I am a victim of nomonua ( sorry I spelled it wrong) well like I am I will fight this like I fight bullies strongly (most of the time)


I am a victim of nomonua ( sorry I spelled it wrong) well like I am I will fight this like I fight bullies strongly (most of the time)

22 0
ya go Rosie ur stronger than the bully did u tell ur mom ?
awwww thx I will
no I didn't tell my mom
tell someone! they could get in serious trouble, but they won't stop if u don't tell someone. I know that we teens think that we can handle things on our own, and sometimes we can, but this is a serious and u really need to tell your mom/dad/caregiver/guardian
(that was about the hater stuff btw)😉
Rosie I want you to know that I am so sorry anyone bullied you, that hate page is so stupid. you don't deserve any of this. I hope you know all of us love you and I reported that hate page
ok thank you
it is a bad sickness from the cold and the only good part is staying home