Collage by FanGirlingPics


3 17
(hi I'm here)
*giggles* pretty good u?
J-*does above(well above on the other one) but WAY FRÎCKIN HARDER*
f: *above^*
J-*smiles above^^*
*hugs him as their whole body's touch and she smiles*
F: *smiles and pulls away the slightest bit*
J-*smiles up at her and whispers* I told u
what is?
F: *whispers- still pressed into him* I can tell
*pushes herself into him and smiles and runs her finger lovingly across his bare chest*
J-I'm always open to u baby girl and only u
what?? *still pushed into him dragging her fingers lovingly across his bare chest*
(message to myself-DON'T SCREAM)
F: yay *begins to get off him*
d; you
J-*sits up and puts her in his arms and cradles her*
F: *smiles*
*smiles still pressed into him a runs her fingers lovingly across his bare chest sorta tickling him but not very much*
J-*rocks her in his arms* hi baby *kisses her nose* hi
D: *softly chuckles*
*smiles above^^*
F: hi babe. hi
J-*chuckles and kisses the top of her nose rocking her* tonight I'm gonna rock u to sleep
F: yay *smiles up at him^
*above^^takes a deep breath* I'll go back in
D: yayyy
D: ok. let me help
J-u like that idea?? *rocks her in his arms*
F: what idea? *innocently looks up at him*
*holds onto him* just please tell me if ur gonna throw me
d: I will. I'm going to jump. ok?
J-rocking u to sleep *smiles at her and rocks her in his arms lovingly*
*gets a tighter grip* okie I'm ready
F: fudge yeah
D: *jumps in with her*
J-*smiles* YAYYYYY can I have that fudge now?? *laughs and rocks her*
F: noooo *laughs and smiles*
*holds on for dear life*
d: *comes back up with her and sets her in the shallow end*
J-aww man *smiles and rocks her* so do u just wanna do whatever when we get there or plan things out?
F: hmmm *sits beside him*
hey I wanna stay with u I'll be ok if u just don't throw me I'm not like 3 feet tall
J-*holds her* my mom likes to be organized that's why I'm asking
D: I know *sits beside her*
I'm like 5'7
maybe taller
f: ah. I don't know
J-bc if u wanna plan we can do that rn
f: no- let's just go and have fun
*slowly stumbles around but the water helps her*
J-okie any dinner plans?
d: yayyyy
(AHHHHHH <<<me screaming)
f: let's look *gets her laptop and sits next to him*
what? *stumbles around practicing*
(AHHHHHHH<< me screaming)
J-*pulls her close to him* wanna sit on my lap?
f: mhmm *sits on him*
(😂😂why u screaming??)
J-*holds her on his lap*
(thanks I guess 😂😂 I'm like freaking out 😖😖)
(I literally got so scared I threw my blanket over my head I've got a really good reason to be scared)
(there goes the lighting)
(my flagpole got hit by lightning in June I will never forget the sound and all the electronics plugged in are no longer useable good thing my stuff wasn't and yeah we had a big mess outside)
(oh wow)
(yeah I spent the whole day with my so called "friend"....that's a long story)
(what happened?)
what?? *stumbles around the pool*
d: you're doin it!
(wait the lighting thing or being "friends"??)
I'm stumbling and walking in a pool
(which one first??)
D: well you're walking!!!!!
ummm stumbling I'm tripping over my feet
d: Still!!!!
(well it happened at like 2am and our air conditioning went out so we had to get that fixed our rain gutter by the pole blew out umm we had to get a bunch of new electronics bc the lighting blew them out umm our satellite blew out and the tv company wouldn't come out and fix it so we got a new tv company to go threw I think that's it)
*smiles* hold out ur arms and get in here I wanna see if I can walk to u
(yeah u could hear the BOOM like a mile away!! oh yeah that made the house around us loose power)
(I almost screamed again)
d: *holds out his arms and gets in*
(thanks 😂😂 are u screaming irl?? and u said earlier "we are screaming for u" who's the we??)
(I am right now and Amber and I were the we//Elsie)
*takes a deep breath and slowly takes her fist few steps shaky*
(ohh so u were screaming irl??)
D: *watchss her*
*takes another breath sorta stumbles but keeps going slowly and shaking*
(do u have messages??)
(green with a white speech bubble)
*keeps going slowly shaking along the way*
d: *watches)
(could I give u my email??)
*slowly keeps going almost to him sorta stumbles*
D: you have this
*looks up to make sure his arms are open*
d: *arms are wide*
*keeps repeating his words in her head as she slowly makes her way over*
(got it)
(I'll log on tomorrow bc I just uploaded my iPad so I gotta log in but I forgot the pass and my dad knows it)
d: you got this
(just say- HAIIII 💜)
(ok. email or text?)
*takes another deep breath and repeats his words*
D: you got this you got this you got this
*finally falls into his arms*
(AHHHHH << me)
d: I'm so proud babe
(I literally grabbed my hair and pulled it owww*
*relaxes into his arms half smiling*
d: see? you could do it. I knew it *kisses her*
*thinks in her head: I really did it....smiles in his arms*
(I've got short hair which hurts bad)
*kisses him*
(oooo yeah 😬)
thanks for believing in my babe....but this is only water
d: *kisses her*
d: it's a huge step though. no pun intended
*kisses him putting an arm around his head and the other around his body*
D: *pulls away* I love you
(okie now I'm about to scream but I don't wanna bc I'd wake up everyone)
I love u to *her arms still around him* guess what?? I'm almost all better
*gives him the hint*
*hugs him with her arms still in the same spot*
D: oooooohhhhhh tomorrow I promise
*smiles* u really think I'm ready for u know what?
D: yes
(oh man my computer just rebooted and it makes a noise and I jumped)
best late birthday present ever
(wow the water sounds like the ocean)
(record it!!)
D: yayyayayaya
(my mom and younger sister are awake bc the storm)
(haha u can't really hear it but I'll try)
(ooooo yeah )
*hugs him* u really do think I'm ready?
d: yes
d: *smiles*
u better be shirtless or else!
d: ok
f: So what do you think?
D: yay
u got anything that I'm required to wear?? or not wear?
d: nope! wear what you want
are u sure?
d: ya
I can wear whatever
d: yup
hmmm then I know exactly
*still clutching him*
D: yayyyy
YAAAYYY can u walk around?? *still in his arms*
(I gotta go on the bus EMAIL UUUU)
D: mhmm *walks around*
(I'm here)
*moves herself in his arms so he holding her in a cradle poisson*
D: *rocks her gently*
*smiles and strokes her fingers lovingly across his bare chest*
D: want to go in?
hmmm I'd rather stay in ur arms *smiles still stroking his chest lovingly with her fingers*
D: ok
unless u don't want me here *looks down*
d: of course I do
are u sure?? usually you'd smile if I said that
d/ yes *grins*
*sorta smiles and strokes her fingers lovingly across his chest*
d: *smiles at her* I love you
d. *kisses her*
*face lights up with happiness* I love you to *kisses him back*
D: *smiles into the kiss*
*kisses him one hand pressed into his chest the other on him face*
D: *kisses her- one hand running through her hair*
*blushes and smiles hands still in same place kissing harder*
(be back later)
(look at what she said^^)
d : *kissing*
*pushes her hand gently onto his chest and the other still on his face and she starts kissing harder and smiles*
D: *kisses harder and smiles*
*above but 100% HARDER and she moves her hand around his face*
d: *smiles and kisses HARD*
*smiles wide and kisses WAYYYYY HARD above^^^ and rubs his chest with her hand*
D: *holds her close and kisses WAYYY harder*
*rubs his chest and kisses WAYYYY WAYYYY WAYYY HARDER and rubs his face smiling*
D: *tangles his fingers in her hair*
*smiles and continues to rub his chest and chest continues to kiss hike VERY VERY VERYYYYY HARD*
*smiles still rubbing his chest and face kissing VERY VERYYYYY VERYYYYYY VERYYYYYYY HARD*
d: *pulls away for breath*
*smiles still rubbing his chest and face*
d: *grins*
*smiles wide full happiness still rubbing his face and chest*
d: *face is full of happiness *
*smiles still rubbing his face and chest*
(are his fingers still tangled in her hair??)
d: I love you
*still rubbing his face and chest* I love u to
(hey I'll get u that pic tomorrow)
d: good *untangles his fingers*
(thanks ❤️)
why u think I wouldn't say that?? *still rubbing his face and chest* is this uncomfortable for u?
(yup np 💜)
D: no. it's amazing
*smiles still rubbing his face and chest* good bc I like doing this
I guess u couldn't wait till tomorrow huh?? *smiles still rubbing*
D: I couldn't *smiles down*
*smiles still rubbing* but we still can tomorrow right?
d: of course
d: yes *grins*
*traces his face with her finger lovingly/gently still rubbing his chest*
darn I can't leave lipstick stains on u then.....hey you'll get to see me with no makeup tho
d: yay!
what's so good above that mister?
D: I love your natural look
*burst out laughing* you've got to be kidding me
d: nope *smiles*
f: *stands and walks to the kitchen*
*still cradled in his arms rubbing his chest and tracing his face lovingly/gently*
J-*closes the laptop*
d: it's true
f: *gets a snack*
*smiles still cradled in his arms and snuggles him*
J-u got any bbq chips?
D: *holds her*
f: ya. want any?
J-ah yeah
*snuggles him barely touching the water*
f; ok! *comes back with chipsI
d: *holds her above the water*
*smiles still snuggles him*
*closes her eyes and falls asleep well half asleep*
f; miiiiine *sits in the beanbag across from him and eats*
d: *rocks her gently*
J-awww *gives her the puppy dog eyes*
*snuggles him in sleeps holding onto him*
d: *gently rocks her*
J-yessss *gives her the puppy dog eyes*
nuuuuu *eats*
*snuggles him still alseep*
*sheilds her eyes*
d: *holds her*
J-YESSS *gives her the eyes*
Ahhhh *closes her eyes*
*dreams the most wonderful dream ever and snuggles him tighter*
J-gimme the chippssss!! *gives her the eyes*
*eyes closed*
d: *smiles*
J-GIMME THEMMMMM *does the eyes* I'm never going to give up!
*snuggles and dreams*
d: *snuggles*
*smiles as she snuggles and dreams*
d: *smiles*
well me an my food are a packed deal *eats*
*wakes up and see him smiling and she continues to snuggle him* hi
d: *quietly* hey
J-hmmm *grabs her and kisses the life outa her like the worlds gonna spend pulling her really close*
F: *giggles and kisses him HARD*
*smiles still snuggling* sorry I couldn't help myself ur just so comfy and cute
J-*brakes off*how about now?
J-*still holding her really close*
d: I don't mind *smiles softly*
*smiles* REALLY CUTE and comfy
d: thanks! *chuckles softly*
*secretly puts her hand in the water brings some up in her hand and puts it on his head and giggles*
d: AH! *laughs*
J-hmmm well I better get some orrrrr the tickle monster is gonna come!
d: *laughs*
J-yessss what would u rather??
*smiles as she laughs and whispers* I'm glad to be back........*pauses* thanks to you *smiles bright*
J-*hmm starts ticking her*
d: I'm glad you're back *smiles just as bright*
*smiles and puts more water on his head*
d; heyyy
*laughs and puts more on his head on till its dripping wet and smiles*
*smiles* u look cuter AND hotter this way
J-*tickles her more*
*laughs and flops off him* you lost me boiiiii
d: why thank you!
J-*grabs her still tickling her* I'm not gonna stop till I get those chips
babe ur hotter than one hundred million thousand volcanoes erupting at once
You lost me forever *giggles*
d: yayyyy
J-hmmm lets go the harder way *tickles her brings her really close and kisses her hard*
I'm no hotter than 2 degrees
f:*giggles and kisses him harder*
; you are hotter then 2000 degrees
J-*smiles harder and above*
F: *smiles and kisses harder*
haha very funny
d; I'm not joking
J-*above and smiles pulling her closer and smiling*
f: *smiling*
haha yeah u are
J-*smiles above^^*
d: noooi
f: *smiles and kisses*
*looks at him seriously* wait what?!? babe stop lying
(awww okie hurry upppp)
d: I'm not lying
ummm babe......I'm not hot,pretty or anything really
d: you are all of that
umm no I'm not
*kisses his neck*
d: umm yes you are
nuuuuuu I'm not
d: yessss you are
hmmm u got prof?
*still cradled in his arms*
d: yup. your hair. you
ummm that's not prof, my hairs ugly and I'm a failure and also.....
D: your hair is beautiful and you are amazing
haha very funny
d: *sighs* ok fine. I'm joking and you aren't beautiful at all *sarcasm*
yayyyyy I finally got the truth
d: *groans*
babe I only like to hear the truth
why ya groaning?
d: never mind
d: never mind *firmly*
I only like the truth
d: it's nothing
(gtg take a shower. be back soon$
please tell me!!
d/ no
(okie) babe I'm not giving up
*sighs and pulls back tears unnoticeable*
D: noooo
please!! *looks away and pulls back her tears*
(I'm here)
D: no *sighs*
f: (it's like 3 pm right?)
*looks down and pulls back tears*
D: what babe?
(eh yeah sorta)
n-nothing *looks down pulling back tears doing it in a way he can see her doing it*
D: jess......
f: okie ima go take a shower
J-oh fine
*looks away pulling her tears away*
D: tell me whats wrong *gently*
f; bye *pecks his lips as she stands*
*looks away continues to pull her tears back* n-no
D: yes. Jess. now. as your boyfriend I need to know
f: oh shush *giggles*
u won't tell me I won't tell u either *looks down pulling her tears away*
J-go take a fast shower
f: I will
d: it's just that you always say you're not beautiful. who cares. you're amazing and sweet
but I was told I'm not many times
J-go forth and come back
D: so? don't you belive me?
f: *takes a shower*
I'm not sure *buries her face into his chest almost about to cry*
d: if you believe me then tell me
d: please. I want to know
*looks up at him with tears in her eyes* how am I beautiful?? how am I amazing or sweet?? I'm more like rotten and failure
D: this is the only thing I hate about you. the fact that you put yourself down when you should be raising your self up
I-I'm sorry.........*tears start flowing out* I-I should j-just l-leave........
d: no. I love you. stay
*tears flow out and she can't stop them*
d: *kisses her deeply*
*continues crying*
d: shhhhhh *cradles her gently*
*crys and can't stop*
d: babe I love you *wipes her tears away*
*continues to cry*
*curls into a ball*
d: *holds her close*
*whispers through the tears* just. drop. me.
D: no. never.
into the water *whisper through the tears*
just please. drop. me. *whispers through her tears curled into a ball*
D: no. never. ever. *holds her tight+
*squirms around crying*
D: I'm holding you
*moves around harder crying harder*
d: *stands up and climbs out, still holding her, and places her on a chair*
*stands up and runs to the water*
D: no!!!!!!!!!! *grabs her waist and drags her back*
*sighs still crying trying to get out of his grasp and whispers* I'm sorry sometimes stuff comes over me I used to do this often but not as much
*keeps struggling crying harder*
d: what do you want to do right now?
die in the water
nobody would care
*crys hard*
d; I would. faith would. josh would
they wouldn't.......why would u?? I need 5 reasons and then MAYBE change my mind
D; ok. you are my girlfriend. you are faiths best friend. you are an amazing girl. we love you and you don't need a freaking 5th reason when you have me
hmmm but this is why YOU would miss me
yeah I want the 5th reason
D: because I couldn't kiss you if you left. because I would be cold at night. because I would be able to sleep because I'm crying. because you're my girlfriend. because I love you
hmm *thinks crying less*
D: *waits with bated breath*
but u didn't always have me
d: yeah. but I always knew I was missing something and that something was missing me
two questions first- 1 when did u start liking me or having a crush on me?
D: when I first saw you. for both
this is still the first question but when was that?
d: freshman year of high school
d: yeah. I was stupid not to ask you in a date the first day
d: I was chicken and knew you were too hot for me
ya know I wouldn't said yes but would have passed out first
(would have said yes)
d: *laughs* good to know babe
2- why did u pick ME out of all people every girl in the school would kill to date u
D: i knew you were special and different and would be mine forever if I had the guts to ask
wait one more question- if u could do one thing in the world or make something happen what would it be?
D: I would make us both older so I could make you mine officially
*looks wide eyed at him*
d: it's true
*runs to him and hugs him like squeezes the life outa him*
D: *hugs her tightly and spins her around*
*hugs him super duper tight*
why did I ever not believe you??
D: I don't know. *holds her*
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
d:it's ok it's ok it's ok
u forgive me?? but why??
d: because I love you. it's what I do
babe there's something really important I need to tell u
d: yes?
I love you *smiles and hugs him*
d: good. hey want to do something?
like what??
d: this *kisses her deeply*
*smiles and kisses him back deeper*
d: *kisses her and pulls her close-7
*moves as close as she can to him and kisses deeply*
d: *kisses deeply*
*puts a hand on his face the other on his bare chest*
d: *runs his fingers through her hair*
*above but whispers* I don't care WHAT u touch (omg that was weird)
d: (wow yeah 😂) *presses into her*
(really tho she doesn't care at all so I don't care what u put he touches oh man that sounds wrong 😂😂)
(lol yeah 😂😂)
*above hands still same places rubbing his face*
D: *with one hand rubbing her bare back with the other pulling her close*
(seriously I don't care at all my FORMER irl best friend rubbed off on me it's a lonngggg story)
(I just thought the most weirdest thing ever that she almost said)
*smiles above rubbing his face*
(ya 😂😂)
b: *above^^ but whispers*better?
*whispers above still rubbing* hmmm I could use some zip
D; some what?
*hints to him*
*whispers above still rubbing* something moreeee *hints*
d: you show me first *teases*
*whispers above still rubbing* it could use two things only YOU can do and I'm not telling
d: telllllll meeeeeeee
*whispers above still rubbing* nope u know I bet
*hits him using her eyes* (it's got nothing to do with her eyes)
d: I don't *rubbing*
(ya I know 😊)
*whispers above still rubbing* well I'm not telling I guess it'll just stay like this
D: pleeeeeaaaasssseeeeee *gently moves forward until she is pressed to a wall*
*whispers above still rubbing* nuuuuu *gently pushes him back smiling*
d: heyyy *holds her waist*
*giggles slowly moving backwards holding onto him above still rubbing*
*whispers* u know what it is inside u I sorta gave it away earlier
D:true *chuckles*
*whispers* I almost said it 22 mins ago
*grabs him whispers* hold ur breath close ur eyes all you'll see why
d: okie *turns her around so she's facing away from him- but still holding her- and rubs up and down her front*
*smiles wide whispers* u found it *pushes into the water*
D: hey!!! *falls in*
*whispers still holding onto him* I gave u warnings and u found it
*smiles wide*
D: yay *wraps one arm around her waist and holds them up, and the other rubs harder*
*smiles wide as she cherishes the feeling* u enjoying this?
D: yeah baby *rubs harder and smirks* may I jump?
yesssssss *smiles as she enjoys it* well good u can do that whenever I want to
D: *moves them to the medium height do they can stand and presses her gently against the wall and kisses her deeply and rubs all around her body*
do this whenever u want I won't EVER mind
f; *comes out in a robe and her hair wet*
d: oh baby I will *rubs her everywhere harder*
*smile ginormous and kisses enjoying the feeling wishing it would never end and whispers* touch whatever u want when u want
good I can't wait
D: *keeps rubbing and begins to kiss all around her face and neck area*
J-*napping on the couch*
f: *giggles and sits on the beanbag*
*smiles and kisses enjoying it badly* do u mind if I?
d: no
(that sounded weirddddd)
(ya 😂😂)
*touches him everywhere*
*rubs everywhere and whispers* ohhh I'm enjoying thisssss babyyyyy
d: *smirks and presses hard and fast*
(ugh stop being sooo weird -to myself)
d: oohhhh baby
(STOP- myself)
*smiles rubs him everywhere* this I'm enjoying badly I would do this allllllllll day
*rubs harder everywhere* hey u stopped
D: we can *smiles* you hurting yet? *smirks and rubs HARD on her everywhere and kisses her neck area hard and fast*
f: *smiles at him and stands*
ahhhhh noooooo *enjoying it rubbing him hard* I can't wait and babe my body is always welcome to u
D: good *stops and stands back- smirking*
f/ *grins and gets dressed and sits at his feet*
babe I don't care what u touch or what u see anymore I'm YOUR property now
d: yeah you are baby
babe this is amazing I could do this without youuuuu *still rubbing him hard*
D: come here babe *walking in the deep end*
yup I don't care what u see or touchhhh
*swims over to him* yeahhh baby?
d: *smirks and holds her tightly against him* take a deep breath
*takes a huge breath*
*in her head-awwww yeah babyyyyyy this is lifeeeee rubbing his everything and everywhere hard*
d: *kisses her and brings them under*
d: *kissing and rubbing hard*
f: *rolls her eyes and walks outside*
*in her head yeahhhh babyyyyy this is lifeeeeee kisses him hard rubs everything and everywhere very hard*
d: *brings them up* ok now I'm hungry *laughs*
awww *still rubbing his everything and everywhere seriously hard* I enjoy this
D: me too babe but I'm hungry
u can see and touch anything on me whenever u want to I won't care EVER
aww fine
f: *smiles and goes to the grass and lays down*
babe this continues tomorrow morning
J-*sleeps like a baby*
d: ok! *climbs out and helps her*
u better
*holds onto him*
d: much *grins* I'll go take a shower
aww that felt good this body I gonna get used till there's none left
*plans out her outfit for the night/morning*
D: ok *goes and takes a shower*
{8 pm}
aww he better use this body *stumbles inside*
D: *in their room*
f; *in her room*
J-*sitting on her bed*
*sitting on the bed*
F: *doesnt see him, is on her phone*
we're gonna have funnnnn tomorrow
d: your body sore?
nuuuuu it feels really good
f:*shrieks and falls into him*
like seriously good
d:good *rips off his shirt and tackles her into the bed and kisses*
J-*grabs her* sorry
*tackles him and kisses*
*giggles and smiles*
f; it's fine babe *smiles up* what do you want to do tonight?
