Collage by RainDropz


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wanna rp?
dear -IceFox- ( this is gonna be loooooong but stay with me ) the uk (England, Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland) were part of the EU. The EU was formed after WWII as a union of European countries, making trade and migration between countries easier and cheaper, and also preventing dispute. Because the uk is pretty affluent, it means that every year many MANY migrants come from Eastern Europe. These people are allowed to come here for free, get jobs and eventually apply for a citizenship. people in the uk got a bit touchy abut this, and in the end we decided to hold a vote to see if we wanted to stay in the EU. and guess what? we decided to LEAVE *facepalm*. because of rise in trade prices, the value of our currency (how much you can buy with it, essentially) has plummeted lower than it has for 30 YEARS. smaller gaps filled by migrants in the workforce will now be open, but no one wants these jobs, so eventually there will be less builders, baristas, cleaners etc. the fact that we voted out is also terrifying in that it shows how racist some of us can be. considering that I'm mostly French, Chinese and have just a bit of English in me..... that's bad, like, real bad. the future is uncertain.
I do not! *blushes slightly* -what will your name be-