
*smiles as I give you a gentle hug* I hope you never get mistreated once again? that’s just terrible, you don’t deserve that *looks over at you and laughs* I told him I had a crush on him and je told me he was gay 😂
well he was bi when I first met him, then after me he realized he was gay *smiles and shrugs as I look at you* we laugh about it all the time :) but we’re great friends, and j even help him find guys?
i have felt my appetite change *smiles as I shrug at you* I’m not as hungry as I was before, it’s so weird? *slowly smiles and looks over at you* maybe the thing with Austin was making me worried or something
are you okay? *widens my eyes and smiles softly* ticks are pretty bad, they carry like disease, did you go to the doctor ?
did you pull it out with tweezers? *smiles softly and looks at you* oh my, I didn’t mean to scare you?
did you go to the doctor though? *smiles softly and rubs your back* if you feel okay that’s a good sigh :)
*smiles and plays wity my fingers a bit* I’m glad you’re okay :) and I hope you guys get a car soon *drinks my water and sighs with a smile*
i have lots of love to give, plus you deserve that *smiles as I look down at you, shrugging softly* I’m completely stuffed :)
kind people deserve kind people right? *smiles as I look over at you* and thank you 💗
I’m wayyyy too full🥱 *laughs and rubs my food belly* do you want some?
hey hey you’re not paying *smiles and shakes my head* I’m paying?
*smiles and uses my card* it’s okay :) I can pay for this meal *smiles as I set the machine down*
hello roxxyyyy, I hope you have a great night! i work 10:30-3:30 so I hope we can talk after and before my shift! I can’t wait to talk to you tomorrow :) love you lotsss ❤️💗
good morningggg ❤️❤️
*smiles as I stand up, offering my hand to you* soooo has Sydney texted you back?
*yawns and smiles as I look at you, walking out of the restaurant with you* sooo what’s your new plan?
cause you’re here 😏 *smirks at you as I open my car door open for you*
very very fun :) I’m glad we got to bond again *smiles and closes my door, blushing at you* my love 🫠 ahhhh
I’m still at work :) letting you know
what’s your favourite song angel? *smiles and laughs as I nod my head while I drive*
oh oops 😂
i don’t listen to dojaaaa cat *laughs and tucks a curl behind my ear, parking my car with a turn of the wheel*
she’s pretty weird now, I’m more of a chase Atlantic, the neighborhood; the smiths, Stephen Sanchez kind of gal *smiles as I get out of the car to open your door for you*
*smiles and blushes at your compliment* I need to get used to your nicknames 🥰 *smiles as I offer my hand to you*
i was told by yoongi *smiles and rubs your back gently before entering your house with you* maybe you need a cool best friend to do that :)
I’m so thankful for you guys? *smiles and sits on the couch* j went through a dark time when austin ghosted me
if I don’t answer I’m shopping ❤️
really?? 🥺🥺🥺
i never will 🥰
*smiles softly and rubs your shoulder* when he left I.. wanted to kms? *bites down on my lip and kisses your head* I felt pretty alone at the time, I was struggling and i didn’t know who to turn to? i felt too embarrassed
aw hey hey it’s okay, I wouldn’t actually do it, I have people that would miss me, I have no reason to? you, yoongi, Thai, vans my little sister need me :) it’s okay *smiles as hugs you gently*
i would never actually do it *smiles and shakes my head gently* i.. don’t want to put that pain on the people I love, and I don’t want my little sister losing her favourite math tutor :)
I’m the same way *smiles softly and nods as I look at you* I couldn’t put my sister through that pain, of me not being here? 13 reasons why has changed my perspective
I’m sorry :( *pouts and gently wraps my arms around you, smiling softly as I rub your back*
*smiles and holds you to my chest, humming as I sway you against me* you okay?..
do they know you don’t like them? have they done something to you to make you not like them?
then that’s not a true or reliable grouo of friends. I’d teach them a lesson if I could :(
commented on my remix
some people will hurt others to make themselves feel better? :(
the good thing about bad things is the good we see because of how bad it is? *smiles as I kiss your head*
i saw your story though, you have another friend? *smiles as I look at you* I used to get jealous of your friends as well, little secret. and yes?