J-hmmm I don't know
f: *sighs and sits up*
awww baby
this is da lifeeeeee
d: *smirks and rubs his body into hers*
awwww mannnnn *rubs his hard into hers*
f; it's ok *sighs* I guess I'll go to sleep then
J-I gotta make sure u aren't cold
d: *on her and running him into her and kissing her and rubbing his chest up and down*
f: *giggles* true
(running should be rubbing)
ahhhhh mannnnn this is amazing *smile kisses and does what he is*
D: *he rubs harder and her shirt falls off her and he smirks*
J-*lays down and leaves her room*
F: *lays down*
ahhhh u got in nowwwww *smiles and dies above*
d: *kisses her stomach and smirks*
(does and dies)
d: *kisses all around her*
ahhhh the life *above*
my body is now yours forever
d: *picks her up and pushes her to a wall and he kisses up and down her body* ohhhh baby
f; gnight *tries to fall asleep but can't*
baby ur getting it good
awwww baby u do this whenever you'd like
J-*lightly rubs her shoulders*
d: good *picks her back up and throws her gently onto the bed and lays beside her and entangles their legs and presses his face into her chest*
f: *shifts*
ahhhh the life *smiles above* whenever u wanttttt
J-*holds her*
D: mmmmmm *kisses her chest* gnight babe
f: *sighs*
wait lemme changeeee
d: okie *sits up*
d: *looks away*
*sits in bed*
hey I told u see whatever u want feel whatever u want
f;*muffled* gnight *her face is in the pillow*
d: *smirks* I know my babe
J-*holds her half asleep*
*smiles lays down* I'm glad I'm urs
f: *when he's fully asleep, she slips out of bef^
(bed not bef)
J-*half asleep holding her tight*
baby u enjoy this don't you?
F: *whispers* if you let go I'll give you a kiss
d: yeah *yawns*
J-mmmm *doesn't let go still half asleep* nuuuu
*faces him*
that moment u touched.........
F: yes *smiles* I'll give you moooore *sing song voice*
d: yeah?
J-nopeeee *holds on tight half asleep*
pure enjoyment
F: yesss. wayyyyyy more of me
I cherished thattttt
d; as did I
J-mineeeee *holds her celery close and tight half asleep*
ur pretty fun to touch
f: I'll be all yours. allllll of me. just let go
d: why thank you
J-u already mine u can't bribe MEEE *holds her tight half asleep*
you're welcome
f: I'll let you touch all of meeeee just let go
J-nuh uh I already cannnn *pulls her tight half asleep*
boyyyy babbbyyyy ur magicallll
f: mhmmm suuuuuure you can *tickles him* let me gooooooo
d: dang it was
J-NEVERRRRRRR *holds her super close and tight fully awake*
of yeah it was
f: *groans softly*
d: *grins*
I don't think I need that anymore *points to her shirtttt*
d: nope!
J-*hugs her tight* u can't run away from me
I don't want it
f: let me go and I'll give you a kiss
d: you don't need it
J-nah I'll get one anyways ur not running off *holds her tight*
f: nuuu let me go *grins* I'll let you touch and kiss me if you let go
that's gooddddddd babbyyyy reaaallyyyy gooddddd
J-already can *holds her tight* if u go I come with
F:ok then let me go.
can't wait till the morning
d: neither can, *falls asleep*
J-I come with? *holds her tightly still*
f: yes
*falls asleep head on his bare chest*
d: *falls asleep one arm around her waist*
J-can I carry u then?? *holds her tight*
f: no. I should walk
*smiles falls asleep head on his chest hands touching things*
J-whyyyy? *holds her tight*
f: because it's easier for both of us
J-wear we going first?? *holds her tight*
f:I'll show you. let me go first though love
*massages his everything and everywhere while she sleep head on his chest*
d: *softly snores*
J-are u sure I can't carry u?? *sits up still holding her tight* I don't wanna let go
(hey u wanna sleep??)
f: yes. I need to walk
d: *wraps himself around her*
J-aww can I hold ur hand?? *holds her tight*
(sure but I can't rp tomorrow morning)
*above and whispers is sleep* yeahhhhh babbyyyy
f; no. let's go *struggles to escape his grip*
(neither can I)
J-*holds her tigher* I'm not going then
(okie. I can at 3 ur time until 4:30 ur time)
(ok last tomorrow night??)
f: please? we can kiss when we arrive?
(wait what do u mean?)
J-nuh uh *holds her tightly* only if I know where we're going
f:we're going to the ocean
(I meant late tomorrow night)
J-ummm I can hold ur hand tho *holds her tightly*
f: sure. but lightly. very lightly. like feather light
*whispers above*- aww u got it baby
d: *moans in sleep*
J-why?? *holds her tightly*
f: my hand hurts. come on babe
*above still massages everything and everywhere and whispers* shhhh I've got UUUU
J-other hand? *holds her tight* I'm not giving up
d: *snores*
f: I slammed them both in a drawer. come on. why are you paranoid?
(niiiiiigggghhhhtttttt sis)
J-wait when?? *holds her tight* I promised to protect you and love you
f: in the shower. I'll be fine. just let go
J-babe..........why are we going tho?? *holds her tight* I'm not letting go
*smiles while doing above*
f: cuz I feel like it
J-babe is that the only reason it's the middle of the night *holds her tight*
starts crying in her sleep bc the dream she's having and starts kicking the bed, hard*
d: *wakes*
f: yesssss
J-babe?? but why? *holds her tight*
*crys and kicks*
*kicks and crys hard*
f: I feel like it
d: heyyy babe
J-hmm *thinks holding her tight*
*crys and kicks the bed thrashing*
F: pleeeessseeeee
d: *shakes her*
*talks in her sleep really like she's talking in the dream* how could u u do this to MYYYYYYYYY boyfriend?? *thrashes and sobs*
J-but first before I decide why did u smash ur hands? *holds her tightly*
f: I didn't mean to
d: heyyy Jess!
*kicks and crys hard*
d: *wakes her*
J-but really did you??
J-*holds her tight*
f: nooooo *tries to escape*
*doesn't wake up still crying and kicking*
J-*holds her really REALLY tight* hmmmm are u sure??
*falls off the bed whimpering*
f: yessss *tries to escape*
*whimpers laying on the ground*
J-*holds her so she can't get away* I'm still thinking
*still asleep laying on the ground whimpering and sorta crying*
f: hurrrrttttttt
d: JESS! *holds her*
J-babe is there something going on? *holds her tight*
f: no *fake winces* it hurts
*curls up in his arms whimpering and crying*
J-what hurts??*holds her* usually u look different when it hurts
d: babe wake up
f: you're holding me too tight
*whimpers not waking up crying*
d: *strokes her cheek*
*whimpers curled up crying*
(there's one way to wake her up and I'm not telling 😂😂)
D: hey *kisses her*
J-*loosens the grip still holding her* hmmm why couldn't I carry u then?
*whimpers still asleep*
F: because I'm hurting *slips out of his arms and runs*
J-*holds her tight but not super tight* tell me what's going on
(Faith is stuck in Josh's arms)
F: nuuuuyyy
J-Faith somethings going on *holds her tight but not super tight* u seem like u don't want me around you
*whimpers still asleep starts crying sorta*
f: I do *looks down*
d: *pulls back and sighs- laying her on top of him*
J-u don't seem like it.......ya know I can leave if u want *looks sad still holding her*
F: don't leave!
*whimpers and sorta crys still asleep curls into a ball and shivers*
d: *rubs her back*
J-babe then u tell me what's wrong *holds her tight*
*whimpers and is still crying, still asleep and shivers*
(none of those will wake her but ur REALLY close!!)
f: it's nothing. really. I'll stay
d: *rubs her everything *
J-wait are u serious ur gonna stay? *holds her*
f: yeah *leans back*
*opens her eyes ever so slowly still shivering*
(gtg. brb. gotta get ready for bed*
J-for sure?? *holds her on his lap*
(ohhh okie I'll be here)
f: yeah *inwardly sighs*
J-*holds her less tight but holding her so she's not cold* I love u my baby girl *kisses her neck*
f: *smiles* I love you more
d: heyyy baby you ok?
*opens her eyes really slow still whimpers and shivers from being cold*
J-no I love u more
d: here *lays her down beside him, sits up, grabs one of his shirts- and pulls it over her and it covers her like a nightgown *
f: *giggles* not possible *kisses his neck*
I'm not sure *shivers and whimpers*
J-says who?
babe I don't need it
d: *puts a shirt on himself and covers both of them with a blanket*
f: says meeeee *grins*
I only need YOUR warmth
d: *smiles and cuddles with her*
J-hmm lets see
f: see what?
*try's to pull the shirt off of herself*
J-*kisses her*
d: no. you need it
f: *giggles and kisses*
nuh uh only your warmth I need that's it *pulls it off*
J-hmmm do u see now?? *kisses her*
d: *puts it back on* you need warmth as well as me
*moves as close as she can get to him for warmth pulls the blanket over them*
f: maybe *kisses*
babe I don't need it
give me 5 reasons ALL of them
J-*kisses her deeply smiles*
d: You are shivering. I am cold. you are barely wearing anything. I am only wearing shorts. therefore if you want me to be warm you need to be warm
f: *smiles and kisses him deeply*
babe I'm ok
*cuddles him for warmth*
J-this better?
d: *pulls it back on her*
f: just a bit *smiles, pulls back, and lays down*
J-*huggles her* I'm keeping you warm
babe I'm ok!! *cuddles him*'why don't u believe me?
f: good *pulls a blanket over them* you know it's summer? *giggles*
d: because you need this. I'm worried about you
(gtg brush my teeth)
J-yeah this is going to be the best summer ever
but why?!?!? babe I'm fine
it's just one thing I want but I don't wanna tell u........u gotta guess its something easy
*pulls off the shirt and cuddles him pulls the blanket on them*
d: tell me pleeease
nope u gotta guess no hints *pushes her bare stomach against his*
*pulls the blanket on them*
d : awww *his shirt is still on*
f: it is *gently pulls him down beside her*
no hints *cuddles him pushes herself into him*
d: awww *yawns*
J-good *lays next to her and gives her warmth*
hmm just guess I'll give u ONE hint
*cuddles him*
f: *smiles and isn't tired*
d: spilllllll
u did it today
J-*smiles not tired*
d: I will tomorrow *yawns* I'm tired babe
f: you tired?
ohh *face falls*promise??
J-are u?
d: promise babe
f: noooo *smiles* whatcha want to do?
d: triple promise *holds her tightly*
u better *huggles him the shirt off of her having him give her warmth*
J-hmm what do u wanna do?? we can't do much at night
d: *smiles* I will
f: *sits up* i don't knoe
go to sleep baby
*strokes his face and hair*
J-*sits up*
d: thanks *falls asleep*
shhh now sleep *strokes his face and hair*
f: *stands and paces*
*sits fully awake*
J-what are u doing?
*sits there stroking his face and hair*
f: trying to think
d: *snores lightlt*
J-ohhh ok *thinks*
*sighs and sits and mumbles random stuff*
f: *tugs on her nightgown sleeve as she thinks* (gown in remix)
d: *in his sleep pulls her beside him*
J-hmm movie?? umm idk
*sits next to him*
*holds him*
d: *smiles and sleeps*
F: yes. *pulls up Netflix on her laptop and sits on him*
J-what should we watch?
*sighs as sadness washes over her*
f; hmmm........ *scrolls down* Narnia? Sherlock? aw anything else?
d: *he pulls her close*
F: *looks at him*
J-how about....nah
f: what?
*sighs and moves closer to him still sitting trying not to wake him*
J-Disney stuff
F: YAYYYY *clicks on one and gets off him and lays on her stomach and watches*
J-*lays next to her* what movie is this?
d: *kisses her cheek in sleep*
J-*lightly rubs her shoulders*
(wow how can he do that laying down and she's sitting?)
f: beauty and the beast *smiles*
*sighs with sadness*
d: (he ish talented 😂 sorry)
d: *twitches in sleep*
J-*smiles still lightly rubs her shoulders* this hurt?? u said earlier ur body hurts
shhh it's ok *says in calming voice and holds him still sitting sighing*
f: I was lying *smiles and pulls him closer*
d: *wakes and frowns*
J-why?? *moves close to her*
*doesn't realize he's awake still sighing and holding him*
F: I wanted to go to the lake alone.... *looks down*
d: what's wrong my love?
J-ohh sorry but what's wrong??
*sighs* nothing
J-u could have told me I promised to protect you and keep you safe
J-I'm really sorry
F: well... you'll hate this...... but.....
d: fine *pouts and turns away*
J-somethings up I just know it.......and if u ever want me to leave.......
J-tell me
F: I wanted to......
J-I'm gonna listen
*buries face into her and a mumbles*
f: I may have wanted to drown myself..........
d: tellll meeeeeeee
F: *silent*
J-baby why would u do that?? *holds her*
*sighs and stays quiet*
J-I'm glad I held u back
f: *she puts her face in her hands and tears slowly pour down her cheeks*
J-shhh I've got you *holds her close*
*looks up sadness has taken over her* I'm not even sure
f: *doesnt show any sign she is crying other then her hidden tears*
d: what do you need? I'll give you anything
F: *pour down faster*
J-Faith just cry I don't mind I'll be here I've got you *holds her close and comforts her*
F: *her tears keep flowing and before she could prevent it- she shakes with violent sobs*
I'm not sure.....*sadness has overcome her looks to her whole body and insides covered in sadness* babe I don't know WHY I'm sad
J-I've got u and I'm gonna hold u *holds her close* just cry it all out
D: don't be sad *sits up*
J-*holds her from shaking*
f: *keeps crying and crying and can't stop*
I don't know why I am! I can't help it.....
d: then I am too *sighs*
J-*holds her and comforts her*cry it all out I've got you I'm gonna stay and I'm gonna help u
I'm sorry *turns away before she cry's*
F: *finishes crying and tries to stand*
*curls into a ball*
d: *cries into his pillow*
J-where u going?? *holds her and helps her not letting go*
F: *her legs give out and she falls on top of him*
*whispers to herself* I can't do anything right, Dillion's mad at me and hates me......I should just run
J-*holds her close* baby what's wrong??
d: if you run I will literally kill myself
*looks over to him* u heard me??
please don't kill yourself
f: I can't do anything right. I'm a mess. sos my life except for you
J-babe u don't know how great your life is *holds her close*
J-*cradles her*
(did u see what she said??)
f: i don't deserve you
d: (ya I thought I responded) I want if you don't
(what did he say?!?)
J-babe you do
d: I want if you don't
J-*holds her* I wouldn't be here if I thought I didn't deserve u or u didn't deserve me
f: I don't. I'm not beautiful or smart
(that made no sense what he said)
J-babe you are
f: no im night
J-u always have been always will be
f: no. I haven't and never will
J-babe the real u inside of you is beautiful but so is this you
J-babe listen to me I tell you the truth
(I didn't understand what Dillion said)
J-babe stop it you do
f: well I don't!!!!
d; If you don't run I won't die
J-you've been through to much I'm not going to put u through that I'm taking you to a better place well not literally
J-but u have I'm the good part of ur life I'm gonna stay that way I'm not leaving or anything like that
*looks at him with sadness* u don't like me I should run
f: I'm not pretty. I'm not beautiful. I'm not smart. I should just go
d: why do you think that? I love you!
J-NOOO!!!! *grabs her tight*
*bursts into tears*
how do I know that? *says that between sobs*
f: yesssss *sobs and tries to escape*
d: I showed you today and will show you tomorrow
J-*holds her tight* your not leaving Faith
*sobs hard looks like she doesn't believe him*
f: b-but
d: will you allow me to show you tomorrow?
J-Faith even if u were not any of those I'd still love u, Faith I love you so much u don't know how much *holds her tight*
f:*having a mental breakdown*
d: will you? *softly*
f: *trying to escape*
J-shhh it's ok I've got you *holds her in a cradle poisson but she can't get out of his arms*
*sobs into her hands*
J-Faith YOU ARE NOT LEAVING *holds her against him tightly*
f: *sobbing*
d: *pulls her into his arms
*whispers between sobs* I just don't know
(that was an action^)
d: yes you do. I proved it
J-*holds her against him* ur not leaving baby girl ur not going to drown yourself, or anything
f: let me *trying to escape*
*leans on his chest and sobs really hard*
J-FAITH NO *holds her seriously tight* Faith what is wrong?
f: *goes limp but quietly sobs*
d: shhh *strokes her hair gently*
J-shhh I've got u baby girl.....always will *holds her tightly* now what's wrong?
*sobs into him*
F: I just hate myself right now
d: shhh baby I got you ok? I always have and I always will
J-why baby?? *holds her tightly kinda huggles her*
f: I just don't know
(I had to get ready sorry)
J-shhhh *holds her/ hugs her tightly*
*sobs really hard into him*
f: *starts struggling again*
d: shhh babe I've got you
J-FAITH STOP *holds her tighter* Faith I'm not mad I'm just sad that u would do this
*sobs really hard*
*curls up into a ball so he can't see her face*
d; I know you're crying Jess
no I'm not *sobs still curled in a ball*
J-FAITH I'm not letting you go and kill yourself ok?? *holds her really tight*
(hey I gotta go to school and my phone is dead but I'll try and get home really fast)
(okie!! lysm sis!)
d: yes you are
F: *struggles harder*
J-nope I'm not letting you *holds her really tight*
nope *crys in her ball*
d: yup *lifts her chin up*
J-FAITH STOP *grabs the phone still holding her tightly and calls Dillion*
noo I'm not *try's to make it look like she's not crying*
d: ^picks it up* hey
J-I need some help Faiths trying to kill herself and I can't get her to stop..... *holds her really tight and yells* FAITH PLEASE DONT!!! will anything make u stop?
*looks at him*
f: NO
d: one sec. Hey Jess Faith needs your help
umm ok *stands up* lemme put something on first
J-ok just please hurry *holds her really tight*
d: thanks. we're coming
J-Faith tell my why u wanna die *holds her really tight*
f: i already did *struggling*
J-ok I gotta go *hangs up and holds her really tightly*
d; see you soon
J-Faith Jessica and Dillion are coming over *holds her really tight in a position where she can't move*
F: *screams in frustration*
*pulls on a sweatshirt and shorts* ok I'm ready
d: *pulls in a shirt* let's go *grabs his keys and walks out*
J-Faith please if u die I'll kill my self *kisses her and holds onto her really tight like it says before*
*stumbles after him*
F: *tries to break off- trying not to let him love her so he won't miss her*
f: *wants to die but wanted Josh to be happy*
J-babe I'll miss you to much I'll have to kill my self to not think about you *holds her really tightly above and kisses her*
f: *whispers^ no *struggles*
*stumbles and almost falls*
J-yup that's what I'll have to do *kisses her and holds her so she can't move*
d: *picks her up and brings her to his car*
f: *shakes her heads and tries to move*
J-*kisses her and holds her in a way she can't move* babe stop
f: *tries anyway and shakes her head*
*gets in the car and buckles*
d: *buckles and drives to Faiths house*
J-*holds her in the same way still kissing her*
*looks seriously sad*
we there yet?!?
f: mmmmmm!!!! *tries anyway*
d: yeah *parks the car and rushes out*
J-*above same position and kissing her*
J-*yells* HURRY UP
*gets out stumbling*
f: *keeps trying to escape and shake her head*
D: *picks her up and walks quickly with her inside*
J-*holds her the same way so she can't move*
*stumbles over to them*
J-shhh *holds her same way*
f: MMM!! *tries harder*
*kneels down next to them*
d: can you help, jess?
f: *pulls back and cries out* LET ME GO
Faith what's wrong?? *looks really sad and says in a calm soothing voice*
*looks at him* I'm not sure
d: Faith.... *sits beside Josh*
J-FAITH NO *holds her same way*
F;*cries and struggles*
Faith please stop're my best friend I can't loose you *tears in her eyes*
J-*holds her same way*
F; *cries and tries to escape to Jess*
d: let her go Josh
*grabs his hand and crys*
d: josh let her go
J-close the door and block it so she can't get out
J-*slowly lets her go*
d: ok *closes the door, locks it, and sets a chair in front of it and sits in it*
f: *cries and throws herself into Jess's arms*
*sits on the ground*
shhh *hugs her* it's ok
J-thanks for the help......*stands and walks to him* she's never done this before
f: *buries her face in Jess's sweatshirt and cries*
shhh it's's ok *hugs her tightly*
d: this also may help Jess. hopefully. I'm happy to help
f: *shaking*
J-has Jess ever done this before?
