Round 3!


Round 3!

20 8
could you plz post the backgrounds big in remixes
ok never mind I tried with this one☝️but really it doesn't help. when remixing the collage just throw away the other words and such but keep the picture. they're all individual and can be moved around so no need for cropping! hope this helps!
I cannot remix or collect the fairies pic!
ok then sry! but u can always just search it up! type in "girl with fairy wings" and scroll a little and you'll find it! then of course u can use it now! hope this helps!
go follow Bellahockey1437
How many rounds are there gonna be? like will one team be eliminated every round?
tbh I have no idea. I'm kinda just going w/ the flow yah know? team unicorns just got eliminated for various reasons, but I didn't plan on eliminating a whole team but whateves. I'll be eliminating around 1 to 2 people each round give or take so yeah. really I'm hoping it comes down to one final person from each team to battle it out to see who the final winner is of the whole games! so in other words it might take a while. πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ˜†
wow. I actually like that idea of one person a team.
team fairies is safe from elimination! now it's up to team pegasus and mermaids! who will have more team mates enter? who will face elimination?
Cant wait to see who wins!!!