guess what?? 
Your girl just got a bf! Well last night but I was too tired to post last night. He's literally an irl Yoosung, but with brown hair. He. Is. A. Puppy. Dog. Is2g halp bc we're meant to be going to the cinema next week and oml I'm so bu


//tap? guess what?? Your girl just got a bf! Well last night but I was too tired to post last night. He's literally an irl Yoosung, but with brown hair. He. Is. A. Puppy. Dog. Is2g halp bc we're meant to be going to the cinema next week and oml I'm so bu

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my mom literally loves BTS I am so proud of her ngl. she loves butterfly so much it's insane
why aren't you supposed to listen to it?
that doesn't make too much sense dâmn. so you're just,, not allowed to do what you want?