Collage by JustARandomPhan_Dilmas_Edition_


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cause vy?
Ja I know. but zat doesn't mean zey completely change
*sighs* ja I know...but I don't zink be should tell Germany
big bruders are very protective. zats by I don't vant to tell Germany
I don't know if I should tell him...I don't know how he vill react...he's goink to hate me if I tell him und he's goink to hate me if he finds out und I didn't tell him. but how is zis goink to change him...
Italy vat do I do?
ok...I guess I vill tell him
I'm goink to tell him
Ja I know...but he needs to know.
vill jou back me up?
zen don't back me up.
zere needs to be vun person he can trust
because I'm goink to tell him zat person is jou
he vas but he left. he'll probably be on soon
just act like jou didn't know before. jou just guessed because jou looked similar. jou never knew it vas true. I'll defend jou. it's my job as his bruder to tell him. even if zat means him hating me
he's here...
I feel old UGH IM GOING TO FLIP A TABLE..I look young but I feel ғᴀᴄᴋɪɴɢ OLD AF!
I do feel old..Im growing up to fast DX
I'm going to cry wahhh I'm oldddd