J-how will it help her?
shh I've got you *holds her tight*
d: well maybe Jess will realize she's needed and loved
d: and yes actually this morning
f: *goes limp on Jess*
(I'll be back really soon)
*hugs her really tightly*
f: *whispers* don't leave
d: yeah...... *looks at them*
Faith I'll always be here *points to her heart* always and if u need me: call, text, FaceTime if u call I can talk and if u really need I can come
(I'm here)
J-so what did she do??
but ya know Josh love you beyond words he can help you also, he love you Faith
f: ^sovs^
f: *sobs*
D: she tried to drown herself
shhh it's ok.....I'd stay forever but I can't
J-that's what Faith wanted to do
it's ok Faith........
o-ok *sniffles and sits up*
d: huh
now are u ok?? *hugs her*
J-this is weird
I-I think so *hugs back weakly*
*looks at Dillion*
d: really weird
d: *sits beside Jess*
now u have something to say to Josh
*hugs her really tight*
I'm sorry *looks down ashamed*
d: *smiles gently at Faith*
J-it's ok
J-just don't do that again
o-ok *meekly*
J-*walks over*
*walks to her bed and buries herself under the covers*
J-*sits down and rubs her back*
*slowly stands up*
*muffled* thank you sir
can Jess come here? *muffled*
J-like walk over to you?? or live here?
walk over here *muffled*
d: go ahead
little help please
d: *helps her over and sets her on the bed*
(I'll be back gotta eat dinner)
(I'm back)
*whisper to him* can u stay?
D: yes
F: Jess come here
*looks at her* yes?
J-*holds her*
*holds onto Dillion and stumbles to her while holding him*
J-*puts her on his lap*
don't ever try to kill yourself please
d: *sits in faiths bed and puts Jess in his lap*
*sits on him* well only if you don't
J-*holds her smiling*
I won't. I promise
*leans on him*
J-*smiles at her and hugs her*
d: good. we can't have you both dying
well I guess then
babe!!*playfully hits him*
*hugs Dillion*
J-you ok now baby?
I guess so
d: *laughs and hugs her*
J-*smiles and hugs her*
(I'll be back soon)
*sighs and is too tired to smile*
J-u tired baby girl?? *holds her*
(I'm back)
*eyes look really tired*
are you ok now??
and yes
d: you tired Jess?
;(I gtg eat but I'll try to be on later. if I can't- see you tomorrow!)
(ok let's hope)
*rubs her eyes* I guess
J-we can finish the movie tomorrow then
o- ok *falls asleep*
d: want to go home? or stay here for the night?
home..... *try's to stay awake*
J-*holds her as she sleeps*
d; ok *picks her up*
J-*whispers holding her* thank you guys sooooo much
*leans on him trying to not fall asleep*
d: anytime
d: *hugs her*
J-*holds her while she sleeps*
*falls asleep in his arms mumbling* lets goooo
D; ok *walks out* see ya
J-bye! *holds her and falls alseep*
*asleep in his arms*
D: *carries her to the car and drives home*
*sleep in the seat*
d: *arrives and carries her inside and goes to bed with her*
*lays really close to him and cuddles him*
(gtg for a few mins)
(oh ok)
<the next day>
*asleep on him*
J-*holds her as she sleeps*
*sleeps and cuddles him*
*mumbles as she sleeps how stupid she is*
d; *awakes*
*cuddles him still asleep mumbling about how stupid she is*
J-*snuggles with her asleep*
d: hey Jess wake up
*wakes up *
J-*wakes up and kisses her head* hi my baby girl
hey love
*cuddles him still asleep mumbles about how stupid she is*
J-you feel any better?? *hugs her*
a bit
J-I'm sorry if I was hurting you last night.....
it's fine... *gently rubs her waist*
*groans still mumbles same thing and asleep on top of him*
D; *sighs*
J-*rubs her waist gently* really I am sorry really sorry
*blushes and smiles softly at his touch* I know
*wakes still mumbles on top of him*
d: hey
(gtg brb)
J-*still gently rubs her waist* does this hurt??
hi......*still mumbles half asleep*
(ok if I don't respond I'll be eating)
J-good *smiles still gently rubbing her waist*
*blushes a soft pink*
d: you ok?
J-*smiles gently rubbing*
*blushes deep red*
d: are you fine from last night?
what do u mean?
d: the faith incident
J-*gently rubs her waist smiling* what's up?
yeah I'm fine about's something else *mumbles*
nothing *squeaks*
D: what is it?
J-*smiles still rubbing* ur probably enjoying this huh?
maybe *squeaks*
d: please tell me babe
J-*smiles still rubbing*
no it's n-nothing
*holding in a wide smile*
d: babe.... *rubs her back*
J-*smiles and rubs*
*barely holding it in*
it's nothing!! *mumbles*
d: babe.... *kisses her neck*
J-*rubs and smiles* just show that beautiful smile of yours
*her smile breaks out*
babe it's nothing *mumbles*
J-there it is *smiles still rubbing*
*smiles wide*
nothing at all......except
d: tell me *kissing her neck*
J-*smiles and rubs* feel any better?
all that happiness is gone....... *sighs and mumbles*
maybe *squeaks*
*holds his head there*
D: nooooooo *kisses her neck*
yeah I'm not lying *holds his head there*
J-TELL MEEEE!!!!!! *smiles and laughs with rubbing*
D: NOOOO *kissing up her neck*
*giggles* maybe.......
babe I'm not lying...... *holds his head*
D: *kissing*
J-*gives her puppy dog eyes smiles and rubs*
*holds his head* babe it's like gone gone
nooo *giggles and smiles sweetly at him*
D: *kissing*
J-yesssss *gives her the eyes while rubbing and smiling*
babe it's not gonna come back *holds his head by her neck*
finneeeeee yes *giggles*
D: *kissing all around her neck* I need it to
J-how much better?? *smiles and rubs*
right now?
but why??? *holds his head close to her neck*
d; because I need your happiness *gently sucks on her neck and kisses*
J-what do u mean right now?? *rubs and smiles*
like how I'm feeling right now? *giggles*
*holds his head there sorta smiling* hmmmm why?
J-yup *smiles and rubs*
D: because you're miiiinnneeee and I need you to be happy *gently sucks and kisses*
I'm feeling.... well AMAZING
hmmm I'll think about it *holds his head sorta smiling pushes herself to him*
d: okie *kisses*
J-*leans in and kisses her still rubbing* that's good
*holds his head by her neck sorta smiling* there's three ways only
*smiles and kisses* whatcha want to do?
d: oh? and what are they?
hmmm can't say *holds his head*
J-finish the movie?? *rubs her waist*
D: then I can't help *kissing*
(if I don't respond that means my iPad is dead)
Sure. could we pause this for a sec while I get my computer?
u know what they are that's all I'm saying *holds his head by her neck*
d: no I don't. I'm serious. tell meeeee
I'll do anything u want me to do for u to get my happiness back
D: I want you to.... run around the house and come back and you're happiness will be back
u do I know u do
yay! *hops out of bed and grabs her computer*
*strokes his face*
d: *smiles*
hmmm I can barely walk
J-*gets a spot ready for her*
d: fiiinnneeee kiss me and then you'll be back
*hops back in bed and opens the computer*
that's only one
which will only bring 45% back
d: give me a hint for the other two
J-*covers her in stuffed animals and rubs her waist*
well I would but it would give it away
*blushes and smiles and turns the movie on*
d: pleeeeeaaasssseeeerr
J-*rubs and moves closer to her and puts the animals on her head*
nope I can't I'm sorry *lays down*
heyyy *giggles*
d: then you won't come back *grins*
yup and ur not getting it out of me
J-whaaaaattttt??? *rubs and puts them on her*
nothing! *laughs*
d: hmm *kisses her*
(lips or neck??)
J-*smiles rubs and puts stuffed animals on her*
*sorta kisses back but not much*
*enjoying every second *
one hint they both happened yesterday
d: *kisses harder*
*sorta kisses but not much*
J-*smiles pulls her closer and rubs*
that's the only hint
(my iPad is at 2% and I can't find my charger so if I don't reply I'll hopefully be on soon)
d: *begins to rub her*
d: *rubs up and down her front*
that's 2
d: *doesnt know the last one*
u enjoy this don't you?
I'd tell you but then it wouldn't work........look into memory
d: yup
(I gotta make some cookies I'll be back tho)
*smiling and begins to rub his back*
J-ahhhhh *above*
(k. if I'm not back I'm eating dinner and watching a movie and will tell u when back)
*smiles and continued but harder*
(seriously what is it though? I completely forgot and it won't let me go back too far)
(ohhh ok I'll be on)
(them both shirtless 😂😂)
J-ohhh man baby ur good *above*
*lays down trying to get happiness back but it's not working and all the sudden jumps up*
I know *smiles*
D: what?!
I bet u know......or are u asking why I jumped?
J-*smiles and rubs her waist* this good?
d: why you jumped
(I'm going to take a really fast shower)
yes *smiles and rubs harder*
(okie have fun don't drown 😂)
ohhh u promised to do something and never did
(😂😂u always look on the bright side)
J-I'd rub harder but I don't wanna hurt u *rubs*
(yaaaa 😂😂)
Oh it won't hurt
d: oh yeah.... *smirks*
(I'm back didn't drown 😂😂)
J-are u sure? *rubs gently*
*lays back down* u figured number 3 yet?
D: mhmm *grins and pulls her close to him*
J-promise u tell me if it hurts?? *rubs gently*
did u??
*stares up*
*lays there*
d: yup *takes off his shirt*
J-ok then *rubs a little harder*
I think u got them
*smiles and rubs harder*
d: can you help me with the last one?
*takes off her sweatshirt she didn't take off the night before*
d: yay
hmmmm maybe
d: pleassseeee
J-*smiles rubs hard but gently
*smiles and giggles and stops rubbing him*
one condition
d: yesss?
*presses their bare stomachs together*
d; what's the condition? *grins*
J-what u laughing at? *rubs*
u promise to keep me happy forever
nothing *smiles*
d: always *pulls her so their stomachs touch and kisses her*
if I am sad u fix it
D; always
J-OKIEEE *rubs and laughs*
u promise??
*laughs and smiles*
D: I promise. may I kiss you now?
J-*tickles her still rubbing*
D: yay *kisses her and pulls her close*
J-*smiles and rubs*
*moves to him and kisses his neck, hard*
*sorta sucks on his neck and kisses*
J-why u smiling so much?? *rubs and smiles*
d: yayyyyy
you want anything from me? *bats her eyelashes*
J-hmmm maybe baby......*rubs and smiles wide*
d: nothing *smiles and holds her there*
what do you want from meeeee?
J-u know what I want *smiles and rubs*
*sorta sucks on his neck and kisses*
nuuu you must give me 2 hints
(for what?)
J-u can only do it *rubs and smiles* we call it magic
hmm.... *playfully* second hint?
I liked it when u did this to was comforting *blushes sucks sorta and kisses*
D: good. my turn next
J-I said both! *smiles and rubs*
Yayyyy okie *kisses him*
*unhooks herself from him*
d: awwww
J-*kisses her back and pulls her close*
u said u wanted ur turn
*giggles and kisses hard*
d: YAY *kisses her neck*
*kisses her hard and pulls her close*
*sighs happily and holds his head* u forgot something
*kisses hard*
D: riiight *gently sucks on her neck*
*kisses him and tangles their legs up*
*smiles* you got it baby
J-*smiles and above*
ahhhh so comfortable
*smiles and kisses*
d: *sucks hard*
*smiles wide and holds his head* ahhhh the life
D: *smiles and pulls back*
J-*smiles and above*
*smiles wide and hard* awww
*wraps her arms around his torso*
d: all good things must come to an end
J-*wraps his arms around her waist and neck*
yeah I guess........*smiles* weird question??
*kisses and moves closer*
(it's not supposed to have ??)
J-*smiles and pulls her onto his lap and kisses hard*
d: ya
*smiles and kisses him a bit harder*
why do u suck on my neck?? I mean I like it very much I just always wondered
D: I don't exactly know..... *thinks*
d: hmmmm
any idea?? it's u who does that
*pulla back*
d: I don't know *laughs and stands*
d: ya
hey should we do the "thing" tonight?? remember u said we could resume that wonderful thing u did to me
J-*holds her on his lap*
D: I think so yes
hmm do u just like the feeling or something??
d: oh yeah!
good *smiles* do it whenever you would like to
*smiles and tries to untangle their legs*
u better remember what to resume
d: could you demonstrate for me? *platfully^
J-*slowly removes his legs*
hmmm u sure??
J-*smiles at her*
*she tries to move*
d: ya
J-*holds her as he untangles their legs* almost done
*starts rubbing his everything and everywhere*
*sits on top of him*
J-*holds her* done
d: ohhh yeahhhh *smiles*
yay *tries to move*
J-*picks her up*
*continues to rub and smiles still sitting on him*'don't worry I'm not done with you yet
d: yayyyy *smirks*
u enjoy this don't you?? *smiles rubs everything and everywhere harder sitting on him*
J-*cradles her* hi my little baby girl *kisses her nose*
d; ooohhhhh yeaaahhhhhhh
hi my prince *laughs and kisses his neck*
good because so do I *smiles rubs everything and everywhere really hard and lays on him tables their legs up and kisses him with all her strength*
D: ooooo *kisses her*
J-*rocks her gently* your my little baby girl nobody else's
I know. and you'd better not kiss anyone. or else. *glares*
*smiles wide above but rubs SUPER DUPER HARD*
J-I won't ever......well one other person
D: yaaaaaaa
J-but u will to
*whispers still going really hard* I'm waiting *smiles*
J-and u won't get mad
really? how?
D: oh baby *flips over to lay on her*
J-our baby
J-*smiles* don't be mad
*lays on the bed waiting* I'm ready baby
oh I'd never *smiles sweetly*
d: *lays on her* why hello
J-see *smiles* u won't mind tho right?
hi there *smiles at him taking off her shorts with her legs so she's just wearing what I remixed*
of course not *giggles*
d; hello *kisses her*
J-I bet you'll kiss that baby to won't you
J-*gently rocks her*
all the time. because she or he would look like you
*smiles* hey I'm still waiting baby *pushes shorts to the ground and they fall on top of her sweatshirt*
J-no he or she will look like you
d: *kisses her hard*
J-*smiles and gently rocks her*
hmm I don't know. if perfer another Josh to another me *smiles*
*smiles and whispers* I'm still waiting *kisses him back really hard*
J-or there could be both *smiles as he rocks*
d: *rubs his body up and down hers*
J-I'd prefer another Faith then another me
ooo one of each. that would be painful though *makes a face*
awwww baby u got it *smiles wide kisses him extremely hard* but one thing
D: what? *kisses her hard*
J-no it wouldn't......ohhhh I get it now *rocks her* that would be for you.....but remember I'll be there with you
*smiles and kisses hard and points to his hands*
I don't know.... it would be excruciatingly painful
*puts her hands on his face*
d: riiifht *rubs up and down her back*
J-I'll be there remember helping you as much as I can
hmmm mayebbeeeee
my front to ya know *smiles and kisses hard*
J-I will
J-*rocks her* I'll be there the whole time
d: *rubs her back from her neck down to her legs with his hands and her front with his chest*
J-I don't know when that will be but I will be there
ahhhhh *smiles and kisses him*
hopefully soon *smiles* maybe after college
d: better?
u like this don't you???
J-or during
d: dang baby yes
yup definitely better
oooo even better *wraps her arms around his neck*
d: ooo baby *above*
YAYYYY so do I *smiles and kisses him* my body is now yours forever and this whenever u would like
d: okie *kisses*
J-*rocks her smiling* we could try......
we should try *giggles*
ur missing something u like to do tho u just finished doing it not to long ago *smiles and kisses relaxing herself*
J-when?? I don't care when *smiles*
d; *grins and kisses her neck and above*
well you're the guy. suprise meeee
something really close to that *smiles and kisses hard*
J-nope u pick
d: *sucks on her neck*
J-I would rn if I could
okie. I pick you suprise me
awww baby u got it perfectly *relaxes and kisses REALLY REALLY SUPER DUPER HARD and smiles*
d: *smirks and keeps sucking*
J-should I rn then?
if you wanted to I wouldn't object
ahhhh *sighs or happiness and above* go harder if you would like
(I'd rather not say what they do when they do it 😂😂 I get like idk)
J-we can then
D: *does everything harder*
(sammeee. we can just timeskip to after 😬😂😂)
baby the life *above*
(thank you 😂😂)
J-*brings her to the bed* u ready?
(np. 😅😅)
d; *above*
ahhh the life *above*
you know I am
(so did Faith)
(that's all I'm gonna say)
F: *giggles and continues*
(ok let's just say they're doing their own thing and move to the other side for awhile 😂😂)
(ya 😂😂)
d: *above*
*sighs happily and above pressing his head into her neck*
(yup 😂😂)
d: *slowly moves back*
J-*does the things we don't wanna talk about*
f: *does things unspoken*
(that's the last thing I'm gonna say for him for awhile)
*holds his head*
d: *smiles*
*smiling really wide*
d:*grinning huge* happy?
that was amazing
d: I know!!!!!!
do that whenever u would like any of that stuff I won't mind don't even ask
of course I'm happy
D: yayyyy now we'd better get up. I'm STARVING *laughs*
beyond happy
yeah can we still do the thing tonight??
*sits up* best late birthday present ever
hmmm *looks in a drawer and puts a bow on his head the kind on presents*
D; of course. and I'm glad *picks her up like a baby and carries her to the kitchen*
d: yayyyy
*smiles and sorta sucks on his neck like a baby*
d; my baby girlll *sets her on a chair*
ur only baby girl....... for now *smiles*
(tell me when u want them to end)
D: definitely *smiles*
ur my only baby boy for now
d: for now *winks and makes French toast*
*thinks about what they would look like and the names*
(it's hard not to😂😂)
d; *finishes and puts some in front of her* want any?
*smiles as she thinks and he smile looks weird to him bc he doesn't know what she's thinking*
*snaps out of it* huh?
d: want any food?
(they are done)
(yeah I'm thinking of ways not to think about it)
oh yeah sure
(they have finished so you are good)
J-*pulls her up*
*takes a huge breath of air*
babe can I have some?
d; ya *eats*
J-*breathes* I hope it worked
J-I tried really hard
*takes some and eats thinking about it again*
I can tell *smiles wide and her eyes are bright with happiness*
d: *looks at Jess and smiles to himself*
J-when would u know??
*sees him looking* what?
*cheeks red with amazingness* a week or two
d; nothing *smiles and looks down at his toast and eats*
J-darn lets hope it worked
yes *breathless*
I know it's something *eats* TELL MEEEE *smiles*
J-*rocks her in his arms* if u feel sick or anything tell me ok?
D: nothing *eats*
what is it?? I know u were staring at me *eats*
f; ok *smiles up at him* even if it didn't work it wasn't a total waste
d: I was admiring your beauty
J-we can always try again but I think it worked
oh really?? I don't have any *eats*
me too. I should probably change to normal clothes
d; oh you have it all
J-yeah and please please tell me if u don't feel right
what?? nuh uh
I will I promise. yayyy *stands and twirls around*
d: what? ya huh
*laughs and pulls out her clothes and changes*
nuuuuu stop lying
d: I don't lieeee
J-*covers his eyes*
are u sure??
J-babe remember I'll be there
you don't have to. do you REALIZE what we just did?
d: yes I'm sure
J-yeah *uncovers his eyes* sorry I didn't know
mhmm *smiles and finishes*
hmmm *thinks* I'm not sure
J-I'll be there the whole time
J-*walks over to her*
J-making sure u don't mind about my looking at stuff anymore?? or touching?
J-I'm just making sure
oh not at all *smiles*
*eats* how am I beautiful??
(dress in remix)
d: because you are Jess
J-good *smiles* I'll get use outa that
ummm which Jess is not pretty or beautiful or smart
well I hope you will *smiles*
J-I will whenever I can
d: you are pretty and beautiful and smart
J-ok I'm hungry, do u feel ok to eat?? I'm just asking bc side effects can happen early
sure I am *sarcasm+*
I'm starving *stomach growls*
d: of course you are *genuine*
J-don't think I, weird I'm just helping you out and taking care of you and loving you
yeah sue *eats*
d: well you are
J-*picks her up and cradles/rocks her while he walks*
*smiles and holds on*
yeahhh are I am *sarcasm and eats*
J-I won't be able to do this anymore
I know *sighs*
J-*sets her on a chair* so what would u like princess?
d: let's change the subject. so what computer college are we going to?
J-unless I would lift waits but I don't really have time but I'll still help you
pancakes. can I help?
J-if u want
*laughs* thank you
*looks up* wait.....
d: what?