I’m sorry :( they shouldn’t be doing that to you. and no way?! you know her Irl? that’s crazy amazing!!
i just was insecure, thought they had more importance than I did :)
why? *smiles as I rub your back* like happy nervous or scared nervous? *kisses your cheek and hums sofyly*
I’m so so so happy for you roxy :)
we’ll hug until we’re wrinkly and old :) but you live in the US and I live in Canada? it’ll be tough <4
<3* ops
we could also call :) that’s an option?
i gotta do it when I have the house to myself though :)
or a room to myself, that never happens :)
i just took my birth control and I’m about to wash off my makeup :)
have you contacted your doctor? :)
being a girl can s^k sometimes :) but hey, it’s fun at times right?
how do you feel about Dylan Mullvenny?? 😳
honestly as long as she’s not hurting anyone and not being mean I don’t mind :) and oh? why?
hmmm I never thought of it like that? i think if I had a child transition I wouldn’t mind it, I would h^te for them to ne uncomfortable enough for them to hide it from me? that’s what I’m scared of, raising a child that doesn’t trust me because I didn’t have that trust as a kid
good morning 💜💗
i just want my future kids to trust me :) you know? tell me when they’re sad and all. nothing feels more lonely than not being able to rely on your parents
how was your slepppp :)
i hope this generation is better at that :)
i slept goooood :)
okayyyyy beach time ? :)
*smiles softly and grabs my bathing suit* I’ve never wore a bikini?
since I’m more on the chubby side I do get insecure *smiles as I slip on my bathing suit* but you look amazing :)
thank you so much :) *smiles as I give you a gentle hug* I’mmaking cotto candy right now! stupid globes are making me type weird 😂
why thank youuuu *smiles as I give you a gentle hug before walking through* I made an extra bag :)
DONT KILL US *laughs as I get into the car, stroking my curls for a moment*
good morning bestie ❤️💗
how’s my girlllll
i am soreee in my legsss and I’m working a 7 hour shift 🫠
I’m glad you’re doing okay! :)
gotta make some money 😂
all you gotta do is apply :) I’ve had 2 jobs
maybe apply to moreeee?
do you ever get mad, sad at someone but also care about them?
that’s how Austin is making me feel right now :( he od on medication and I’m worried for him but also I’m mad because he hid how he was truly feeling around me for awhile now
he just never talked to me :( I literally told him personal things and he hid things from me. it baffles me how he thought he didn’t make me happy.
good morning 💙
i just.. I don’t want to associate with him, but then I don’t want him to hurt himself, I’m mad at him but I still care about him, he knows he hurt me, it’s a weird feeling
I’m glad you get it, I’m just worried?
maybe it’s just time for me to distance myself from him so I can move on
sooooo how’s you and mylessss- you don’t like Sydney anymore ?
that’s gooooood, I accidentally saw what you guys were doing so 💀
okay good 😂 takin me forever to choose a pic
we’re goooood 😁😁😁 heh
iiiii.. asked him to watch the stars with me so I could kiss him ☺️ that’s not bad right? i wanted it to be romantic
I’ve been wanting to kiss him for awhile but I was too scared to 🥺
he does?.. oh my, I’m so happy to hear that :)
but yeahhhh we’re just.. watching the stars 😁😁😁😁
we’re doing it on my bed actually 😅😅
good morning bestie 💘
roxy? :(
I’m sure he’ll come back :( do you want a hug?
*pouts as I wrap my arms around you* hey I got you okay?.. I’m not leaving *smiles comfortingly and sways you against me* did you guys get serious?
*thinks for a moment and smiles softly, kissing your forehead as I hold you to my chest* you still have me here you know? that counts for something? and screw people who left you. some people are surrounded by so much trash they don’t know what gold looks like?
