Rp for Me and Edd!


Rp for Me and Edd!

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I am here
kewl I gtg be back in an hour
my friend is visiting so I gtg hang with her I'm sorry
Kay I'm back
yay ok
wanna rp now?
*sitting on her couch in her living room looking at Instagram while drinking a latte*
Tord: achoo!
*gets startled and almost drops her latte* erp?!
Tord: *sneezing really cutely* achoo!
Tord: geez
Tord: huh?
Tord: achoo!
*sets coffee down* how did you get into my house exactly?!
Tord: *points at tom*
*looks at Tom and raises an eyebrow* Tom How did you get in my house?
tom: *shows crowbar*
*looks over at the window* are you kidding me I just got that window fixed?!
me/Edd: *faceplams*. Tord: Classic stupid tom. tom: rude
Tord you don't need to be rude but Tom that was pretty stupid
tom: *growls* SUNSHINE LOLLIPOPS. Tord: you did not dare call me that! *takles him*
Stop fighting you're gonna knock something over! *bolts to catch a Vase that they knocked over*
*they growl at each other* Tord:...
Edd make sure nothing breaks if something does Tom and Tord are paying for it. *walks into her room*
me/Edd: ok
Matt: uhh