Anyone want a free icon


Anyone want a free icon

8 3
remix your picture here
Marci can you tell me how to make an icon like that
me plz
Gabe I already made you one
yea but I want to make one myself
oh ok
can I show you in Monday
can you just tell me now
sure why not
go ahead
collect this stuff
tap on the post
then tap the things under the post all of them
ok got it
then just try to make an icon with those stuff then I'll see what's wrong or right
I meant k
Gabe did you make one yet
I made a shout out to
but I love ti I do not care if people don't like I love it and thx for the two new icon
np and thx
ur welcome
lol 😂
ur welcome
gabe is getting mad at me for liking his stuff
hey do you know what happened to hunter/Eddie