Man I never run never snitch I'm a grown man dog I ain't no bîtčh! A warrior!


Man I never run never snitch I'm a grown man dog I ain't no bîtčh! A warrior!

13 2
remixed somethin on our chat
what do u mean?
Nvm. It won't let me chat on my page for some weird reason.
ohh okay lol just chat here den
It's so cold here. I need your arms and beautiful face😚❤️😍😘💝🙏🏻
same here baby❤️ it's been -34 here
Aw no. Rn it's 3. I'd do anything to kiss you on the cheek😚😚😚
anything😜 Lol just kidding
That person that walks into your life and they suddenly mean the world to you. Baby that's you😚❤️
Come baby I love u you soooo much more than an emoji. Did you reset your iPod?
no I didn't, its probably getting reset in like a mouth or two plus I'll post when I am resetting it
Oh ok. Trying hard to persuade my mom for a phone😂
lol 😂 my dad is saving money for my phone idk when I'm getting it thou so
Well I lost my iPod at school. But my Mom thinks I'm responsible enough. Have you told your parents about me?
no I haven't
Ok phew. I haven't told my mom. She'd slap me so hard😂 And probably take my iPad away forever
same here lol
kinda lol hbu
I'm not
I've been up since 5:30am this morning
Aw I've been up since 6:30 am.
lucky lol
I commented on ur remix look at it
Well your in 9th grade and I'm in 7th
nvm u did lol
I got an idea. Remix me a selfie
okay lol hold on
I'm getting tired💤 I'm gonna go to bed now, I love ya and I'll text u tmrw maybe okay
Ok baby love ya! have a good sleep❤️😚😍⭐️💘💝💖