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Bravestar watches Lilypaw play with a butterfly
IvyHope is sitting and looking at the sky
Bravestar limps to a bush when suddenly a dark, striped cat with long tiger-like claws jumps out. "He's come back to life!!" Bravestar yowls " TIGERCLAW!!!"
IvyHope whips around to see him
I fall with my leg torn to pieces and Lilypaw walks to you.
"isn't that tigerclaw........"
"Tigerclaw" whips around. " My name is Tiger." " I'm a rouge and this territory is mine."
"no it's not. this is our camps borders" growls
Tiger claws Lilypaw
IvyHope slashes his side
Tiger stops and looks a a spark of fire rolling on the ground
hisses at him
Bravestar eyes widespread "F-ff-ire!"
"fire!!!! fire everyone!!!"
Tiger looks at the flame grow larger and it heads to him and away from all JadeClan territory
IvyHope walks backwards away from th flame
Tiger is overthrown by the fire and is "eaten" by it
" Help me! please bring me to your camp! I'll join!"
IvyHope sighs and jumps in the fire and drags him out
Tiger gets up and bows to you.
IvyHope smiles "come with us to camp. then they'll decide"
Bravestar leaps to the highrock. " all cats gather for a welcoming of a new warrior."
IvyHope sits down
" This rouge named as Tiger has asked to join after his wicked actions. we have taken him in now, I place his name as Tigerpelt."
IvyHope cheers
" Tigerpelt trots down and brushed against Ivyhope.
IvyHope smiles
the fire dies
IvyHope stands up
Tigerpelt hisses as Bravestar walks to him
"calm down"
He looks at Ivyhope. *nods* Bravestar walks past to her den and lickes her pink, scarred leg
"she is our leader"
*hisses* " I know mousebrain"
"then be nice " walks away
*sits* " She's so beautiful."
*walks to the fresh kill pile*
*walks to a bush* " freakin bush, where do I rest?!"
*smiles at him and gets a squirrel*
*claws bush* " No one likes bushes
*starts eating*
*looks at you in awe
*sees him looking at her*
*smiles and blushes and resumes eatinf*
walks to sunlight patch
IvyHope finishes and stands up
Tigerpelt licks his fur
IvyHope walks towards then den
IvyHope lays down
*rests His head on you*
*purrs and falls asleep*
Oneear claws your tail in annoyance
*wakes up , hisses, resettles herself so her tail is tucked in, and sleeps*
claws Oneear. *snuggles up against you and washes your tail*
*Bravestar walks in* " Wake up Ivyhope, Froststorm wants to see you."
*wakes up and yawns and gets up*
*Froststorm comes in* " Ivyhope, you need to drive Tigerpelt out."
what? why? he is a warrior of our clan now
" He has rouge blood, he is a descendent of Tigerstar."
so what? just because his descendant did something doesn't mean he did anything wrong!
" Do what I say kit!"
" Or I'll kill him."
*growls* fine. I'll tell him tomorrow. *stalks back to the den and settles down*
" I mean now!"
Now?! fine
*sighs and pulls TigerPelt out of the den
*Tigerpelt rolls over*
" Ivyhope what?"
I need to tell you something. out here
" Yes? anything."
you need to leave. now. your ancestor TigerClaw kîłled many warrior
and now they think you will. you need to leave now or they will kîlł you... *looks down*
" B-but. I- I can't live you."
*crys and claws himself*
"clawing yourself won't help anything. and if you die I would never forgive myself. "
* nuzzles you* " Goodbye Ivyhope."
* a banger comes and bites Tigerpelt as he struggles at the edge of life* " Bye.." *closes eyes and doesn't move*
nooooooo!!!!!!!! *sobs *
*she kills the badger*
* Tigerpelt blinks* " StarClan awaits me Ivyhope, please take care of our kits?" *looks at your swollen belly*
*sobs* ok.....
" Please don't cry." *breathes heavily*
"I can't not cry!!" *sobs*
*wipes your face* " D-don't." *dead*
*stops crying* "goodbye..." *half sob*
A moon later after you go through labor and have your kits. " What's their names?" Tigerpelt's spirit asked.
"I named them Clawkit, he's a boy, Lilykit, a girl, and Lionkit, another boy
Tigerpelt spirit sighs. " Their beautiful, I wish they could see me, but you're the only one who can." *half smiles*
*smiles at him and licks the kits fur down as the purr*
"I will tell them all about you"
*smiles* Lilykit tumbles on Froststorm. " Get the dung off of me!"
