i just realized if piccon became a thing mitch and i would both have to go oh


i just realized if piccon became a thing mitch and i would both have to go oh

93 0
"Kids aren't supposed to be grateful! They're supposed to eat your food, break your heart."
tbh I hope piccon doesn't become a thing because there's a lot of people on here that are twâtś that I wouldn't want to meet, necessarily.
^ true im pretty sure id get in a fight with someone specific if that happened -K
piccon seems like a cool idea, but I feel like it would go wrong somehow
well my sister is always doing stupid dangerous things and my mum always gets really scared so she shouts at her and then my sister cries...(my sister is 4 btw) so does that make my mum a bad parent?
^ the fact you took time to write that