I never get excepted into any collage online or like a real one
thanks *stands up*
d: me neither
J-*helps her up*
I tried but I didn't have high enough grades
every collage
thank you but I can still stand *smjles and kisses his nose*
I barely passed high school..... I didn't wanna tell you that bc I thought u would be mad
J-I'm just doing my job *gets stuff ready*
d: I'm not mad at all
*puts her face in her hands not wanting to see his face expression*
*looks up* but why??? I barely got out of hight school
*playfully rolls her eyes and starts to help^ you know...... we won't be able to see, um, magic for a while after this week
u show just go to one online or on campus I can't do anything
J-yeah I know
J-well lets hope u don't
D: yes you can
I can't get in u should try
*smiles and make the pancakes and flips them*
J-*holds the batter bowl*
*takes some from the batter bowl and puts it on the pan and makes some*
J-*holds it and rubs her waist*
J-*with the hand he's not using*
*smiles and flips another*
(did u read what she said??)
J-*smiles and rubs gently but hard*
d: ok. I'll try. but I need your help
J-*puts the bowl down stands behind her and rubs both sides of her waist with his hands*
*smiles and keeps flipping*
J-*smiles and rubs*
*looks over her shoulder at him*
d: by finding a good college
online or not online?
J-what?? *rubs*
d; online
oh nothing *smiles and finishes and puts her hands on his*
but why??
d: so I can stay with you
u could be making friends but u pick to stay with me at home
*smiles at him* is that the only reason?
d: *smiles* yes
*hugs him*
thank you
I'll help u with whatever I can but.........
I love you *smiles*
d: I'm sure you can help me with a lot *kisses the top ofher head*
J-I love you more *smiles still rubbing*
I'll just bother you
I've got 4 years of sitting doing nothing
I love you most
d: then we should figure something out for you to do
J-no I do
D: I don't know but we will figure it out
not possible *smiles and makes another pancake*
we better figure it out fast
J-NOOO it is possible (brb eat)
d: ya. well, you could get an internship somewhere
YESSSS it is possible. I said it first
(I'm back)
ummmm that's not gonna work
J-fine we tied *rubs and smiles*
yayyy okie
d: why?
*smiles and makes another*
I've tried already
that failed
d: what about..... hmm.... I don't know *sighs*
J-almost done? *looks over her shoulder and rubs smiling*
yes *smiling and blushing, finishes* doneeeee
(brb shopping and then I'll be back asap)
I'm sorry
(okie. I may or may not go to church since IT SNOWED. but if I DO go I'll be back by 12 ur time.)
d: it's fine babe. I'll stay with you then *smiles*
(okie I'm back tho)
(okie I have to go for about 10-20 mins soon)
J-ok so I was thinking that well it's not really safe to walk around in a collage like this soo
I think I found the exact collage ur going to online and it won't mess anything up
(that's Josh^^)
(okie lunch??)
(no. family bible study)
do u think you'd do it??
(ohhh at home or where??)
(at home)
d: yeah
thanks and ummmm I have a question
d: yes?
(Josh said do u think you'd do it sorry)
ummm could we get a dog?
I think so yes
J-then I'll sing u up
*hugs him tight*
I almost thought u were going to say no
d: YAYYY *hugs her*
J-I'll help u whenever remember
can we get it today?? *hugging him*'please??
thank you *smiles* (so is she going to REAL college or online college?)
d: yes *chuckles*
(online he found the same one but online)
yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! *hugs him* I know which one I want
(okie. and gtg. I'll tell u when I'm back)
D: which one?
J-I'm just hoping u don't wake up in the middle of the night and be craving something we don't have
(aww ok I'll be here)
(I remixed them)
*shows him a picture*
*giggles* you never know
d: that's so cute!!! yesss!!!
J-well I'll get whatever it is no matter what time
YAYYYYYY it's a small dog to
if I go change then we can go
thank you sir! *smiles*
d: yes
(aren't they cute?!?!?)
*finishes and stands up*
J-*grabs the plates and brings them to the table*
d: YAYYY *chuckles*
*puts the pancakes on a plate and sits at the table*
d: *catches her*
J-*sits down* I can't believe it
thanks *stands up and continues to stumble*
I know *smiles*
*stumbles into their room*
d: *helps her walk*
J-*smiles* u be careful ok?
I will *smiles and eats*
J-I'll help whenever u need
thank you *eats*
*stumbles to him dressed*
d: you look amazing. let's goooo
J-it's what I do
J-*ruffles her hair*
let's goooo!!! *laughs as she stumbles*
heyyy *laughs^
d: *helps her and chuckles*
J-hmmm do u think it'll be a boy or girl?
what?? *holds onto him and stumbles*
hmm.... a boy
d: you're just so cute
Nuuuuuu I'm not *secretly smiles as she stumbles*
J-what would u name him?
hmm.... I like David or Austin or Peter. what about you?
let me just say stumbling in high heels is hard
d: yesss you are
J-for a boy name?
d: I'll bet *laughs and picks her up and twirls her around*
babe I know I'm not *grabs her phone still smiling and stumbles outside*
d: yes you are
J-Andrew, Drake or Jamie
hmmmm maybeeee *smiles and gets in the car*
ooo I like Drake
J-girl names?
d: hmmm yesss *gets in*
I like Iris or Sunny or Violet. what about you?
J-we should decide together
we should *smiles*
maybeeee *bluckles*
d: yesssss
J- I like Melissa, Jennifer or Claire
What about Claire?
*txt Faith*- WE'RE GETTING A DOG!!! 💜💜
J-I don't care it's ur baby u pick
J-no sign yet?? *looks hopefully she has*
not yet. never mind. I am STARVINGGGGF *grabs some more pancakes*
J-darn and Claire is a good name
Yayyyy *smiles* but babe we JUST did it so don't expect anything drastic
*Faiths phone goes off with the text message*
J-yeah I guess
*picks up her phone and reads it*
J-I'm just to excited
*kisses his forehead* don't worry.
J-who's that?
I know. so am I *squeals*
it's Jess
J-I know you'll do fine
J-*kisses the top of her head*
I know *smiles and leans on him*
J-what's new with her?? or just checking in?
J-you'll do amazing
babe lets gooo!
(what does it say?)
thank you *half smiles*
d: *drives to the pet store*
(it says 5 mins ago the txt)
(ah thanks)
(it has purple hearts)
they're getting a dog!
*smiles the whole way*
d: *parks*
J-do u want one??
*opens the door*
d: *helps her out*
J-what kind?
*smiles and holds his arm*
golden retriever
J-puppy or full grown??
actually this kne *shows him the picI
(gtg eat lunch. will be back asap)
J-ok we can go soon
d: *grins and walks in with her*
*stumbles holding onto him*
(ok me to)
(I'm back)
J-it's soooo cute!!
*stumbles in holding his arm*
J-we can take it with to Washington
*brings him over to one of those dogs* awww look at it!
d: sooo cute!!!!
*picks it up and someone comes over and tells them everything*
D: *listens*
*strokes it*
*listens looking at Dillion*
d: *smiles*
*stands up*
(I'll email u in the car bc I'm leaving rn and when I'm done I'll rp)
*listens while stroking the dog*
d: *listening*
(I'm on!!)
*listens as the person finishes*
person- any questions?
d: no. Jess?
don't think so
d: awesome
*holds the dog as the person gets stuff they need to fill out*
*smiles* u wanna hold it??
J-ok is it a he or she?? (the dog)
d: yes please
a she
hold out ur arms then I'll give it to you
J-so what should we name it?
hmm... you choose
d: *holds out his arms*
*places the dog carefully in his arms* there u go
it's supper fluffy
Ohhh yeah!!
D; it's so fluffy!! *pets it€
J-now do u have to say ur picking it up?
*hugs him* what should we name it?
fluffy?? snowball?? those are just random
yeah *texts the owner to say they were buying her*
d: hmm.... is it a girl or boy?
J-ok when do we get her??
*checks her phone* at 7 tonight
d: Jamie? Snowball?
J-ok should we get everything for her then?
hmmm u pick
D: hmm... I like Jamie
Jamie it is
thanks babe *hugs him smiling* u really are keeping ur promise for me to be happy
J-when should we go?
D: YAY! *hugs her with one arm*
J-sure u still ok?
*smiles hugs him with one arm and pets Jamie with the other*
yes *stomach hurts*
d: *smiles*
remember she's just a puppy
J-really?? cause u promised to tell me, please don't lie
well my stomach hurt a bit but that's all
d: yes *gently pets Jamie*
J-just a bit??
*pets Jamie and smiles as the person comes with the papers*
J-I want u to be ok
J-*kisses her forehead*
just a bit *smiles
d: *signs the papers*
J-ok u wanna come with then?
do I need to??
person-*tells Dillion about all the Doctor and shots stuff*
D: *listens* ok
d: yeah
*signs them*
d: awesome
J-u need any help?? *stands up*
nope *stands*
ready to get the stuff?
J-ok lets go
yay *grabs his hand and walks out*
J-*twirls her and walks to the car*
J-ready princess?? *gets in the car*
yes *giggles and gets in*
d: yes. thank you sir/miss
J-*starts the car*
person-*walks away with the papers*
can I hold her?
*holds out her arms*
D: sure! *hands her to Jess*
*hugs Jamie* ok let's go *slowly walks/stumbles*
J-*drives* so what do we need?
d: ok *helps her walk*
*holds Jamie and holds Dillion's arm as she stumbles/walks* so what do we need?
we need a collar, bed, food, and dishes
D: collar, food, bed, dishes
leash or toys?
d: both yes
*hugs Jamie and holding onto Dillion as she sorta walks*
d: *helps her*
(I'll email u in the car)
(and at the store)
(I'm here)
J-ok we're almost there
*hugs Jamie and holds onto Dillion*
(I got a free cupcake 😂)
D: ok what color collar?
hmmm lets see *looks around holding Jamie and Dillion* also poop bags
purple green or blue
(I put my arm in my moms cupcake😂😂)
d: blue
glitter or no glitter?? *holds Jamie*
d: hmmm glitter
okie *grabs it down holding Jamie* did u grab a basket?
D: ya *holds it up*
*puts it in* should we get all blue things?? *holds Jamie*
d: sure!
J-hmm what color do u want her stuff in?? pink?
okie then, leashes?? *holds Jamie* blue glitter or just blue?
J-ok then *pulls into parking spot and gets out and opens her door* u coming princess?? *holds out his hand*
mhmm *stomach hurts a bit* *hops out and takes his hand*
d: only blue
J-u still ok?? *holds her hand as they walk in*
yeah *walks with him*
okie *grabs it and puts it in the basket holding Jamie* what next?
J-for sure?? *holds her hand and walks*
d: food and toys
which one first?? *holds Jamie*
J-okie then just making sure, so what first?? *grabs a basket*
d: toys. they're right behind us
okie. hmm... food?
J-ok lets go *holds her hand as they walk*
*walks with him*
ok let's go look *holds onto Jamie and Dillion as she walks sorta*
(I have to go play a game and eat dinner. but we can rp late tonight ❤️❤️)
D: *helps her walk*
J-when are they getting their dog?? *holds her hand and walks*
(YAYYYYYYYY hurry up tho 😂😂)
(okie 😂😂)
*smiles as she holds onto Jamie and Dillion slowly sorta walking*
J-wanna see if their here??
sure! *calls Jess*
d: *helps*
*answers phone* hello??
*holds onto Jamie and leans on Dillion*
(sorry didn't realize u were back)
(it's okie I actually gtg now but we can late night rp)
(ugh right when I come 😂😂 EAT FAST I get bored fast)
(it's almost 8:30 ur time)
(I'll try to be as quick as possible)
(wow I've never heard of someone eating dinner this long)
(Jess answered the phone btw^^)
Hey Jess!!!! you at the pet store?
d: *helps her*
*on the phone* oh hi Faith yeah we are why?
*holds onto Jamie and leans on Dillion so she doesn't fall*
Because we're here too
d: *smiles*
*on the phone* u wanna see the dog?? we're in the toy area
*smiles holding Jamie and leaning on Dillion*
yesss okie. see you soon *hangs up and drags josh over*
J-where are we going? *holds her hand and walks*
Faith and Josh are coming here really soon *puts her phone away hugs Jamie and Dillion*
*walks up and squeals* HAIIIII
d: *laughs* hey
haiii *holds Jamie*
J-*walks over* hi guys
u wanna pet her?
yesssss pleeassseee *smiles*
d: hey Josh *grins*
*holds her so she can pet Jamie*
J-why u so griny?? *walks over to him*
*pets Jamie* she's soooo cute!!
her name is Jamie, *points to Dillion* he picked the name
D: indeed I did!!
*smiles and pets Jamie*
J-we're getting a dog later today and her name is Baily
isn't she so fluffy??
Yup *smiles and pets Jamie*
J-*whispers to her* u wanna tell them?
u wanna hold her?
yeah *whispers* about the thing this morning?
J-*whisper* yeah u can tell them
put out ur arms
*holds out her arms* so um I have to tell you something
yeah?? *places Jamie gently in her arms*
so um I may kinda be pregnant soon *pets Jamie*
(whenever ur mom comes text mos and I'll know it stands for mom over shoulder)
*eyes get wide and almost falls over*
*giggles and pets Jamie*
(it's just something I thought of randomly)
*losses balance*
d: *catches her* WHAT!! JOSH!!
J-what?! *looks startled*
*holds onto him*
d: *grins* I didn't know you had it in you
*holds in a smile and pets Jamie*
Faith are u for real?? *holds onto him still light headed*
J-*whispers* just try Jess
ohhh wow......
D: I will *whispers*
*holds onto him still dizzy*
I know *bites her lip to keep the smile in*
J-*whispers* it was pretty easy
just smile already
d: *whispers* really?
*an amazing smile bursts out*
J-*whispers* heck yeah she'll go for it
so what made ya do it?
d: *whispers* yay. did you or Faith go for it?
*blushes* well, we were talking about college and uhh babies and such
J-*whispers* hmmm I'm not sure
awww when do u know for sure?? *smiles at Dillion*
*super excited*
J-*whispers* what do u mean by that??
Well um.... *blushes* he said we should have one, and I said umm yes after college. he said maybe during. I said even better. then he said tell me when I wanted to. I said suprise me. he said now? I said I wouldn't object *laughs softly*
d: never mind
wow just wow.......
J-ok then
J-*whispers* just try Jess I bet she'll go for it
*hugs her*
I know *smjles and hugs back*
d: I will *grins*
hmmm anything I can help with??
J-good idea
hmm.... maybe a few months in yes
d: ya
but now I don't need anything *pain shoots up*
*pain shoots up her stomach but her face doesn't do anything so no one can tell*
J-babe u ok still?? remember don't lie
don't squish Jamie
Yesss I'm ok *smiles and gently cradles jamie*
J-are u in pain or anything??
isn't she so fluffy and cute?
*smiles at Dillion really happy*
noooo. *smiled at Jess* she's so fluffy!!!!
d: *smiles at her wide*
J-ok then just let me know
*blushes light pink* don't even get me started on all the toys and stuff for her
J-u better tho
J-*whispers* I made her promise me if she feels anything or is in pain it's really gonna help
*laughs* I will *lying*
d: yeah *whispers*
J-babe really just say it they don't care
I know
*whispers to her* just tell him the truth he's really worried about you ya know like seriously nervous
*whispers back* I shouldn't though. he's just going to be more worked up
*whispers* he won't ok just tell him, Dillion would do the same
*whispers* make sure u tell him everything
*whispers* I really shouldn't. I mean- he'll just worry more
*whispers* u want to know what Dillion would do?? he'd practically pass out and probably call the doctor
*whispers* so would Jos
*whispers* just tell him he'll get more worried if u don't
*whispers* maybeee
*whispers* I don't think so
*gives Josh the "look" and whispers* just tell him
*whispers* but
*gives Dillion the "look" for some help*
*whispers* just do it
(sorry it wouldn't let me respond)
d: hey Josh Faith looks a bit pained
(ohh that happens to me all the time)
J-*looks at her* ah what should I do?? *sorta nervous but not very much*
*whispers* Faith just try it will be fine
d; I don't know
i-it's nothing
*whispers* no
For you?
J-*walks to Faith* so what's going on??
*whispers* just do it
*whispers* I promise you
*whispers* nuuuu
J-babe somethings wrong *hugs her* just tell me, I'm not going to go completely crazy or worried or nervous all over you I'll just help you
*whispers* Faith I really think so
nothing is w-wrong
*smiles at Dillion*
J-Faith I can tell
*whispers to her^ nuuu
I-I'm fine
J-Faith I'm gonna get worried if u don't tell me if u do tell me I'm not gonna do whatever u think I am
d: *smiles at her*
*thinks and smiles*
J-please just tell me
so you're not going to freak or anything?
J-nope not at all
well my stomach is killing me
d: what,
*thinks and smiles while has a light pink tint to her cheeks*
J-u wanna go home?
nothing *smiles*
yes please *softly*
d: whaaattt?
let's get the stuff and go home
J-ok lets go
we can get the things first
J-ok lets go quickly then
babe it's nothing *smiles*
J-*grabs her hand*'don't forget to give them their dog back
okie *hugs Jess and whispers* you should do it
*whispers and hugs her* do what??
*smiles* what josh and I did *hands her Jamie*
*whispers and holds Jamie* maybe I'll probably see if Dillion does it
bye guys
J-bye, Faith lets go before u end up talking for an hour
yay! okie *smiles and walks with Josh* bye
J-*walks holding her hand*
*nuzzles Jamie with her nose*
byeee *holds his hand and gets the things*
J-so pink stuff?
d: *laughs and takes a pic* my two baby girls
*giggles and smiles*
d: what else do we need?
J-hmmm *picks stuff out* remember I'm not gonna get a nervous unless ur literally gonna have it ok?
toys, food, bed, hmm poop bags I guess
brushes, treats
ok *laughs* thats not for 9 months
d: we'd better hurry then
*looks at the toys holding Jamie*
J-yeah just tell me everything ok?
how come??
I will *pain subsides and she smiles*
I've got nothing important to do today
d: want me to hold her?
J-ok feel any better?? *holds her hand as they walk*
I don't mind u can if u want
much thanks babe
J-just saying I gave Dillion some ideas
D: nah it's ok *grabs some toys*
yayyyy *giggles and looks at her stomach*
J-*smiles at her* ur going to be the best mom in the world
*holds her* okie then
J-babe I don't think it's gonna get bigger in a few hours
J-did u give her ideas?
I know. and you'll be the best dad *giggles* except for the fact we're not, uhhh, never mind
d: *smiles to himself*
J-*smiles* that's a surprise
why u so smilie?? *holds Jamie*
d; no reason
J-u have no idea
what's a suprise?
*gives him a weird look* ok then *holds Jamie and looks at things*
J-I'd tell u wouldn't be a surprise
J-I'm just making sure I don't have the date wrong when's ur birthday?
d: okie
June 23rd
*looks around holding Jamie*
J-that's in 2 days right??
J-u have no idea
J-what's gonna happen
d: *looks around*
*holds Jamie and gently pets her looking at dog brushes* hmm
D: hmmm *picks out some toys* these good?
I think they should be *grabs a dog brush* this ok?
D: ya
J-*txt to D*- ok I have a question
*puts the brush in the basket holding Jamie*oh do we need a dog carrier?
d: *txt- ya?*
d: yes.
J-*looks at the collars and leashes*
J-*txt*- well I have an idea for Faiths birthday but I'm not sure if I should do it
*looks at leashes*
wow this is going to take awhile
D: txt: what is it?
J-*points out a pink sorta shiny one* what about that one?
d: I know *chuckles and takes her hand* food next?
ooohhh yeah!!
J-*txt*- promise ur not gonna laugh??
d: promise 👍🏼
sure lets go *holds his hand sorta walks while holding Jamie*
(that was a text^)
D: *walks with her*
J-*grabs it down*'okie u pick the collar
here *grabs a pink one*
J-*txt*- well I was going to ask her to marry me but I'm not sure if I should
J-ok that should be good then for this stuff right??
J-*txt* are u sure??
J-on to the toys or bed?? *holds her hand*
d: txt: she'd love it. can I tell J?
bed I guess *holds his hand*
J-*txt* I'm not sure.... I just don't want Faith to find out, but do u think u could help me somehow like Jess and Faith could stay together and do something
J-*holds her hand and walks* pink bed?
D: txt: sure! I can get Jess to take Faith on a walk or to a movie
J-*txt* can Jess even walk yet?? have them play with the dogs together
D: txt: perfect.
J-or a different color?? *holds her hand*
J-*txt* when?
hm... maybe a black or white bed?
d: txt: would on her birthday in the afternoon work?
J-sure sounds good babe *holds her hand and walks* u still ok?
Yes. I promise
J-*txt* lemme ask in a way she won't know
d: txt: awesome ok
babe can u and Jess hangout on the afternoon of ur birthday me and Dillion have some business to do
(that was Josh^^)
J-*kisses her forehead* it will only be for like an hour
sure! but can it just be you and me in the morning?
Okay *smiles softly*
J-yup definitely
J-*txt* she's ok with it
J-*smiles* ok let's look at these beds
babe what food should we get?
d: txt: ok. see you then
J-hmm u like any?
