WARNING: You may fall in love with my face. Totally worth it 💋


WARNING: You may fall in love with my face. Totally worth it 💋

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you look pretty
thanks 🤣💄
how old are you
I am 8
I am older than you
aren't you too young to be wearing makeup 💄
what age are you and I and not to young to wear make up
NO I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
um 😐 I think u can have social media and all sorta but makeup...No I'm 10 and not aloud to wear makeup.
what I'm always aloud to where makeup I have more than my mum
why? Your beautiful the way u are. You don't need makeup to be pretty.
you ugly
jk you are really cute
You're very cute but I still think you're way too young to use make up I don't think you really need make up 😉
I need make up
you "need it" really? well I'm 12 and I don't "need" makeup.....just thinking, you really need it? Why?