#jells/liers/copy cats:)


#jells/liers/copy cats:)

81 0
this isn't Zoe lol
r u solely
This isn't Zoella
You aren't Zoella... lol
Don't fake that's low
ur so not zoella
and plus if you were the real zoella she wouldn't say rude stuff to her fans like how they pretend to be her
yeah I agree with paris_jade03
u r not zoella. u lied. it's actually illegal. it's identity theft.
You're not Zoella, she would never hate on her fans. Don't pretend to be something you're not.
and if you really were her, you would have way more followers and would be approved with a check by your user name that you're real just like the other celebrities on pic collage
^ They are correct.
um fake
Zoe wouldn't say that
your not zoella
Srry to be a hater but if u were zoella u would have the blue circle with a white checkmark
Wow, lame. Stoping posting stupid lies on the Internet. So not cool, we all know Zoella doesn't act like this. Please make a new account where you are yourself.