J-*txt* thanks, bye!
d: bye 👋🏼
(that was a text^)
hmm yeah *picks one out*
babe??? am I invisible or something?
d: should we get this one ? *points to one*
d: *pulls one down*
J-okie I like that one u think Baily will?
hmmm I'm not sure what kind
d: let's go with this one then
J-hmm what next?? *holds her hand*
ok what next?? *hugs Jamie*
D: so we have the food, toys, leash, and collar.... dishes?
so we need dishes, treats
we got a brush to
d: yes. so dishes and treats are actually in the same section
J-sure lets go! *holds her hand and walks* u excited?
really yes!!!!!!!
ok let's go then!! *holds Jamie as she stumbles* oh and we need a dog cage/carrier
J-*walks to the toys* so what kind should we get?
d: yay! ok! I ammmmmm
J-*smiles at her*
hmm... *looks at her feet as she walks* maybe a rope toy?
*stumbles holding Jamie tightly but gently*
J-sure should we get a ball?? are u ok?
J-*holds her hand*
I am! I'm just so happyyyyyyy
d: *helps her walk*
and yes we should
J-ok just checking, what kind of ball?
*holds onto Jamie as she stumbles*
d; *helps her*
J-sure sounds good
*bites her lip stumbling and holding Jamie*
J-*brings them to the toys* hmm so blue or green ball?
d; you're doing amazing babe
J-*grabs a rope and puts it in the basket*
huh?? *stumbles as she holds onto Jamie and makes it to the area*
J-*grabs it down* this the kind u want?
d: you can walk and you're doing amazing
I'm not walking
*looks at the treats and holds Jamie*
d: well you're going better then before *kisses her head*
J-okie what else?? any more toys?? *puts those toys in the basket*
yeah sure *looks through the treats holding Jamie* hmm
umm nope!
d; how about a bone!
J-okie now what??
*grabs one down* I'm not sure if she'll eat it
hmm..... dishes?
D: beef jerky
J-sure lets go! *grabs her hand me walks*
for Jamie?? or for u?
(it's and not me)
d: both *grins*
J-pink bowls?? *walks to the dishes*
how about black to match the bed?
of course *grabs some down* here u go
J-sure do u want anything on them?? *shows her the different black bowls*
how about paw prints?
d: these are for Jamie and we can get some for me later *laughs*
J-in gold or white?? *shows her them*
in gold
ok *puts them in the basket* lets get the dishes
d:awesome. what color?
J-*grabs two* these ok?
hmmm blue??
d: sure!
(want to time skip to after they shop?)
J-okie *puts them in the basket* what next?
(yes please)
<an hour later faith is at home and Dillan is home>
<Jess and Josh are home with them>
*sitting on the floor playing with Jamie laughing*
*laying in bed*
d: *taking a video*
J-u feel ok princess?? *sitting on the bed*
*plays with Jamie laughing and smiling*
d: *laughs*
J-for sure?? *softly rubs her waist like he did either*
what?? *laughs and smiles lays down and Jamie crawls on her* she's just like you!
yeah *giggles*
J-u hungry?? we can eat then go get Baily
J-*continues to rub softly*
J-what would u like?
*smiles at him and rubs his back* chicken
*smiles and laughs as Jamie continues to crawl on her* she is just like you
D: she is!!
J-any certain kind?? *rubs her waist softly*
no *rubs softly*
exactly like you *smiles and laughs*
d: she is *smiles*
J-okie can I still pick u up?
*hugs him legs*
yes. I'mnot THAT pregnant
*smiles and laughs*
J-just making sure *picks her up cradles her*
J-*rocks her slowly as he walks*
d: *laughs and hugs her*
*smiles laughing as Jamie try's to climb Dillion*
you know I'm wearing a short dress?
J-*sets her on a chair* hmm so fried or barbecued?
d: *slides down onto the ground so Jamie can crawl on him*
J-so what?
*laughs as Jamie crawls all over him*
J-*takes things out* okie I'll get started
so... never mind
d: *laugjs*
*smiles and laughs as Jamie crawls all over Dillion*
nothing *smiles and stands*
d: just like you
*smiles and laughs*
d: *laughs and smiles*
J-babe u sure??? *flips the chicken* oh and no climbing trees or running off in the middle of the night
ya. and awwww I was planning on doing that
oh sure she is
*puts her head on him shuts her eyes and falls asleep*
J-WHAT?!?!?? u gotta be crazy
noooo. I was
d: *smiles*
J-*puts everything on the table*
yeah *looks down and blushes*
*smiles in sleep as Jamie curls up on Dillion's stomach next to her head and falls asleep*
J-why would u do that?
J-Faith that's dangerous
I-I know
D: *softly* just like her
J-please don't ok?? and I'm not mad
*smiles in sleep and hugs his stomach*
good. is dinner ready?
J-*puts it on the table* yup
d: *wraps an arm around Jess and pets Jamie*
yay! *eats*
J-*sits down*
*smiles as she sleeps and kisses his stomach*
*eats and thinks about what she would do tonight*
J-so we'll get the dog and then what would u like to do?
*wakes up*
*whispers* sorry
hmm.... go to bed
d: hey my princess
d: I don't mine
*smiles* I'm really hungry
d: after dinner I have a suprise
J-should I stay over again?? I brought enough clothes for a really long time
umm ok
hmm.... maybe since you'll be this babies father.... yes
*sits up and picks up Jamie still asleep in her arms*
d: *smiles*
J-u just want me to stay forever?
*hugs Jamie* babe hurry up I'm really hungry
I'd like that very much yes *blushes and eats*
J-good I'll stay *eats and smiles*
good. *smiles and eats*
*sits on the couch holding Jamie*
*rocking her in her arms*
d: *stands* what do you want for dinner?
J-*finishes the chicken* u ready now?
I don't care *rocks Jamie*
d: burgers?
J-*stands* should we bring anything??
sure *rocks Jamie*
(btw I am warning you I may fall asleep*
d:: yay
J-okie lets go *grabs her hand*
*falls asleep on the couch holding Jamie in her arms*
yay ^holds his hand*
d: *smiles and makes them*
J-*opens the car door for her*
thanks *gets un^
*gets in*
*snores softly with sleeping Jamie in her arms*
d; *making them
J-*gets in drivers seat and begins to drive* so is Baily a puppy?
J-how old? *drives*
*wakes after about 15 minutes*
barely three months
D: hey babe
oh hi *smiles and hugs Jamie*
D: have a good nap?
J-awww so she's tiny
I know!
d: good
is it almost time to eat?
J-u excited?? we're almost there
(btw if I don't reply my iPod probably died or my mom is in the room)
d: yes *finishes* fine
(done not fine)
J-*pulls into the driveway*
J-*gets out opens Faiths door* u coming princess?? *holds out him hand*
*stands up* babe where did u put Jamie's food?
yup *gets out and takes his hand*
d: want any ketchup or something on yours?
J-*smiles and walks holding her hand*
d: ok they're all done
*walks and holds his hand*
*stands and sets Jamie on her bed*
J-u wanna knock?? *holds her hand*
sure *knocks and the man comes out*
d: *sets the plates on the table*
J-hello we're here for the dog *holds her hand*
man: ok. she's in here *lets them in*
*stumbles to the table* am I really getting a surprise?
J-*walks in holding Faiths hand*
d: yessss maybeeeee
yes or no
*sits down and eats*
d; yes
*walks in and sees Bailey*
ok then *eats*
d: *smiles and eats*
J-isn't she cute Faith? *holds her hand*
(brb eat it'll take like 5 minutes)
awwww yesss
*leans down and pets Bailey*
(I'm back)
J-*pets Baily* so do u like her?
*smiles and eats*
*finishes* I'm done
I love her
man: that would be (amount of money here)
d: *finishes* me too
J-*hands him the money*
ok now the surprise
(if I don't answer email me)
man: she's all yours *takes the money and hands Bailey to Faith*
*eyes widen with happiness and she gently cradled and pets Bailey*
d: sooo.... what Josh and Faith did.....
J-*hugs Faith*
ohhh ummmm
*hugs him and whispers* yes
*smiles in his arms* thank you sir
man: *smiles* it's my pleasure miss
d: *whispers* yay
J-lets go
*smiles and walks out with Bailey*
*hugs him tightly*
J-u wanna holds her on the way home *opens Faiths door*
d: *holds her tightly*
(hey I gotta go but I'll email u!!)
yayyyyyyyyyyyy *gets in*
u want to start rn then?
d: yaaa
J-*smiles as he takes a picture of Faith and Baily*
can I fead Jamie first?
J-*shows her the picture* this one ok?
d: sure
yes. I love it
J-ready to go?
*puts dog food in Jamie's bowl and water in the other* are u sure I'm ok to do this?
D: if you would like to, yes you are fine
I just don't want to get sick again or something
or if u don't think I'm ready
J-*smiles and drives*
J-how big is Baily gonna get??
I don't know....
d: we can wait until later if you'd like
I don't know
J-like big or small? *drives*
I'm not sure babe
well ipumm we aren't really......never mind
(it's ummmm not ipummmm)
D: it's okie. we can wait
no it's up to u
I'm just saying that well umm we aren't exactly......ummm
d: married?
*nods her head yes slowly*
d: yeah.... true
J-*drives smiling* is she gonna sleep in ur room?
*turns away before it gets awkward and really weird*
J-I'll take over the couch
d: yeah *yawns* I'm going to bed
J-is that ok?? *drives* with u know what and all?
J-I don't want u falling off the bed
yeah. it's good *smiles and pets Bailey*
oh ah ok *sits on the couch and pulls Jamie in her lap*
J-will u fall off the bed?
no. I'm not that big yet
d: night *kisses her head and goes to bed*
J-still it could lower the chances
*falls asleep on the couch holding Jamie close to her*
I know. I'll be good
*curled up and above^^*
J-will ur side be cold??
maybe. but I have Bailey
J-*frowns* I guess u don't need me anymore then
*hugs Jamie in sleep whimpering*
of course I do!!!!!!
D/ *wakes and walks in* Jess?
J-doesn't seem like it *drives*
*asleep clutches Jamie and whimpers/mumbles*
*frowns and holds Bailey close* fine. be that way
d: heyyy Jess *sits beside her^
J-babe I'm not trying to get u mad ok?? I love u beyond words I would do anything in the world for you *drives and puts his hand on her leg*
*sleeps whimpers/mumbles hugging Jamie*
good. if you want to stay with me you are welcome
d: *hugs her gently*
*knows he's there but doesn't do anything still above^^*
D: *rubs her back*
J-u told me u wanted me to stay forever is that true?? *drives hand still on her leg*
*doesn't notice or care and above^^*
J-then I will
good *smiles*
d: babe I'm here ok
*doesn't know he's there above^^*
d: *cradles her in his arms*
J-*drives* is ur couch comfortable??
mmmm... not especially but it's doable
*tears roll down her cheeks doesn't know he's there or that she's sorta crying still asleep and clutches Jamie*
J-ok *drives*
d: shhhhh
*above but she starts crying*
d: *wipes her tears away and cradles her*
*cry's and just remembers stuff and starts crying really hard still asleep cradles Jamie*
J-I'd rather sleep with you but ok *drives*
if you want to I would love to
d: *keeps cradling her, knowing trying to wake her would be pointless*
*wakes up crying really hard and holds Jamie*
d: hey Jess
J-then I will sleep with you, and keep you warm *drives*
*crying hard holding Jamie*
d: hey what's up?
*crying hard* YOU LIED TO ME
J-yayyyyy *drives*
d: what?! no!
*laughs and giggles* YAYYY
u promised me so many things and didn't do them *she says that between sobs clutches Jamie tight but gently*
J-u will never be cold again *smiles and drives*
d: I will now. what do you want?
J-never again *smiles drives*
everything u's to late to do anything now it's already 12:45 am
*sobs clutches Jamie*
d: *groans and sighs* remind me tomorrow please
J-well I know this is really soon but ur gonna need some new clothes *drives*
u won't do it I'm sure *sobs and hugs Jamie*
*groans* oh nooo
J-I'm just saying *drives* ur gonna need them
just go to bed I'll sleep here *crying and hugging Jamie*
(aww hurry up!!)
awwww okie
d: *sighs and goes to bed*
*asleep on the couch just wanting to say sorry to him*
J-unless u want to wear really small clothes *pulls into the driveway*
d: *screams into his pillow once in bef*
nope. nvm. I'll buy some new ones
*whispers as she sleeps holding Jamie* I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I love u so much, I'm so for everything
d: *almost cried but falls asleep*
J-see what I mean *opens the car door for her*
yeah *climbs out still holding Bailey gently*
*stumbles into the bedroom she had put Jamie in her dog bed*
*lays down on him and hugs him tight kissing his neck*
J-*closes the door and walks with her*
*still doing above and whispers* I'm sorry really sorry......I love u so much
d: *shifts in his sleep*
*walks in and sets Bailey down, who immediately runs around and jumps everywhere *
*hugs him tightly doing above*
J-wow look at her go *puts the food and water bowls down both filled*
(gotta go eat I'll try and go fast)
(awww okie)
(I'm back)
(Josh said something as well as Jess)
d: *hugs her in his sleep*
*laughs and bailey jumps on the couch*
*smiles and stops crying hugging him tightly*
J-*hugs Faith*
d: *asleep*
*sits on the couch and Bailey sits in her lap*
*kicks him on accident moving herself still hugging tightly*
J-*sits next to her*
*whispers* oops
d: *wakes*
*bailey lays herself across them*
J-*smiles and rubs her head*
*whispers* sorry for kicking u and everything else
*still hugging him tightly*
*Bailey wags her tail*
D: it's ok *hugs her tightly*
J-*smiles at Faith still rubbing Baileys head*
*closes her else still hugs him and awake* u shouldn't forgive me I've been awful to you and ur perfect
D: no im not
u are to me
d: and you are perfect to me
babe I'm no where near perfect
J-*rubs Faiths shoulders lightly and smiles*
d: to me you are
*begins to fall asleep, and leans onto him*
*hugs him tight* but really u shouldn't forgive me
J-*holds her smiling*
d: but I do
*falls all the way asleep*
I've been awful and u don't have to do any of that stuff I just felt weird like......
d: I get it
J-*smiles and puts Faith in his lap as Bailey jumps down to her bed*
cause we aren't really....umm well....ahhh
J-*rocks her gently in his arms*
d: ya.
I just felt weird doing u know what
*whimpers in her sleep as her stomach aches*
d: yeah I get it
J-shh it's ok *rubs her stomach gently and holds her with his other arm*
I'd do it if.....well I really want to but
I'm sorry u were probably all excited and I ruined it for u
d: I get it. don't worry
d: nah. I can wait.
I really want to tho
J-shhhh *holds her still rubbing her stomach*
d: tell me when you want to
*calms and curls up*
J-*holds her still rubbing her stomach* it's ok princess
I'd do it whenever
*hugs his waist in her sleep*
just promise you'll be there and help me tho like everything?
d: you tell me when you are comfortable enough to
d: of course
(threw not tho)
J-*smiles still rubbing her stomach and holds her*
I am as long as u promise those to things
d: I promise. but if you're not comfortable enough to until, we're, you know..... then that's fine with me
no it's ok I don't wanna rush anything for u or make it uncomfortable
d: now?
I'm comfortable with that u promised
J-*above gently rocking her*
d: ok. if you're sure
babe can I change into something more comfortable first?
*wakes but pretends to be asleep*
J-*smiles aboves^^* my little princess
d: sure!
*pretends to be asleep*
*hops back in bed* but the question is are u ready??? I'm gonna need a lot of help from you
J-hey princess *above smiling and rocking*
d: I know
*pretends to be asleep and holds in a smile*
u ready to help me?? it's a really big job
J-I know ur awake *smiles rocking and above*
d: I knowwww. and yesss
no I'm not
*takes a deep breath*
(gtg eat)
J-ur talking *smiles rocking and above*
(aww hurry up!!)
d: *takes a breath and starts*
*doesn't start yet and takes a few big breaths calming herself*
J-yess *smiles above still rocking*
*calming herself and thinks*
(that's the last bit im gonna say for him)
(she never started)
J-*smiles rocking*
d: I can stop *stopsI
*trying to calm herself and then blurts out* what if I'm not a good mom.....
I could totally fail this *trying to calm down*
d: you'll be an amazing mother
d: we can wait
just hold on a second *calming herself*
*hugs him* u promise for sure those to things?
d: I promise
*calms down*
ok u can start
d: we can wait till tom
(tomorrow not tom)
d: or we can do it now
no I'm ok
I might as well just do it
just do it now
d: you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you
no it's ok
I don't care
I'm ok
D: are you 100% sure?
*nods her head yes*
d: ok. you want me to start?
yes I'm ready
d; ok *begins. and that's all I'm gonna say for him for a whillleeee*
*sits up* okie I'm up
*follows him*
(that's all she's gonna say for awhile)
J-sleep or watch tv?
J-sure sounds good *turns on the tv*
(sorry I was getting ready for bed)
yay *smiles as Bailey jumps onto her*
(it's okie 😊)
J-*smiles* so what should we watch?
J-*scratches Baileys head*
hmm..... want to actually finish our movie?
J-*scratches Baileys head*
J-sure.....didn't we this morning?
Bailey: *wags her tail and licks his face*
Nope. we, uh, did the thing in the middle of it
J-ohh yeahhh *grabs Faiths laptop* I could make the movie come up on the TV screen if u want
J-*makes it come up on the TV* ready?
yeah *Bailey walks in a circle on Faiths stomach and lies down*
J-*laughs, smiles and starts the movie pulls her close to him*
(have Dillion finish them when their done)
*giggles and holds Bailey as she moves close to Josh*
J-*smiles and wraps his arm around her watching*
*smiles and watches and pets Bailey*
J-*rubs her shoulders lightly as he watches smiling*
(I don't care how or when u finish wait why am I telling u this?)
(lol ok)
d: *finishes and pulls her up*
*falls asleep in his arms*
d: *smiles and falls asleep*
*waits for him to fall asleep*
J-babe I'm not going to fall asleep I know ur tricks
J-and I'm not gonna let u do something crazy
what? I'm not trying to help you fall asleep
d: *cuddles and Jamie jumps up beside them*
J-no I'm saying ur always waiting for me to fall asleep
whaaattt? book
(nooooo not book)
*smiles and brings Jamie in to the cuddle and sleeps*
J-yess I know how this works
D: *cuddles them both and Jamie falls asleep*
J-babe just say it
J-I dare u to
J-what were u planing on doing tonight?? please don't say climb a tree
uhhh not climb a tree
J-what then?
uhhh nothing
J-babe spill
J-right now
J-*kisses the top of her head*
nuuu *slips out of his grasp*
J-*grabs her again* fine if u don't tell me promise not to do anything
J-*gives her the puppy dog eyes*
heyyyy let goooo.
J-*picks up Bailey puts their faces next to eachothers for double effect still holding onto Faith*
*closes her eyes tight* becauseeeew
J-babe tell meeee *holds onto her*
(u wanna time skip??)
<the next morning>
*as soon as she wakes and he is asleep, Faith climbs a tree*
J-*still holding her tight but not hurting her*
(he never fell asleep well half asleep so he could feel and sense everything)
*unwraps his arms from her and steps away*
*wakes up with a giant pain in her stomach*
d: *wakes* hey
J-*stands up and grabs her* babe ur not gonna climb a tree
*groans with pain* hi
*stomach shoots with pain and she uses it to her advantage and she falls to the sofa* owwww babe I need mess
(meds not mess)
d: you ok?
J-hmmm like what?? I'll get u them
J-but I'm not leaving u alone
the pain....
*screams in pain*
d; Need some meds?
I don't know
J-*looks through the cabinet* like what would work?
J-*txt D* what would kill stomach pain?? Faiths in really big pain
anything that relieves pain
J-shhh it's ok
J-like a stomach ache?
*stands up and stumbles into the bathroom and throws up*
yeah *groans*
(sure then it'll be Faiths birthday)
J-*gives her some*
d: *rushes in and holds her hair back*
J-*brings over water*
*throws up*
thanks *takes both and drinks them*
*finishes flushes the toilet and washes her hands*
J-I hope it works
me too *groans*
<the next day>
(is it morning??)
*pains in her stomach again and it hurts badly*
d: *hugs her* morning babe
*wakes with the pain*
D: your stomach ok?
J-happy birthday my princess *hugs and kisses her*
it hurts really bad
*kisses back* thank you my kind
*Jamie hops on the bed and Jess holds her and hugs her*
d: *gently rubs her stomach and gives her some water*
(contd.) thank you my kind prince
J-so we have the whole morning and remember Jess and Dillion are coming over and then u and Jess can play with ur dogs and me and Dillion will go do some business
*drinks the water* ur lucky u don't have this pain
yayyy okie *smiles and Bailey runs in and jumps on her*
J-I guess she's saying happy birthday
J-u feel ok today?
yeah. I think *groans and puts Bailey on Josh and runs to the bathroom and barfs*
never mind *stands back up, dizzy, and walks back*
J-*sets Bailey down runs after her and holds her hair up out of her face*
J-u ok now?