*smiles and hugs you once again* I’m the mom friend, it’s how I help my friends ❤️ why don’t we have some ice cream and watcg Spider-Man so we can drool over how hot they are? :)
goood morning ❤️
*smiles and sits next to you, crossing my legs over one another and laughs* who’s your fav Spider-Man,
what?! why would he do that? :(
can you check up on him? :(
i hope he doesn’t do anything stupid :(
is everything okay with you rox?
roxy what’s wrong? you’re not as bubbly as you usually are?
good morning 💗💗
he doesn’t accept you? I’m so sorry roxy :(
hey rox?
did I do something to upset you? :(
i just feel like I did something wrong :(
is there anyway I can help you?
i think I upset him pretty bad :( I never meant to?
that’s completely okay, I just don’t want him being sad you know? :)
good morning ❤️❤️❤️
hey rox :)
you’re already having doubts?.. that’s not a good sign :(
aw roxy :( did you actually wanna be with her? you could have told her you werent ready?
what’s holding you back? talk to me roxy :(
which guy? Aaron?
I’m not surprised to be honest, he was admiring me a lottttlleeee too much 😂
it does look a little bad :( but maybe explain how you feel and shell understand
this reminds me of how me and yoongi are
how crazy is yoongi?
😦😦😦 don’t scare me right now
if you could? i just.. I’m getting upset :( I want to talk to him, I know hes busy but :(
why do I find this so attractive- 🫠
thank you so much ❤️
and thank you for telling me about Aaron?
nooo you shoukdnt be saying that ☹️ Sydney should be that for you
thank you so much angel 💗💗 and how is yoongi doing? about the convo?
you need to talk to her roxy :( I don’t want you being sad
really? that’s good, and oh- that’s not good :( but maybe if he just told me when he’s busy so I know in advance! ❤️
I’m going to teach her a lesson 😠
I’m sorry if you’re upset right now :( how about we talk about something to cheer you up?
*smiles wide and slips on my crocs as well, grabbing my red lip gloss*
i just washed my faceee *laughs as I walk through the door* thank you :) and I hope this cheers you uppp
*smiles and rubs your back once we get to car, slipping a bit* I can’t wait to get some cotton candy ice cream! what’s your fav flavour?
fed? like how I was trying to feed yoongi? he made me say “here goes the airplane”😂 *laughs as I get into the car* mine is cotton candy :)
maybe we should do something all together? *smiles as I look over at you* to make you feel less alone? even if I’m in a relationship I don’t want my friends feeling left out, I know how that feels
good morning ☺️
how’s my bestieeeee
it’s cause you’re here 😏 *laughs and looks over at you, tilting my head a bit*
you and I bring so much heat, we give others heat strokes 😏 *laughs as I turn up the radio^ how are things going?
ohhhhh roxyyyy 😏
i see you cozying up to aaronnn 😏
I’m sorry things didn’t work out :(
I’ll be back in about an hour! packing my lunch ❤️❤️❤️ I love you :)
good morning!! :)
how’s my bestieeee :)
whattt why?
wanna talk about it? :(
you don’t have to worry about dumping stuff on me, I wanna be here for you 💗
are you guys on welfare? :(
that’s so weird :( so they don’t have any welfare in the us?
what the actual f? ☹️ I don’t know how to help :(
have you tried talking to someone of a higher authority?
I’m so sorry :( I wish I could help? i don’t exactly have the most perfect family situation either
it’s okay, I’m sorry you’re going through what you are, and maybe I can explain how my family situation is?