"calm down firestorm. they're only kits" *picks them up* "now Lilykit, how about you play with Clawkit and Lionkit?"
" Fine Ivy." *walks off*
Tigerpelt appears again. " That's the one who made me leave and die."
Clawkit is the only kit that can see me
"yes... " *smiles looking at their kits*
Clawkit nuzzles me
Bravestar walks in and I disappear
hello Bravestar
" What's this?" Looks at the kits. " Who's the father? Oneear?"
"no. TigerPelt before he.... left"
* hisses* " I don't want to Clawkit again, too much like his father. Drive him out."
*hisses back* if he leaves we all leave. we can figure something out
" I don't want him turning like his father." " Tigerpelt was a killer."
he didn't kill anyone. TigerClaw did.
" True. " *hisses* *leaves*
Tigerpelt apparently appears
*sighs and sits*
" Why does everyone hate me?" *sobs next to Clawkit* If I never existed he would be happy and not judged.
*looks at clawkit* "if you never existed, he never would exist"
*clawkit comes over* clawkit- mother? why don't they like me? ivy- it doesn't matter. lion kit, and lily kit, and I all love you very much
* I watch* thoughts- I can't be with them alive because of me. I'm useless
clawkit- what bout father? ivy- he isn't here now but I know he loves you very much
* Tigerpelt sobs and disappears*
* Foxwisp walks in*
" There cute, babe."
hello. and do not call me that
* growls in amusement * " You're mine though aren't you Pie?" * rubs tail around your neck and licks your cheek.
*sighs* I have to go *walks to the border* TigerPelt?
* Tigerclaw appears* " He will not return from StarClan, unless he kills his son." *disappears*
TigerPelt.... I need to ask you something
* Tigerpelt comes for the last time* " Yes Ivyhope?" " This is out last time together."
*takes a deep breath* I am a queen now. I need a mate who is alive. would you allow me? *looks up pleadingly *
" Do not ask me ask your heart. But please tell the kits of their father."
"I will" *smiles* "I will always love you TigerPelt
* nods * " I may never return but I will always remember." *disappears*
*sighs and walks back to the nursery *
Foxwisp is fighting Froststorm
*groans* what is wrong you two?
" Calm down Ivykiy, were just playing!" ( Froststorm )
*snorts* mmmhmmmm *lilykit comes over* lily-*mews*
Foxwisp cuddles Likykit. Clawkit does not like Foxwisp and believes his father spirit will come back. claw- sobs in the primrose bush
IvyHope walks over to clawkit "what is wrong dear one?"
" Everyone forgot about Papa."
"I will never forget him. and I hope you shall not either" *licks his ear* "he was very brave, your papa "
" But- Foxwisp is the new one, I saw you ask Tigerpelt."
"you can see your father?"
" Yes, I'm the only one."
"I can see him as well. and I have not decided who is my mate yet dear one. I will always love your father ClawKit. "
* crushed * " But my siblings will never know." (Clawkit) * runs away * ( Can I be every other cat and Clawkit and you can be the rest?)
(sure. I would like to be LilyKit though) *sighs and follows him* (IvyHope)
( yay, I don't know who wants. to be lionkit. you can be Lilykit np.) * run faster * " It's all your fault mom! Now Tigerpelt will never return!" * runs really fast and you can't catch him*
*sighs and stops* "I don't think he'll ever understand...."
Lionkit is biting Lilykit.
Lionkit - " Ha! Your blood pours out so fast!@
lilykit hisses and swipes at him, playing.
* tears a hole in your ear * " You're a waste little sister!@
"owww!! mother!!!!" (lilykit) *comes over and starts licking her ear* (IvyHope)
" Mom! You ruined my fun!"
"no she didn't!" *tackles him and starts walking him* (lilykit)
* claws your face *
( Clawkit ) " Stop Lionkit! You'll get us all in trouble furball!"
" All cats old enough to catch a cardinal gather beneath the highrock!" (Bravestar)
*walks over to the rock* (IvyHope)
" Lilyspirit our newest warrior has granted her kit name of Lily. Ivyhopes kit Lilykit will have to be renamed. Ivyhope, what do you wish her new name?"