J-*holds her*
yeah *turns normal* yeah I'm good no
*groans in pain hugging Jamie*
d: I know *grins and hugs her*
d: *hugs her and Jamie gently*
J-good now put on some normal clothes and we can go out to eat ur choice
what's to be happy about right now?? *clutches her stomach in pain holding Jamie*
d: nothing. need anything?
J-*changes into shorts and a shirt* so where do u wanna go?
ur smiling that's why I'm wondering
no *holds her stomach and holds Jamie*
d: you sure?
*changes* ummm IHOP
I think so *above and groaning in pain*
J-okie get whatever u want and should we leave Bailey out??
d; ok *holding her and Jamie*
sure. we can leave her here *kisses Bailey nose*
I'm just hungry and dizzy and in so much painnnnn *above^^*
J-*pets Bailey on the head* ready then?
d:: want me to carry you to the kitchen?
J-*grabs her hand and walks with her* ur in for a big surprise
J-well 2 actually
*lays down* I don't know
d: let me know if you need anything
J-*locks the door behind them and opens the car door for Faith*
*climbs in*
ok *lays playing sorta with Jamie*
d: good
J-*shuts the door and gets in*
*plays sorta with Jamie*
J-*begins to drive smiling thinking about the surprises*
*jamie prances around her*
J-don't guess cause I won't tell u what they are
*smiles watching Jamie* oh Jamie
*jamie licks her face*
J-well I guess u could guess but I'm not saying anything
hmmm *thinks*
*smiles and strokes Jamie* Jamie u know how to make pain melt away
J-*drives smiling* u have no idea
*jamie licks Dillon's face and he laughs*
J-so what are u gonna get?? *drives*
d: *falls down beside her when Jamie leaps on him*
J-what kind?? *smiles as he drives*
*looks up at the ceiling*
Jamie be careful *scratches Jamie's head*
chocolate chip
Jamie: *whines*
*scratches Jamie* Jamie it's ok *kisses her nose*
J-*drives and pulls in* good idea
Jamie: *licks her nose*
*smiles* see everything is fine *rubs Jamie's belly*
J-*parks gets out and opens Faiths door* ready princess?? *holds out his hand*
yes *takes his hand and gets out*
Jamie: *wags her tail*
J-*walks in with her holding her hand*
*walks in*
*smiles still rubbing and laughs and looks over to Dillion's spot on the bed* oh Jamie
J-*follows person to the table* *sits down*
D: *his back is turned to her and he is half asleep*
J-hmmm *looks at the menu*
*frowns then picks up Jamie and puts her down in front of him to lick his face*
J-get whatever u would like
Jamie: *licks his face*
d: *turns and puts his head in his pillow*
*picks up Jamie and whispers* good girl
*stumbles into the kitchen holding Jamie*
D: *asleep*
*fills Jamie's bowls* there you go *sets her down*
Jamie: *wags her tail and pants*
Jamie: *eats*
*makes herself an egg and bacon*
what do u want Jamie?? huh?? *says in a sweet voice*
u think Dillion wants some bacon and eggs??
Jamie: *whines for some*
aww u want some??
Jamie: *wags her tail*
*gives her a small pice of bacon* now that's it no more
*kisses Jamie's head*
j: *scarfs it down*
*finishes making the eggs and makes herself a plate of eggs and bacon*
u think Dillion's gonna sleep all day??
*smiles and laughs*
why is he even tired??
*thinks as she eats*
J: *barks and runs to dillan*
*stands and stumbles to the room and picks up Jamie and carries her back to the kitchen*
D: *wakes* whuh?
*is eating in the kitchen with Jamie in her lap*
Jamie don't wake him up ok?? I'm not mad
d: *walks in and rubs his eyes and hugs her from behind*
*gives her another small piece of bacon*
*looks up*
*food arrives*
hey sleeping umm prince
u want some??
J-*takes his*
d: hey beautiful. yes please
*takes hers and eats*
when did I become beautiful?? *smiles and gets him a plate* Jamie u had enough bacon
d: since you were born *chuckles*
J-*eats* so what should we do today?
J: *wags her tail*
yeah sureeee *smiles and hands it to him*
d: it's true
why are u so tired all the sudden?? yesterday u seemed tired also
hmmm.... we could go swimming maybe
d: I have no idea. but I'm awake now!!!!
*picks up Jamie and sits down* what do u want Jamie?
J-are u able to?? *eats*
seriously like you've never been this tired before
yeah *eats£
d: I know right *eats*
j: *tried to eat BACON*
*pulls her away from the bacon* Jamie u had enough already
are u sure ur ok?? like am I doing something at night and u wake up??
J-*eats* can Bailey swim?? just wondering
(sorry. almost fell asleep)
d: oh no. I'm fine
are u sure?? I can switch rooms
*eats holding Jamie*
(it's ok I do that all the time)
d: yes. please stay
(when should we go to bed )
well ok
(well I've got a lot of energy rn and I finished 5 books already tonight so umm idk)
Jamie no bacon for u *eats holding her*
(okie. let me know when)
d: yay ok
j: *whines and gives her puppy eyes*
*gives her a small piece* now that's all
j: *eats it fast*
am I tiring u out somehow??
(I'm super tired right now. but I can rp tomorrow!!)
d: nope!
Jamie.... *laughs smiles and eats holding Jamie*
Jamie: *barks happily*
(aww okie I'll go watch YouTube for another hour I guess bye sis 💜💜)
*smiles* that's it now
(okie. ILYSM 💕😴)
(I'll try and rp in the morning but I will email u on the bus)
(yayyy okie)
(I'll be on tho so if u need something 😂😂)
(ILYSM ♥️💚💙💛💜💕)
(haha I'm back)
j: *pants*
aww Jamie what's wrong??
*jamie scratches at the door*
*stands up and let's her outside*
*jamie rushes out and barks at a cat*
what do you want to do?
J-well we've got the whole morning and some of the afternoon
*sighs* Jamie please don't bark at that cat
hmm..... you choose
*Jamie whines*
J-it's ur birthday u pick
uhhh want to go for a swim?
Jamie!! do ur business and come back
J-sure unless u wanna......
*whines and comes back in*
Want to what?
*picks her up* Jamie don't bark at cats ok?? *hugs her and kisses her nose*
J-go shopping?? girls like shopping that's all I know
*jamie licks her face*
d: *laughs and eats* my two girls
*laughs* swimming or shopping. you choose
*smiles and puts Jamie were she can lick Dillion*
J-u can pick
hmm... shopping then swimming?
*jamie licks his face and he laughs*
*laughs and smiles*
awesome *finishes*
what's the plan for today?
d: hey *pets Jamie*
J-*finishes and pays*
d; well we're going to faiths house and josh and I need to do something
*puts Jamie on his head but holding Jamie so she doesn't fall*
d: *laughs*
d: it's a surprise for faiths birthday
what is it???
*smiles and laughs*
d: a surprise
awesome *grabs his hand and smiled at him*
aww please?
J-*grabs her hand and smiles*
I won't tell!
D: nooo. you'll see soon
*smiles and walks with him*
*pain shoots up and hides the pain sorta smiles* aww Jamie u wanna play?
oh fine
d: what's wrong?
J-*walks with her to the car smiling*
ohhh ahhh nothing *hides the pain* Jamie u wanna play?
*grins and gets in*
d: I have the boyfriend feeling that something is wrong
when did u get one?? *hides the pain and looks for Jamie*
J-*gets in and drives smiling*
*jamie is hiding under their bed*
d: tell me Jess please
babe it's nothing *looks for Jamie hiding the pain* Jamie where are u??? *brings out the treats*
*jamie smells them and runs out* *barks*
*gives her one and picks her up* now don't hid again
*sits down with toys*
don't worry I'm ok *hides the pain*
d: no you're not. don't lie *hugs her*
we almost there?
J-yup *drives*
promise ur not gonna go crazy
d: promise
*plays with Jamie hiding the pain*
my stomach is completely killing me *plays with Jamie*
D: do you need a painkiller?
J-so why do girls like to shop so much?
*laughs* so we have something new everyday
idk *plays with Jamie* Jamie go get the ball!
*jamie races after the ball*
J-*laughs* ohhh ok sounds good
d: here *hands her some*
yup! *grins*
bring it back now!
babe I'm ok
J-*smiles and drives*
*jamie races back*
d: you need it
I'm ok babe *grabs the ball and tosses it* go get the ball Jamie
d: please? for me?
*jamie races after it*
it's not as bad anymore *lies*
J-*drives smiling*
babe I shouldn't take them if I don't have to
*smiles and watches Jamie*
d: I know it hurts. and you need it
*looks at him while he drives*
noooo I don't *plays with Jamie*
d: yesssss you do
J-*smiles and drives* whatcha looking at?
please I don't
nothing *blushes and looks down*
d: please. only a bit
J-it's ok *smiles and drives*
babe I don't need them *waits for Jamie watching her chew up the ball* Jamie?!!?
*jamie chews up the ball*
awww Jamie!! *crawls over to her* don't chew it all up
*jamie tilts her head and looks adorable*
J-*smiles and drives*
*grins and looks out the window*
*takes a picture of Jamie* ok Jamie no chewing up balls
*jamie whines pitifully*
J-*smiles and drives* ur in a good mood today
*takes the ball out of her mouth* what else is in the basket?
J-really good mood *smiles and drives*
D: a rope toy, squeaky bone
hmmm what would work?
J-*smiles and drives* why are u so happy today?
I don't know!!!
d: bone?
Jamie u want a bone or a rope?
J-you'll be even happier later *smiles and drives*
*jamie noses through the basket of toys and grabs a sock*
*slaps herself in the face* u want that??
J-very happy *smiles and drives*
*jamie wags her tail and runs off into the yard*
yayyyy *squeal*
did u leave the door open?? because I closed it
J-*laughs and drives smiling*
(do u wanna time skip to the afternoon??)
d: yeah. Jamie is talented *runs after Jamie and scoops her up*
d: *laughs and takes the sock from Jamie and kisses her head*
*smiles and laughs*
(do u wanna time skip to the afternoon?)
ohh Jamie what are we going to do with you??
<that afternoon Faith is in her room and Dillan is in the kitchen>
let me go get dressed then I'll be ready
<Josh is pacing back and forth really nervous and Jess is deciding on what to wear>
d; ok
*walks out and smiles and hugs him* what up with you?
J-nothing *walks back and forth*
tell me *grabs his shoulders*
d: you look amazing
J-I can't
*stumbles to him*
awww *pouts*
d: *helps her walk to the car after closing and locking the door*
thanks but I don't *grabs the leash and some toys*
*hooks Jamie up with the leash*
J-you'll see soon
*gets in the car and puts Jamie on her lap*
d/ yes you doooo
sure I do *laughs stroking Jamie* u ready to meet a new friend??
J-just wait and see *paces back and forth*
well atleast calm down *smiles*
*jamie barks excitedly*
J-I can't
do you need help?
babe hurry up *holds Jamie down* I'm assuming ur excited
J-no I'm good *walks back and forth*
D: YESSS *gets in and Jamie hops in as well*
*holds Jamie on her lap*
let's go before Josh thinks we're not coming
d: *drives to the house and gets out*
babe calm down *smiles at him*
*gets out of the car and sets Jamie down on the leash*
J-I'll try
d: *knocks* JOSH WERE HERE
J-*runs to the door and opens it*
*stumbles up with Jamie*
*walks inside*
d: hey josh. ready?
*hugs Faith* hi happy birthday
J-yeahhh I think
now where's ur dog Jamie is jumping off the walls
thanks!! *hugs back* BAILEY *bailey runs in*
d: alright
J-*hugs Faith* I'll be back
ok. love you babe
*bailey and Jamie circle each other playing*
J-*walks outside*
J-love u to!
d: come on *gets in and starts the car*
*giggles and watches them play*
*takes off Jamie's leash*look at them go
J-*gets in the car*
*Bailey and Jamie run around the room barking*
shesh not even a goodbye
d: *drives* where do we go?
J-I'm not sure
D: *txts Jess: sorry bout that babe. josh and I have something special planned for Faith and we need to hurry. love you 😍😍 more then the stars ✨ in the sky 🌌
txt*- yeah sure more important then me
*txt*- love u more then there are animals 🦄
d: can I tell Jess?
J-will she tell Faith?
*puts her phone down* ok Jamie where are you?
d: txt: if I tell u will u tell Faith?
*jamie and Bailey jump on the two of them*
*laughs* Jamie!
*looks at her phone* txt* u said u can't tell me
*giggles and sits down*
*jamie licks her face*
hmmm so what should we do??
d: txt: I will if you don't tell F
hmmm... well want to to go to the backyard?
sure *txt* I gotta go outside luv ya ❤️
*stands and picks up Jamie*
D: txt: awww okie. ILYSM ❤️
*picks up Bailey gently and carries her outside*
*txt* byeeee
*smiles following her*
*pain shoots up*
*sees her wince^ you ok?
yeah sorry *plays with Jamie*
are you suuurrreee? *plays with Bailey*
d: *parks at a jewelry shop* here
yup I'm good ur acting like Dillion *smiles laughs and plays with Jamie*
J-u better help me *gets out*
*laughs and smiles*
d/ I will *gets out and locks the car and walks in*
J-*follows* u getting anything?
*laughs and smiles* seriously he gets all crazy
d: maybe *grins*
sometimes he's normal
really? why?
J-are u?? *looks*
I'm not sure
d: probably yeah.
did you hurt yourself? *playing*
J-what?? *smiles and looks*
something had to have happened
yeahhh *smiles*
d: I dunno. I think I MAY ask Jess soon..... idk when though
u probably could guess
d: *shows him one* what bout this one?
J-u should like is it weird between u guys or something?
*nods yes* it was him
D: sort of yeah
J-hmmm I'm not sure
d: hmm...
J-hopefully you'll ask...did u try what I said?
*hugs her*
d: ya
*giggles and hugs her*
J-did it work??
*smiles* I almost didn't
seriously I almost didn't
d: it did
well ummm......
we aren't exactly
(I gtg to bed. gnight. we can continue tomorrow)
J-u think it worked?? *looks*
d: yeah. what about you?
(goodnight!! 💜💜)
J-I hope
(gnight sis!!! ✨✨)
(GOODNIGHT ✨💜✨💙✨💜✨💙✨💜✨💙)
J-I'm hoping
d: same *looks at the rings*
J-*looks and sighs* this is gonna take awhile
d: *sighs and finds one* ooo I like this one
*lays down in the grass*
*lays beside her and looks at the sky*
J-get it then
d:'ok *buys it*
*jamie walks over and lays beside them*
*scratches Jamie's head*
*bailey walks over and lays her head on faith*
J-how long u gonna save that for??
*laughs and pets Bailey*
d: hmm.... I don't know
*smiles at Bailey*
J-*picks one up* how about this one??
*hugs Jamie*
d: I think she'll love it!
*jamie licks her face*
(brb gotta eat I'll go fast)
(I'm here)
J-*buys it* anything else?
d: nope
J-lets goooo then *walks out*
*plays with Jamie*
d: ok *walks out and unlocks the car and gets in*
*laughs and pets Bailey*
(gtg eat and I will probably not eat very fast, so if you're not on I'll email u)
J-*gets in*
d: *begins to drive to faiths house*
J-*really nervous*
d: *parks in front of the house*
J-*opens the door really nervous* I bet ur glad u don't have to do this
d: ya *grins* *gets out*
(brb I gotta eat I'll eat)
(awww okie)
J-ur really lucky *nervous*
d: thanks *opens the front door* you'll be amazing
J-*walks in* u gonna stay?
d : course. *walks in*
J-few *calms down*
d: Jess we're back!!!
J-should I do it outside??
d: yeah
*sits up on the grass still playing with Jamie* WE'RE OUTSIDE
J-ok *takes deep breaths*
*sitting down playing with Bailey*
d: you got this man *claps his back*
J-*walks to the backyard*
so whatcha guys doing?? *smiles and plays with Jamie*
J-*whispers* I know what I'm going to say but how do I exactly start?
d: *walks outside*
*smiles at josh* hey
d: *whispers* I have no clue
J-*smiles* ok so I think u wanna sit down
ahhh what's going on here?? *plays with Jamie*
o-ok *sits down*
D: you'll see
J-*takes a deep breath* Faith I've love you so much I can't explain it, ur just an amazing and beautiful girl.... *takes a deep breath and gets on one knee* will you marry me?? *holds out the ring*
*her eyes widen and she covers her mouth*
J-*smiles hopefully*
*her eyes fill with tears* y-yes
J-*hugs her*
I would love to marry you *she smiled WIDE*
*hugs him*
J-*places the ring on her finger*
d: see? *grins*
J-*smiles huge*
*giggles and admires it*
*laughs and hugs him tight*
hmm any chance ur gonna don that?? *teases him*
d: maybeee *teases her*
J-I love you Faith more then anything
I love you more then anything in the world
(brb I'll take a really fast shower)
and the universe
d: *smiles and hugs her*
*hugs him*
J-*strokes the top of her head*
d: *hugs her tight*
J-*smiles and holds her*
*huggles him*
*smiles and hugs him*
d: *huggles her*
J-so we could either have dinner just us somewhere or invite them u pick (it would be out to eat)
*pain lurches up her stomach as she winces*
Invite them
d: hey u it ok?
yeah *fights the pain*
J-where to??
hmm...... Olive Garden
d: tell the truth
(gtg. brb)
I'm telling the truth I'm ok it just hurts a little *hurts a lot*
J-sounds good
d: nooo I know that it hurts
(wow ur fast)
I told u it does *hurts a lot*
*picks up Jamie and hugs her*
(ikr. I was drying my hair)
d: hmmm
(ohhh makes sense)
*hugs Jamie tight and massages her stomach*
J-when should we go then? *smiles at her*
*jamie licks her face*
umm tonight?
J-well yeah but what time?
(if I don't answer right away I will I'm just doing homework)
*jamie wags her tail*
*smiles and kisses Jamie's head*
(if I don't respond then my IPod died)
*rubs her stomach and hugs Jamie*
(I willl)
(will u be on late tonight??)
(Jess said something)
J-does Bailey want a walk?
*bailey jumps up and down*
d: are you suuurrreeee?
J-Faith u wanna come with?
I told u it hurts *rubs her stomach and holding Jamie*
(I is back)
d: ok now you need mess
(meds not mess)
*sighs* fine
J-*puts the leash on Bailey*
d: here *hands her some*
*bailey runs around*
wait how do u have some right now?
J-*holds her on the leash*
D; you're pregnant. I should carry them around
*bailey runs around within the boundaries of her leash*
ohhh makes sense
J-*holds onto the leash* BAILEY
d: ya
*bailey looks up at him*
BUUT what pain are they gonna kill??
J-*smiles* ready Bailey??
d: the pain u said u had
*bailey barks and strains on the leash*
J-Bailey no
J-*holds her back* no pulling
which is?
*bailey whines and paces*
d: the one in your stomach
where did u get stuff for that?
J-Bailey!! *calls her*
*bailey walks to him*
d: at the doctors
what?!?!? when did u go???....
J-good girl *pets her on the head* ready for the walk?
d: last night
*bailey jumps up and down*
*laughs* I'd assume that's a yes that's why ur so tired
J-ready to go then Faith?? *grabs her hand with the leash tight in the other*
d: ya *rubs his eyes^
yeah *smiles and waves at Jess* see you
*smiles wide*
J-bye u guys *walks with her and Bailey*
*hugs him* don't do that again
d: bye!!
d; *hugs her* maybe
J-*walks away with them*
*walks with Josh and bailey*
please otherwise I'll be worrying all the time
*bailey sniffs everything*
d; ok. I won't. but take the meds then
J-*smiles* so u liked the surprise?? *walks*
fine *takes them*
it was the best surprise in the history of surprises
d: yay
J-*smiles*u have a few more coming *walks* Bailey what are u looking for?
*makes a face* that was gross
promise you'll sleep in tonight?
*bailey sees a squirrel and runs after it*
d: I promise
J-BAILEY NO!! *pulls on the leash*
*feels sleepy* do these make you fall asleep or something
*bailey growls at the squirrel and stops*
d: promise me when you hurt you come to me
d: promise me babe
J-Bailey don't do that *pulls on the leash* I wonder when u should get the rest
tell meeeeee
hmmmm *thinks*
*Bailey trots back to them*
d: pleeeaaaaseee
J-then it wouldn't be a surprise would it?
awwww *smiles*
J-good girl
*bailey licks his pants*
d: promise me it I break my promise
babeeeee don't u dare do that
d: then promise
J-*laughs holding the leash and Faiths hand* u just gotta wait
awwweeee *laughs*
d: please babe
hmmm *thinks*
J-*smiles walking and holding her hand and the leash* wait and see
d: *waite*
okie *wraps an arm around his waist and walks*
*bailey walks beside Josh*
J-*smiles wraps an arm around her and holds the leash in the other, walking*
*thinks hard as the pain comes back*
*smiles and walks. Bailey licks his hand*
J-*holds her smiling above^^*
d: *sees her pain but stays quiet*
*rubs her stomach thinking with pain*
*giggles softly and bailey prances in front of them*
*thinks hard*
d: *waits to see if she will say anything*
J-*smiles holding her above^^*
I never thought I'd actually be engaged
*thinks rubbing her stomach in much pain and feels light headed and thinks hard*
J-well u are now *smiles holding her above^* you're now mine forever
d: *sees the pain strengthening, he gently hugs her from behind and picks her up*
*winces in pain as it gets worse still thinking*
J-ONLY MINEEE *holds her smiling above^^*
*cradles her* we're going home ok?
oh umm ok... *thinks with really bad pain afraid he would say something about it*
J-*smiles holding her as he walks above^^*
*afraid to say anything*
d: texts Josh; We gtg but will be back for dinner
d: *carries her to the car and sets her in a seat*
*looks at him worried* what's the matter?
