Collage by MoonstarShine


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lol 😂 that was a p good reaction my mum just said ugh I thought u we’re gonna give me a nice hug for once but u have to go be weird
and yh I’m homeschooled lol
oop sorry didn’t see this was ur chat page
I’m just gonna go
me: shall we discuss the matters at hand?
I: no
myself: yes
me: why can’t we all just agree
I: because we h@te each other
me: you’re not wrong
myself: you know us so well
I: I am you
me: ooh. deep
me: been awhile
I: sure has
myself: finally, we all agree
me: don’t get used to it
I: can we talk about how rude those kids were
myself: sure can! they $uck
me: teasing us about Brennen is not okay
I: he kinda $ucks too
me: you said nothing. they’re not in this conversation
myself: you know,what I mean
I: I said nothing as well
me: liar
myself: you said Brennen $ucked
me: sacrilege
I: in my defense, it’s true
me: but we don’t say it, he’s too cute and nice to us. the only cute boy who’s nice to us
I: Layton
myself: look what you’ve done. you know what he does t me
myself: *to
I: I had to say it. me had forgotten
myself: or didn’t want to mention it
I: okay, okay. I’m sorry
me: humph
myself: but we like him, don’t we
I: does it matter?
myself: no, he’ll never like us. we’re just friends. barely even that
me: he doesn’t even say we’re like a SISTER to him anymore. now ELLI’S his sister and we’re his MOTHER
I: I know, I know
me: I h@te myself
myself: wait, I does?
myself: what’s wrong with me?
me: nothing’s wrong with me!
I: I don’t h@te any of us... but myself
myself: why me?!
I: no, not you, me!
me: what?!
you: just stop it
me: ACKKKKK who invited YOU
I: not me
me: will obviously
myself: *rolls eyes*
me: *well