" Now, StarClan, this kit has been renamed to Mistykit to honor our new warrior and clear the sky's of confusion between our cats." "Dismissed."
"yay! I'm now mistykit!" *dances around* (mistykit)
(Clawkit) *brushes around her* " Congrats sister."
*brushes against him* "thank you brother" (mistykit)
* purrs * " Papa would be proud."
"he would" *comes over* "IvyHope"
(IvyHope is what I meant )
ik) * shakes * " Hi Mama." * eats droop * (Clawkit)
"hi MistyKit. hello ClawKit" (IvyHope)
* Froststorm pads up to Ivyhope * "I'm sorry for making you drive out Tigerpelt. I wasn't myself. Please accept my apology, Ivyhope."
Froststorm didn't tell the whole story about how she felt that some spiritual influence was whispering in her ear, telling her Tigerpelt was evil.
"I appreciate it. I accept your apology" (IvyHope)
( Clawkit ) " I don't!"
"it's ok ClawKit. I'm sure she had a reason "
" I doubt it."
"do you?"
" All cats gather beneath the highrock for a Clan meeting!" ( Bravestar )
*walks over*
" Clawkit and Lionkit are apprentices now."
" Their mentor will be Clawpaw, me, and Lionpaw, Froststorm
"yay! " (mistykit)
" Mistykit has taken on a new name so she will wait another two moons to become apprentices."
*shrugs* "that's fine with me" (mistykit)
" Yay! "
"yay!" *licks them* (mistykit)
" Hey, get off of me kit, I'm grown!" (Lionkit) *rudely says it*
"not yet you're not!" (mistykit)
" Go die Mistykit." ( Lionpaw )
"mooooommmm!" *cries and walks to her * (mistykit)
* Lionpaw sits *
* Foxwisp bounds to Mistykit * " What's wrong Mistykit?" * cuddles her*
*sighs* "lionpaw apologize " (IvyHope)
"he told me to die!!" (mistykit)
" Nope." ( Lionpaw ) " I'm out of the nursery, I can do whatever I want." " I can be Liontail, the coolest warrior in the Warriors world!"
"apologize. I don't care if you are an apprentice, you are still my son"
" I'm not anyone son! Mu father is dead and my mother hates me!" *crys*
*softens* "I don't hate you lionpaw. I love you very much. your sister was very upset about what you said though " *licks his ear*
" I have no sister. I have no family, I'm leaving JadeClan."
( Lionpaw )
"what? no! you are an apprentice now. you can fight!" (IvyHope)
" I'm better off here but, but, *drops to ground* " I have no family."
"clawkit mistykit and I love you. and your father is watching out for you. we are your family" (ivy)
" Listen to what I say. I have no family." * walks off *
*sighs and sits down*
* Clawkit snuggles up against you * " Can I listen to a Tigerpelt story?"
Froststorm pads up to Lionpaw. "Wanna go see the border?"
"OH MY STARCLAN, YES!" Lionpaw yowled.
"Oneear? Are you busy?" Froststorm calls
"of course you can dear. did I tell you about the one where (insert TigerPelt story here)"
*sits down next to ClawPaw* (mistykit)
*goes away to Katrinapaw and licks her*
*sits beside mistykit* (IvyHope)
" A rouge is in camp!" ( Lilyspirit )
*stands up walking over to lilyspirit* "where?!"
" There!" Points to a thin, fluffy black she-cat with golden eyes. " I come in peace, My name is Dapple, I have come to join my freindo Clawpaw."
*sighs in relief and walks over to her* "hello Dapple. I am IvyHope, ClawPaws mother. we welcome you"
" Mom, I know you're mad, I've been going to the TwoLeg place and getting kibbles and water from a TwoLeg with Dapple."
"I don't mind asking as you are safe. but I would like you to stay here from now on unless you tell me. "
" Yes mama."
" All cats gather for a Clan meeting!"
( Bravestar )
*walks over and sits down* (mistykit)
*ivyhope sits beside mistykit*
" Dapple is now a new warrior of JadeClan, her name is Dapplefur."
*cheers* "Dapplfur! dapplefur!" (both)
" Also Clawpaw and Lionpaw are ready to become warriors and they will be Clawheart and Liontail."
*cheers* Liontail! Clawheart!" (both)
*yawns and as it grows darker- she goes to the nursery with misty kit* (IvyHope)