J-*txt* okie
*heads spinning*
d: nothing
d: *drives home and carries Jess in and sets her on their bed*
*head and stomach hurts really bad so bad she can't talk*
d: *walks to the kitchen, pours Jess some ginger ale, gets some aspirin, and walks back into their room*
*pulls him closer, smiles, and walks*
*head and stomach hurt super bad*
J-*smiles holds her as they walk above^^*
d: *sits right beside her and hands her the ginger ale* drink this babe
*to dizzy to drink it*
*leans on him so she doesn't fall*
d: *props her head up and gently pours it down her throat*
d: just stay still *softly*
*holds her head really dizzy and begins to loose balance and the tiredness is stronger as well as the pain*
d: shhh *holding her in his lap* *gently crushed up the aspirin and feeds it to her*
*really dizzy and tired moaning*
d: shhh *rocks her gently*
*they get home*
*dizzy tired and groans whispers really quite* I promise
J-*walks in still holding her*
d: good *takes a warm wet cloth and lays it on her forehead*
*smiles* I'm gonna rest before dinner (it's 5pm)
J-okie *lets Bailey off*
*falls asleep on him with a very high amount of pain whimpering*
*bailey runs and eats some leftover of her food*
*walks to her room and lies down*
d: *gently rubbing her back, he lies her down in the bed and puts a blanket over her*
J-*sits down happy*
*smiles and curls up*
*moves around trying to find him in sleep*
d: *stands up and gets some water*
*pushes the blanket off of her bc she's to hot*
J-*walks to her room* how ya feeling??
terrible *forehead is burning up and her stomach is killing her*
d: *comes back in*
J-hmm can I get u anything??
J-*gets a cold washcloth and puts it on her head*
nah. I'm good *curls up into a tight ball and hides her face*
*trying to find him in sleep*
J-*gets some meds* Faith take these it'll help
J-I want u to get better
nah I'm good
d: *sits beside her*
*puts her head on him*
J-Faith please I'm begging you
J-*sits down and holds her*
nope *head in her pillow*
d: *gently moves her hair from her face* im here
*still in great pain sleeping*
J-please?? *holds her and kisses the top of her head*
d: *gently rubs her stomach*
*calms and feels something she never has before in her stomach it's not pain*
J-please it will help u
d: *softly smiles and keeps rubbing*
no *stomach bursts with pain and she holds back a scream*
J-Faith please
*keeps feeling it*
*shakes her head no*
d: *keeps gently rubbing*
J-please?? *looks desperate and panicked*
*keeps feeling it over and over again*
no *feels something tiny forming and she holds back a painful scream*
d: *keeps rubbing softly*
J-*rubs her stomach gently* shhh
*holds back tears*
*keeps feeling it harder and hard as she pulls back a painful scream*
D: shhhh *holds her close*
J-shhh it's ok just cry *holds her and rubs her stomach softly*
*starts crying from the pain in her sleep*
*shakes her head and her voice is super quiet* no
d: *wipes her tears away and kisses her cheeks*
*crys from the pain*
J-Faith u were so happy what happened?? *holds her rubbing her stomach*
d: *wiping her tears away with one hand and rubbing her stomach with the other*
*squeaks* nothing
*crys harder with the pain*
d: *rubs gently the part that hurts*
J-please tell me *holds her rubbing* I'll listen I won't interrupt or anything like that
*crying really hard as she wakes in worse pain*
my stomach. it really hurts *cries out loudly*
D; do you need the doctor?
d: *calls the doctor*
J-hmmm u want some meds or go to the doctor?? *holds her and rubs*
*crying hard*
I don't know *shaking and sobbing*
d: he'll be here in 3 mins
J-*calls the doctor*
*crying hard with pain*
J-the Doctor is on his way *sits down holds her and rubs her stomach*
d: *the doc arrived and gives her a painkiller *
(I'm gonna go to bed)
*cries and squeezes his hand tight *
I'm not sure it's gonna work
J-shhh it's ok *holds her and rubs*
(awww okie NIGHT SIS 💜💙)
(gnight sis. rp in the morning 💜❤️)
doctor: we we can try
*shaking with sobs*
*Doctor gives Faith some meds and tells her to take them*
*meekly nods*
it's not working *pain levels keep going higher as she begins to sob*
J-u need some help?? *holds her still rubbing her stomach*
*shakes her head no and takes them*
doctor: we'll try these *hands her some*
J-*holds her still rubbing*
*pain increases but she doesn't say anything*
*body starts cramping as the pain keeps going up*
doctor: does it still hurt?
J-any better?? *holds her still rubbing* tells us please bc we're trying to make u better
*shakes her head yes*
*shakes her head no*
doctor: *turns to Dillan* we're going to have to take her to the hospital.
*doctor gives her something else*
*sobs clutches Dillion with pain*
*takes it, and the pain stays the same*
d: ok. but I'm coming with her
doctor: ok. can you carry her to the car?
(I gtg eat)
*crying really hard with pain*
J-still hurts?? *rubbing her stomach and holding her*
(oh darn if I'm not on email me)
(I may take a few mins to reply)
d:*carries her to the car and the doctor follows*
*doctor says to bring her to the hospital*
*sobs with the pain getting even worse*
J-I'm coming with *picks her up and brings her to the car*
*sobs into his shirt*
(I gotta go but we can email)
d: *sits in the car with her in his lap and the doctor drives to the hospital*
J-*gets in the car holding her tight* shhh *Doctor drives*
*sobs into his shirt shaking violently*
*meekly kids *
d; I love you Jess
J-*holds her*
*cant talk and crying hard*
d: *rubbing her stomach*
*shaking as she sobs*
*crying really really hard her strength going down*
d: *holds her and they arrive at the hospital*
J-shhh *rubs her stomach gently holding her*
*crys violently*
*shaking and they arrive*
d: *carries her in and they hook her up to a small machine and it numbs the pain*
(sorry had to get ready)
*still slightly feels the pain still crying hard*
J-*carries her inside*
(it's okie ❤️)
d: *sits down beside her*
*crying really hard and shakes*
d: shh shhh shhh
J-*holds her as they hook her up to a machine to numb/get rid of the pain* shhh it's gonna be ok *holds her hand tightly*
o-ok *weakly nods and passes out*
*crying even harder as the pain comes back fast*
d: *the machine completely numbs the pain*
J-*holds her as the doctor comes over* *tears form in his eyes*
*crying seriously hard not able to stop*
d: *kisses her lashes*
*crying really hard like tears come down FAST shaking violently*
*closes her eyes*
doctor: would you like to go to sleep Jessica?
*can't talk and crying really hard*
*finds him hand*
doctor: nod or shake your head if you can't speak
doctor: *to Josh* is she ok?
J-I'm not sure *looks at her tears forming in his eyes* I just don't know *holds her tightly*
*nods her head no*
*crying really hard*
doctor: ok. call me over if you need anything *to Dillan*
Doctor: *to Josh* hand her to me please
*crying really hard*
J-*puts her into his arms*
d: *rocks her in his arms*
J-*looks away before he crys*
doctor: *to Josh* thank you *feels her forehead* she's burning up
*crying really hard as the pain kicks in again*
d; sshhhhhh
J-is she going to be ok?? *tears start running down his face*
*crying hard*
doctor: yes. hold her please *hands her to josh*
d: baby I'm here
J-*holds her tightly as he starts to cry*
*crying really hard*
doctor: *comes back and puts a cold cloth on Faithes forehead and looks at Josh* she should be up soon
d: shhhhh
J-ok *tears fall as he holds her tight*
*crying hard and opens her eyes*
*tries to move but she cant*
d: *kisses her forehead*
J-*holds her as tears roll down* it's ok everything will be ok *hugs her tightly* shhh
*crying hard as the pain fully comes back*
*opens her eyes and looks up at him*
d: *holds her close*
J-*tears rolling down his face hugging her tightly* it will be ok
*crying as the pain won't ever leave*
d: the pain is almost over
*shakes her head no crying hard*
d:yes it is
J-*tears roll down his face* Faith I'm sorry *hugs her tightly*
f-for what?
*whispers with the only strengthen she has* it's all back for good *crying*
J-I shouldn't have made u do any of this *hugs her crying*
J-I'm putting u in danger
no you're not *weakly*
d: no it's not
*very quite almost can't hear it* I'm a goner it's to strong *crying really hard*
J-yes babe I am *hugs her crying*
no you're not *kisses his eyelashes gently*
d: you'll make it through
*shakes her head no with the pain really high* *crying seriously hard*
J-are u sure?? *crying hugging her*
d: *holding her tightly and gently*
*crying hard really hard and passes out*
yes *wipes his tears awau*
J-*cryings and hugs her tightly* is the pain any lower??
not really
J-do u need anything?? *crying less still holding her*
*doesn't move a single bit*
d: *hugs her*
J-are u sure?? *tears roll down as he hugs her*
*lays there looking lifeless*
yes. *kisses his cheeks 8
d: is she ok?!? *holds her*
J-*hugs her*
*lays lifeless*
doctor: yes. she is just is so much pain
*kisses him tenderly*
*lays still*
*tears ever so slightly move down her face*
J-*kisses her and hugs her*
d: therewe go
*lays tears roll fast not waking up*
*kisses him*
d: babe I'm here
*doesn't wake*
*in major pain*
J-*kisses her as well as hugs her*
*pulls back and closes her eyes*
doctor: we're going to have to knock her out with a specific gas- she'll only be out for 5 minutes
J-ok *looks very worried*
doctor: *knocks her out and she fall limo onto the bed*
J-*looks scared*
*wakes up tears streaming fast*
doctor to d: is it ok if we knock her out? for only 5 mins
d: babe is it ok? you'll only be out for a few mins
I-I guess
Doctor to d: ok *knocks her out with tha gas*
*falls onto the ground*
d: *catchws her and sets her on the bef*
*looks really pale*
doctor to d: *it numbs her pain*
*a few mins later she wakes*
(gtg eat breakfast)
*pale really really pale almost white*
doctor: she will be fine
J-*holds her tightly tears form*
*turns white*
*tiredly blinks*
J-it's ok *hugs her*
*face snow white*
doctor (both): let her rest and she will be fine
*crys and whispers really quite* don't leave
J-*holds her* are u sure?
(quiet not quite)
(sorry I'm back)
doctor: (both) you may stay if you want
J-*holds her* I'm not leaving her
doctor: to Josh; ok. but let her rest
*looks at him with pleading eyes for not to leave crying hard*
J-ok *holds her gently*
d: I'm not leaving either
doctor to d: of course not. let her rest and she will be alright
*curls up on him crying*
doctor to Jess: now sleep miss
d: she will *strokes her head*
*falls asleep curled up on him whimpering and tears slowly move down her face*
doctor to D: good bye *leaves the room*
J-*holds her strokes her hair* now sleep it will be better when u wake
doctor: to f: go to sleep now
(wanna skip time?)
*falls asleep*
doctor: to josh: bye *leaves*
J-*holds her on him*
d: *asleep, laying next to her*
*wakes still in much pain*
*strokes his face gently*
d: *wakes when he hears her*
d: hey babe. better?
*shakes her head no*
*kisses his forehead gently*
doctor: *walks in* did it work? (Jess)
*shakes her head no*
doctor: well there's nothing we can do then (Jess)
*wakes up*
*looks at Dillion really scared*
J-hey princess any better?? *holds her*
*shakes her head no*
doctor: she won't die. she'll just be in a lot of pain (Jess)
*crying hard with pain*
J-shhh *calls the doctor over and holds her gently*
doctor: yes? (Josh)
doctor: unless you're willing to let go of the pain- it will hurt a lot
J-it's not any better
*looks at him worried and whispers* what would happen?
doctor: hmm..... (josh)
doctor: nothing at all. just pain (Jess)
*whispers crying* nothing would happen?
J-not at all *holds her gently*
(brb) she
(aww hurry up)
(I is backkkkk)
doctor: well you'd have the baby when the time is right, but until then there would be lots and lots of pain like now
doctor: well there's nothing I can do anymore. (josh)
J-*looks sad* are u sure?
doctor: yes. she will be in extreme pain until the baby arrives st some points
doctor: I'm sorry guys but that's the truth. she hasn't gotten better, and she won't for another 9 months (Jess)
J-*looks at Faith*
*whispers to Dillion* u can make the choice
*looks down*
J-*holds her* just stay strong
d: we don't have a choice babe. you'll just have to suffer the pain. the machine didn't work
(I'll brb I gotta go somewhere and when I get wifi I'll be back)
o-okie *holds back tears*
(aww ok(
*crying hard shoves herself into him*
J-it's gonna be ok *holds her*
d: shhh it will be ok. it's only 9 months
*cries and leans on him*
(I'm on)
*crying into him+
J-*holds her tightly* shhh it'll be ok
*nods into his shirt*
d: I'm here babe. to doctor: when does she go home?
doctor: in a day or two (Jess)
*crying into him*
J-*hugs/holds her tightly*
d: ok. I'll stay until then
*crys into him hard*
d: *holds her*
J-it'll be ok *hugs her tight*
*cries softly*
*crying hard with a lot of pain more then usual*
doctor: I'll leave you two alone (both)
J-*hugs her tightly stroking her hair/face*
*crying hard*
d: *hugs her*
*crying into his shirt*
J-*hugs her tightly* it's ok
(gotta go eat I'll eat fast and maybe rp while I eat)
*shakes with sobs*
d; shhh it's ok
*hugs him while she crys*
J-*holds/hugs her tightly* it's ok *rubs her stomach gently*
*cries out*
d: I'm here. don't worry
J-shhh *hugs her tightly while rubbing her stomach gently*
*crying hard*
n-no owwwww
d: *holding her*
*thinks in her head*: I'll have to suffer like this for 9 months..... but it's worth it for Dillion
J-*stops rubbing still holding her* sorry princess *kisses her forehead*
*crying seriously hard*
(I'm at a restaurant and my food hasn't come yet)
*moves off him and buries her face in the pillow*
d: darling I'm here
*curls herself on him and crys*
J-*picks her up and holds her* it's gonna be ok
*moves off him again*
d: *holds her close and kisses her head*
J-princess what's wrong?? *holds her*
*crying into him*
*moves away*
d: *cradles her*
J-*looks seriously worried* Faith what's wrong?? *holds her in a way she can't get out of his arms*
*puts herself in his arms as she crys*
let me goo
d: I'm here babe. need anything?
J-tell me first please *holds her really worried*
noooo *struggles weakly*
J-or to can just leave
(or I can just leave)
J-*holds her* Faith please
noo *sobs*
d: is there anything I can do love?
J-should I leave then?
*sobs hard*
no *whispers*
d: nod if yes. shake you head if no
J-well it doesn't seem like u want me here *tears form*
*does a mix of both sobbing hard*
I do *silently cries*
d: do you need a hug?
J-are u sure?? *takes his arms out of the position*
*small nod*
*nods sobbing*
J-*takes his arms off of her* here
d: ok *enveloped her in his arms*
*moves off him and curls herself around the pillow*
*hugs him tightly sobbing*
J-*tears fall but he doesn't let her see*
d: *holds her as if he would never let her go*
*sobs curled into him tightly*
*hugs it tight*
J-*in his head*: I should just go she doesn't want me here
d: I've got you. you're not alone
J-*crying into his hands*
*sobs hard*
*cries quietly into it*
d: *rocks her*
J-*whispers softly* this is all my fault.....why did I ever do this?? *to himself*
d: shhh I'm here
*mind: I'm making him suffer. I shouldn't have done this*
J-*looks up* Faith if u would want me here I wouldn't just be sitting here.....I'll go if u would like
*crying into him*
I-if you want to. you don't need to stay i-if you want to
*kisses his neck lightly*
d: *smiles slightly and kisses her forehead*
J-babe I want to help you soooooooo much.......I love u more then anything in the world
J-I don't want to leave......I didn't know if u want me here
*kisses his neck sobbing*
do w-what you want. y-you don't have to stay *stops crying and looks calmly at him*
d: *kisses her head*
J-then I'm staying I'm never gonna leave you.....ever
J-*looks at her tears in his eyes*
o-ok *lays back down and holds the pillow close to her*
*gently sucks on his neck as she sobs for comfort*
(brb shower)
(ok. if I don't respond, I'm eating dinner)
d: *smiles slightly and kisses her head*
J-*sighs* Faith I'm better then that pillow ya know.......but as I can see you'd rather have the pillow
*gently sucks on his neck for comfort sobbing*
*doesnt hear him because her face is in the pillow*
d: there we go
(Gtg dinner)
J-*sighs and crys in his hands*
(awww okie)
*above pain fading slightly*
*stays still*
d: feeling better?
*nods her head a little still sucks gently on his neck*
(I'm not back I'm just replying 🙃 but I'll be back soon 😊)
*muffled* what
d: good *grins*
J-you know I'd do anything in the world to help you right?? Is there any way I could help??
J-I would hug you but you'd most likely pull away
*nods slightly*
J-anything I can do?
d: *smiling*
*shakes her head no slightly*
J-please?? and don't think this is your fault
J-are you sure?? I'll do anything
*nods small*
d: *above^^^^^*
J-anything in the whole world
*shakes her head no and clutches the pillow*
*un hooks herself still crying*
J-could I at least hug you?
J-I would do much better than the pillow......
*nods weakly*
d: much better?
*wipes the tears off her face lightly crying still hurts*
J-*hugs her gently*
d: anything at least a bit better?
*nods yes*
d: good
J-*hugs gently* you don't have to hug me back
*falls limp into his arms and slightly smiles*
*hugs him*
J-*holds her close to him not wanting to ever let go of her* I've got you
d: *hugs her back*
J-everything is going to be ok
*barely a whisper* ok
*feels like a punch hits her in the stomach and she moans*
d: *kisses her forehead* I'm here
J-*hugs her gently but tight* I promise you I'll stay with you helping you the whole way
*moans* m-my stomach
d: I know love
J-you probably want your pillow back I'm assuming it's better then I am *hugs her*
it feels like someone is punching it hard *moans*
*wraps her arms around his neck and pulls herself up and sits in his lap*
d: I'm so sorry
*groans hard in pain clutches him*
d: *holds her waist gently and pulls her so she's sitting in his lap*
J-*holds her on his lap and hugs her* is there any new pain going on?
*groans clutches her stomach*
yeah *pain shots up all over her body*
d: *gently rubs her stomach*
J-I have a question that's important *hugs her close to him sorta rubs her back really light*
*holds onto his shoulder as she groans with pain*
d: shh *gently rubs her stomach*
J-do you still wanna move to Washington?? since you're online you're not required to move its optional *hugs her close lightly rubs her back*
*moans in pain*
sure! *winces and smiles*
d: want me to stop?
J-we don't have to move its up to you. I really don't mind I just thought it would be better if you'd stay here at home *hugs her close*
*moans in pain* please no it's helps
we can stay here until I have the baby
d: ok *gently rubs her stomach*
J-ok that will work *hugs her close* are you tired?
*clutches his arm to hold her up as she moans*
no. I'm hurting too much to be tired
d: *with one hand, rubs her stomach, with his other arm he wraps it around her waist and holds her up*
J-ok *hugs her close*
*falls asleep in his arms*
d: *smiles and above ^^^^*
J-now is it a boy or girl?? *smiles hugging her*
*curls up on top of him sleeping*
(what should it be?)
d: *lays down and puts her on top of him*
(idk u pick)
*curls up on him asleep whimpering*
the doctor said it's gonna be a girl
d: *rubs her stomach *
(idk if it's one or two or like 5)
J-that sounds good *smiles hugging her* a mini you
(oh lol it's gonna be.... 2 I guess)
*lays on him asleep*
and another one. twins. one girl and one boy
d: *smiles*
J-*eyes get wide smiles and hugs her tightly and gently* Faith that's amazing
*smiles and kisses his cheek* and a mini you!
d: *falls asleep*
J-*smiles hugging her* you'll be the best mother in the whole world
J-I'll be there the whole time ok??
*strokes his face while she sleeps*
ok *smiles and kisses his neck* you'll be an amazing father and husband *giggles*
d: *smiles in sleep*
J-*smiles and hugs* and you'll be an amazing wife
(wanna time skip??)
I hope I would be *buries her face in his shirt so he can't see her smile fading*
(to when?)
J-you will I'm positive *hugs her*
(like when the baby comes for both girls or just a few days?)
J-just remember don't climb trees anymore
(u pick)
awwww *half smiles*
(maybe a few days before the baby's come)
J-I'm just helping
(ya awesome.)
(like what month?)
<a few months later>
(umm so it's June before the time skip right?)