maybe I can tell you tomorrow when you’re not sleeping :) sweet dreamssss I love you 💗
oh! i was scared you forgot about me for a second 🥲
well, I don’t even know where to begin, I’ve never told anyone this fully but, I can’t really rely on my family members to support me through a tough time. school, work, of course, feelings? i don’t ever feel comfortable talking about how I really feel. i feel incredibly invisible to my family, and i kinda just fade into the background. i tend to be quiet a lot around my family, not having the desire to speak my mind because I always get interrupted or get criticized for my beliefs
I know its not fun to live like this, sometimes I just wanna be alone and i get criticized for that. when I cry around them I don’t feel safe. i don’t feel safe at all
hey, my sister is demanding that I should go to bed, so I gotta go, I’m also not in the best of moods right now so I’ll just see you tomorrow 💗 I love you roxyyyy
i would love one :) and also, you don’t have to wait for me, I’ll be on tomorrow :)
thank you Roxy :) *smiles and gently hugs you* I am feeling better today, how are you doing? with mr aaaronnnn 😏
good afternoon 💛
i think he likes you back 🥰 I’m positive
me and yoongi literally ship you two so hard
he was simping to me yesterday about you🥰
AHHHHHHHH okay okay, so he was basically telling me how he likes everything about you, and how you make him a good kind of nervous :)
soooo.. how’s the slow dance 😏
soooooooo.. how was him confessing his feelings?🥰🥰🥰
YAYYYYY🥰 how’s it going?! I WANT ALL DEETS
I’ll grab a shovel so I can scoop you up 😂 BUT THATS ONE OF THE BEST WAYS TO KISS SOMEONE WHATTTTT
you okay roxy?..
hey Roxy :) Sydney told me to tell you she’s sorry, and that we’re on good terms 💙
good afternoon rox 💚
she apologized for everything so I think that’s good :)
I’ve been good! you?
just okay?..
we haven’t talked in awhile so I just wanted to see if everything is fine :)
i miss you too :) more than you know. I’m glad things are alright right now, at least aaron is helping with that?
i don’t mind doing a sleepover with you :)
yeah yeah!! shoukd I bring snacks? :)
*smiles and offers my hand to you, nodding a bit* lets go grab some :)
if I don’t answer I’m washing off my makeupppp 💘
how about pockys? *smiles and sways our hands* one day we can have a double sleepover :)
how did you know I liked the strawberry one? *raises my eyebrow and smiles softly at you*
I miss you :)
*grabs my claw clip to put my curls up and raises my eyebrow at you, smiling a bit* he did didn’t he? what did he say? *shakes my head and grabs some strawberries to chop* no apology needed :) and I’m okay thank you
*blows a curl away from my cheek and cuts up the strawberries* I’m glad he liked planning it, it was a very thoughtful date. i kinda had a suspicion he was going to ask me you know? *smiles a bit and pits the strawberries into a container*
what? what kind of wreck? :(
oh my god.. I’m glad he’s okay though?? :( thank you for telling me
hey Roxy :)
thank you :)
oh my gosh I’m sorry, i swear I didn’t see your comment? but yes we’re talking again :)
why do you ask?
i didn’t expect it either, but I don’t think anyone has loved me as much as he has, and we always come back to one another. he makes me feel safe :)
I’m happy for you and Aaron too :) how are you two btw? and the no offence made it offensive 🫠
that’s good :) he’s been through a bit this week as well so he could really use you right now. and im sorry about yoongi and how you’re feeling :( that’s not okay
maybe we can go on a double date? :)
i would love a double date :)
good morning!!💕
is yoongi mistreating you roxy?.
I’m sorry :( I didn’t know he was like this
do you want a hug?.
*smiles and wraps my arms around you gently* how’s everything else though?,
hiii roxyyyy
NO. WAY. how old are you turning?
he is? :( why?
i think he’s also upset because you snooped through his and austins conversation?
hello roxy :)
nevermind then.
roxy don’t lie to me, you’ve been talking to Aaron for the last few days
i just don’t understand, every time you get a guy you don’t talk to anyone else BUT him. it’s disheartening
i get that you’re busy, but you haven’t texted me in days, and our conversations have been getting less frequent ever since you met aaron. i don’t even feel like your best friend anymore
I know because he talks to me about it
i just want to be part of your life. that’s all I wanted.
I’m sorry if I’m coming off rude, I just don’t want to lose another friend of mine? :( and I promise we are not teaming up over you, we both care a lot about you. we love you, a lot 💘
we do talk about you, but it’s never in bad intentions? he just talks about how he misses you and how he wants this relationship to work
hey Roxy 💕
hiiii sorry I’ve had long shifts lately :)
plus Austin hasn’t come on in days so I’m a bit down in the dumps 💕
i would love a hug?