Jess- *sitting on her bed reading a book* Josh- *holding Faith idk where*
(Jan or Feb?)
(it would be April I think)
(oohhh okie)
(sorry not her bed their bed)
(same things they are doing)
Faith: *sitting in bed reading* Dillan: *making lunch*
J-*sitting next to her*
*reading the book*
d: *brings in the food and sits beside her*
d: want a sandwich?
J-whatcha reading?? and I'm asking one more time is your bag packed?
*looks up* huh?
A book *glares* and again YES *being grumpy how pregnant women usually are*
*puts her book down*
d; want some good love?
J-sorry I was just making sure
d: I have a grilled cheese and a ham and lettuce and tomato
*goes back to her book*
J-tell me when you think we should go
*looks at him* oh sure I guess
mkay *distractedly*
J-okie u want lunch?
yeah..... (so in a few days?)
(u can pick for my girl just don't tell me until the time comes)
(yeah but usually they get there early)
(hmm... what about after lunch for them?)
J-*stands up* what would you like for lunch?
(sure and sorry my mom was saying goodnight)
*struggles to sit up* can I have the sandwich now?
(it's okie)
hmm... salad?
d: sure which one?
J-*walks to the kitchen and makes a salad*
I don't care!!!! *grumpiness as u said before*
*pulls her hair back and reads*
d: *chuckles* ok *hands her the grilled cheese sandwich*
what kind of cheese is this?? *grumpy*
J-you want anything on it?
d: cheddar
surprise me
ok I'll eat it *eats it*
J-are u sure?
*feels kicking in her stomach hard as she eats*
where's Jamie?
(hmmmm want the two girls to go into labour at the same time?)
d: yay
*jamie comes in with a sock*
J-*brings her a salad*
thanks *eats it*
oh Jamie *smiles sorta picks her up*
J-*eats his*
(tell me when)
*glances at him*
*jamie wags her tail*
(hmmmm now)
*starts screaming/freaking out*
J-*looks at her*
*the babies kick her and she starts to scream*
d: is he/she coming?!?!
J-is it time?? *runs and grabs her bag*
yes *screams*
d: *grabs the bag and carries her to the car*
J-*picks her up and brings her to the car*
J-everything will be all right *puts her in the car and gets in*
*shaking violently*
*panicking* just please hurry
d: *sets her in the car and drives to the hospital*
J-it will be over soon *drives*
*shaking and panicking*
d: *arrives and the workers bring her into a room and begin*
d: *panics and paces the lobby*
J-*arrives and same as u said^^*
*screams in pain*
*panicing but tries to calm*
(are they at the same hospital??)
Nurse: +to Jess* shhh darling it's almost over
*ppl come and take Faith and ask her if Josh should come)
*holds tightly on the arm of the bed*
*nods vigorously and shakes*
d: *rushes into Jesss room and holds her hand through it all*
J-*follows them as they take her down and start, grabs her hand tightly*
*screams squeezes his hand seriously tight*
nurse: were finished darling *to Jess* you have a healthy baby boy.
*opens her eyes*
J-*holds Faith hand tightly*
nurse: *after she washes the baby off, she brings him wrapped in a blanket to them* here's you precious baby boy *to Jess*
*looks at Dillion*
*holds him*
D: he's perfect *smiles at Jess* you did amazing babe
*screams and grips his hand super tight*
*smiles rocking him gently* thanks for being here
J-*holds her hand tight and squeezes it tightly*
Dillan: anytime *kisses her head and kneels beside her bed*
Nurse: shhh dear they're almost done *comfortingly to Faith*
you can pull a chair over ya know *gently rocks the baby*
J-*grips her hand tight*
d: *pulls a chair over and sits on it and smiles softly* what's his name?
*cries out*
*rocks him*
Nurse: it's all done dear. you have two beautiful babies
^to Faith^
J-*holds her hand*
I'm not sure yet *rocks him*
*breathes heavily*
nurse; *washes the two babies and brings them to her wrapped in blankets* here you are
J-it's ok *brings a chair over next to the bed and sits down* did we ever get the names?
any ideas?? *rocks him gently smiling*
no we didn't *her eyes shine with happiness and she cradled the two babies in her arms lovingly*
d: well I like the names Austin, James, Peter,
J-*smiles at her* you did amazing
hmmm *thinks rocking him*
I have two ideas
thank you. *strokes their heads*
d: yeah?
Andrew and Tyler
d: I like Andrew
*rocks him gently in her arms smiling*
*smiles softly down at them* what should they be named?
should that be the name then?
D: sure!
J-hmm didn't you say before you liked the name Drake?
he needs a middle name to *rocks him gently*
J-hmm what girl name do you like??
D: hmm.... James?
Andrew James, I like it
I like the name Ivy,
J-Ivy and Drake then
d: awesome *smiles*
*gently rocks them both*
yay *softly*
he doesn't really have a last name I'm not sure what it would be under *cradles Andrew*
J-hmmm I'm thinking of middle names
D: yeah. *smiles to himself- thinking what he is going to do in a few days*
*rocks him* I wonder what he would be under right now
Hmmm.... for drake....
d: want to stick with your name for now?
Lee? Josh? Colin?
I just want to end that last name
J-of course we should use our names.....well we could
D: I'm pretty sure you will soon
ooooo Drake Joshua?
I don't like it with everything that well....happened
*gently rocks Andrew smiling*
d: yeah *smiles softly and fingers the box in his pocket*
J-how'd you know that's my full name??
*kisses the top of Andrews head* wanna hold him?
I'm your wife (I think). I know all about you pretty boy *smiles*
d: yes please
(let's just say they got married in that time)
J-of course you do..... so then Ivy Faith??
I love it *smiles* want to hold one?
*carefully hands him Andrew*
d: *gently holds Andrew and rocks him gently*
J-yes please *smiles*
here *carefully hands him Ivy*
d: he's amazing. he takes after his mother
J-*gently holds Ivy and rocks her gently* do they look alike??
no after his father
no. ivy has brown hair and Drake has blonde
d: after us both then *smiles softly*
J-hmm neither of us have blonde hair
J-*smiles rocking her* faces?
yup *smiles at them*
Ivy has green eyes and Drake has blue
d: ^smiles at her and the nurse walks jn*
J-so total opposites *rocks Ivy gently*
yes *smiles and gently strokes Drakes cheek*
nurse: now Dillan I need to speak with you. let the mother and her child rest
J-*smiles rocking Ivy* I know you'll do wonderful as a mother
*holds Andrew*
*ivy yawns a tiny bit and sleeps*
*rocks Andrew gently*
Andrew: *yawns*
J-*smiles at Ivy gently rocks her and whispers* look at her
*rocks him gently*
*smiles tiredly and leans back in the bed*
*whispers* go on with the nurse I'll be fine
d: *walks with the nurse and closes the door*
J-this must take a lot of energy from you huh?? *rocks Ivy*
*rocks Andrew gently*
a lot *falls asleep with Drake in her arms£
J-*smiles at then cradles Ivy*
d: *they talk for whole*
(hey I'm getting really tired. want to continue rp tomorrow?)
*kisses Andrews head gently*
(darn I'm wide awake and I barely have time in the morning)
ivy: *pokes his arm*
J-*smiles at her*
*she has a serene smile on her faceI
(sorry and it's only 10:05 that's y I'm not tired)
(if I become wide awake I'll tell u. I'll wait for 10mins I guess)
*hugs Andrew*
(ya it's 11:05 here)
(I'll hope)
Drake: *asleep+
(I heard if u put air into ur eyes it makes u stay awake or putting in ur ear buds the opposite way works)
*falls asleep with Andrew in her arms*
<a few days later>
(going to bed sis)
(darn I'll be on tomorrow then)
Jess-*holding Andrew outside* Josh-*watching Drake and Ivy*
d: *comes back in quietly*
*walks inside with Andrew*
J-*holding Drake and Ivy*
D: the nurse said we can go if you want
*wakes and sits up*
I'm ready
J-*smiling as he holds the twins*
d: awesome *puts his arms around her shoulders*
J-*holds them smiling* how was your nap?
(by that time Jess could walk)
good *grins and holds out her arms*
but don't they fill things out for Andrew?
d: they already did. I have em in my bag
J-one or two?*holds then smiling*
okie *stands*
(brb eat)
one *smiles*
d: *begins to walk with her*
J-*hands her Ivy holding Drake* here you go *smiles*
*cradles Ivy* thank you
*walks with him holding Andrew* I think we'll have to keep Jamie away from Andrew
J-*smiles rocking Drake gently*
D: yeah. I can make her a dog house for the backyard until he's older
thanks *smiles and rocks Andrew as they walk*
d: anytime love
*smiles holding Andrew and walks to the car*
d: *gets in the car and opens the door for her*
(I'm on)
*gets in the car holding Andrew*
u happen to bring the baby carrier?
d: nope. left it at home *sighs* oh well. can you hold him?
yeah *holds him gently* now we did finished his room correct?
d: yes. we did that
(is the room blue??)
let's go and show Andrew his new room when we get there *holds him*
d: awesome *drives*
doctor: *walks in* you two may leave whenever you'd like *smiles to Faith and Josh*
(I gotta go to school tomorrow email you!)
(IM ON FOR A WEEK AND A FEW DAYS!!!! spring break)
J-*looks at her with Drake in his arms* when would you like to go?
(I'm here!!!!)
Whenever I can
J-when do you?? he said whenever *cradles Drake gently*
Can we go now? *cradling Ivy*
(I remixed boy bedrooms idk which one is who's)
J-sure *stands with Drake*
(you can choose Andrews)
*rocks Andrew gently and smiles*
*gets out of bed and holds Ivy*
(I'll take the middle one then)
d: *arrives home*
(I can remix girl rooms to)
J-need any help?? *holds Drake and picks up the bag with all the papers in it*
*opens her door*
(I remixed a girl one)
(and ummm drake can have the top one)
no it's ok. thanks babe
d: *helps her out*
J-lets go home then *walks holding Drake* is it ok if you hold one of them the way home because I brought one baby carrier
*steps out holding Andrew*
yeah. which one should we put in the carrier??
d/ *slings the bag over his shoulder and walks in and opens the door forher*
J-you can decide
Let's put Drake in. he's asleep
Jamie can stay out if she doesn't do anything crazy
d: ok *puts Jamie outside*
J-*walks to the car with her* okie sounds good *puts Drake in the carrier and opens Faiths door*
*holding Andrew* hi Jamie, were you a good girl?
*climbs out and holds Ivy*
*jamie curiously sniffs Andrew and licks his toes*
J-*gets in the car*
*smiles holding Andrew*
*gets in*
a: *squeals happily*
i: *reaches up and pokes Faiths cheek*
*laughs carries Andrew* look at this!
J-*drives smiling*
*laughs and gently pokes her side*
d: *walks in* awww *chuckles and pets Jamie*
J-I think she like you *smiles and drives*
well that's good *laughs and cradles Ivy close to herself*
I: *squeals happily*
*walks inside smiling and holds Andrew* should we show him his room?
J-*smiles and sorta laughs as they drive* you think Bailey will be nice to them?
D: yes *smiles and sets the bag down*
I hope so *smiles and kisses her head softly*
*walks holding Andrew* lets go then *smiles*
d: ok *walks into Andrews room*
J-*smiles and parks and gets out and opens Faiths door and gets Drake still in his carrier*
*steps out and holds Ivy*
*walks in holding him* Andrew this is your room *shows him*
J-*opens the door with the bag and Drake* Faith lets show then there room
*andrew squeals and wiggles, wanting to get on the ground and explore*
ok *smiles and walks in*
*smiles and holds Andrew up* you like your room?
*andrew squeals in happiness*
J-*drops the bag and takes Drake out and holds him*
*smiles laughing and holds him up in the air*
wanna hold him?
*drake yawns and awakes*
*andrew giggles*
d: sure!!
*hands Andrew to him smiling*
J-*smiling at him and walks to him room*
d: *smiles and cradles him*
*drake looks around with wide eyes*
*smiles and walks to the kitchen for something to eat*
d: *smiles and sits in the chair*
J-*laughs and shows him around his room smiling*
*walks into Ivy's room and ivy giggles*
does he look hungry?? *pulls a apple and eats it*
a: *cries*
d: yup!
J-you like this room?? *smiles and shows him*
*drake smiles wide*
*grabs some baby food* should I come to you??
J-*laughs* hey Faith I think he likes his room!!
d: nah I'll come to you *walks to the kitchen*
yay!! *ivy reaches for the bed post and holds on*
*grabs a spoon*
I think ivy likes hers *laughs and pries her fingers from the bed*
J-*walks to Ivy's room* and this is your sisters room
dillan: *sits down and holds Andrew*
*feeds him smiling*
*drake sees ivy and reaches for her*
J-*walks over to Ivy and Faith*
*ivy grabs Josh's arm*
J-*laughs and smiles holding Drake* do you want to invite Dillion and Jess over?
*wipes his mouth* you're being a good little boy
yeah! I'll call Jess *pulls out her phone and holds ivy on her hip*
Andrew: *grabs her finger and puts it in his mouth and sucks on it*
Andrew *pulls her finger out* my finger is not food
*andrew criws*
*calls Jess*
*picks him up* shhh it's ok
Ivy: *plays with Faiths hair*
*picks the phone up with the other hand* hello?
hey Jess! want to come over?
J-*shows Drake Ivy's room*
*andrew hears faiths voice and tilts his head*
*on the call holding Andrew* sure we'll come really soon see you there!
drake: *smiles and grabs Josh's ear*
*laughs and smiles at Andrew*
awesome! see you then! *untangles Ivy's finger from her hair*
J-*smiles, laughs and shows him around*
*drake grins*
*hangs up* after he finishes eating we're going to Faiths house *sets Andrew in Dillion's lap* now be a good boy
dillan: awesome *holds Andrew still*
J-does she know about these two yet?? or Dillion?
*grins* I don't think so
*feeds him and wipes his mouth*
she doesn't know yet
*puts her phone away and holds Ivy in the air and slowly twirls*
d: oooo yay
*andrew eats it*
J-does Ivy wanna see his room?? *smiles holding Drake*
*ivy squeaks*
I assume yes
*smiles feeding him and wiping his mouth* your being a good little boy
*drake grabs Josh's finger and sucks on it*
*andrew eats some and sits it out onto the table*
*andrew sweaty smiles*
J-oh Drake *smiles and laughs* wanna show Ivy your room?
*drake sucks*
*walks out and laughs*
*cleans it up* Andrew be a good boy and eat the food *throws the paper towels away*
*andrew pouts*
J-oh Drake *walks to Drakes room*
*looks at Dillion and cleans the table*
dillan: *chuckles and feeds him and Andrew grudgingly eats it*
*cleans the table and throws away the paper towels* now eat the food
*walks into Ivy's room*
*sits back down*
*drake smiles*
Dillan: want to feed him?
J-hmm you think your sister likes your room?? *holding Drake*
sure *takes the spoon and wipes his mouth*
*ivy squeaks and wiggles and tries to explore*
Andrew: *smiles and giggles*
J-*holds Drake* hmmm what do you wanna see now?
*finishes feeding him* good boy
*puts down the spoon and packs the dipper bag with stuff and brings out the baby carrier*
*drake spots Bailey, who trots in, and squeals*
*ivy sees Bailey and giggles*
andrew: *giggles and bounces up and down*
J-*puts Drake close to Bailey* you like the doggy?
*bailey licks his face and Drake giggles*
*puts him in the carrier and picks it up* can you grab the bag?
J-*laughs and smiles holding Drake*
*says to Dillion* I'm not sure why she invited us over
d: yeah... huh
d: *grabs the bag*
*walks to the car and puts the carrier in the back set* I'll be back Andrew *sits in the front*
*puts ivy down near Bailey. ivy grabs baileys ears and giggles*
(brb I'll eat fast)
*andrew cries*
J-*puts Drake down carefully*
Ivy! *bailey licks her face and sits down*
*drake falls over onto ivy who falls onto Bailey*
oh dear! *sits down and sets Drake in her lap*
*ivy pulls herself up and pets Bailey*
(I'm on)
awww it's ok *turns around so he can see her*
J-*sits on the ground and pulls Ivy into his lap* you like the doggy?
*ivy giggles as reaches for Bailey*
a: *smiles at her*
*smiles* we're going to see someone
J-*puts her so she can reach Bailey*
*andrew giggles*
*ivy pets Bailey*
*laughs and kisses Drakes head*
J-*laughs and smiles* see the doggy is really nice
*smiles at him* lets go Dillion before he starts crying again
*bailey nuzzles Ivy's cheek*
J-*smiles holding Ivy and pets Baileys head*
d/ *drives*
*bailey wags her tail and licks Josh's hand*
*drake laughs and pulls her hair*
Drake baby, mommies hair isn't a toy *untangles his fingers*
J-*smiles and holds Ivy*
d: *they arrive*
Ivy: *falls backwards and giggles*
*gets out and picks up Andrews carrier*
d: *gets out* need help?
J-*picks her up and holds her*
*Ivy pokes his cheek*
could you grab the bag?? *holds the carrier and walks to Dillion*
J-*smiles and laughs and kisses the top of her head*
d: ya *grabs the bag*
*Ivy giggles*
should we surprise them somehow?? *holds the carrier*
J-hungry?? *holds her*
d: yeah let's go through the back
*ivy and Drake squeal*
ok *walks over to the back door*
J-is that a yes?? *smiles*
d: *smiles and walks to the back door*
I think so *laughs and picks Drake up*
d: yeah *walks in silently *
*smiles down at Andrew*
J-*picks up Ivy*
*follows him silently*
J-*walks to the kitchen*
*walks to the kitchen and sees Jess*
d: hey *grins*
hey guys *smiling*
J-*holding Ivy*
Hey *sees Andrew and smiles wide* you had him!!!!!
d: *grins at Josh*
yup *looks at Ivy and Drake* and you had two
*sets the carrier down and takes Andrew out*
*grins* yeah *shifts Drake to her hip and holds out her arm for a hug*
J-aww *walks over to them*
*hugs her Andrew in her arm*
d: cute, Josh! *grins and sets the bag down*
*hugs her and pulls back* yay!
J-this is Ivy and over there is Drake
d: and this little guy is Andrew
*holds Andrew smiling*
J-and we happened to name our kids after us
aww he's so cute!!!
D: really? how?
J-Drake Joshua and Ivy Faith
D: love em!! they're so cute!
*andrew squeals*
*smiles holding him* well u probably heard but this little guy is Andrew
*laughs at Andrew*
J-is he named after someone?
d: not in particular
*Drake and ivy tilt their heads and giggle*
J-even though their twins they look completely different
D: yeah *chuckles*
well the full name is Andrew James we're probably just going to use his last name
J-their all so tiny
J-I'm glad they have separate rooms though
D: really? why?
oooo yay!
J-they'd start screaming to eachother and their like inseparable
I didn't wanna use my last name I'm trying to end it
D: haha cute!
*kisses Andrews head*
that's a good plan *smiles*
J-and they like Bailey
*drake grabs Ivy's hand and sucks on it*
D: well that's awesome
why ya smiling so goofy?? *puts Andrew in the air*
J-as you can see *points to Ivy and Drake* insuperable
no reason *laughs and smiles*
d: they're adorable! *andrew giggles*
are you sure?? *spins Andrew around slowly*
(aww okie)
Andrew are you tired?
(I gotta go shopping but I'll try and email)
(awww ok)
yes *smiles*
*andrew yawns*
(nvm I'm not leaving yet)
*cradles him in her arms* shh
ok then
(gotta go now)
(plus I'm going to Mc Donald's I'll be back soon)
(aw ok)
*andrew falls asleep*
(HEYYYY IMA ONNNNN and I'm drinking a shamrock shake)
*smiles at him*
*rocks Andrew gently and smiles*
*andrew falls asleep*
d: he's amazing
*rocks Andrew smiling*
isn't he cute when he sleeps?
You guys want to come to the living room and sit down?
D: he's adorable
sure *walks while she rocks him*
J-*grabs baby food for Ivy and Drake* Ivy you still hungry?
(ugghhhhhhhh okkkkkkk)
(nvm I'm here)
*ivy gurgles*
J-is that a yes?? *holds her*
*sits on the couch and rocks Andrew gently*
I think so *smiles*
*they both walk to the living room and sit down*
J-*sits on a chair with Ivy in his lap and puts some food in her mouth* I got out some for Drake also *wipes Ivy's mouth*
*rocks him gently* he's so tiny
(I'm still on)
(nvm she's gone but she'll be back soon and then i won't respond for a few mins)
*smiles and rocks Drake and sits on an armchair*
(I'm on too 😁)
*says to Dillion while rocking him* wanna hold him?
D; sure! *holds his arms out*
(I was hiding behind a door and spying on people 😂)
(Luckyyyyy!!! 😂😂)
*slowly sets Andrew in Dillion's arms smiling* he's just so cute when he sleeps
d: *rocks andrew*
(it was funny)
*softly smiles*
*leans on his shoulder*
(I'll bet 😝)
J-*feeds Ivy and wipes her mouth* you're being a good little girl
(my mom was looking for a TV show and one came up as- "why use a pressure cooker" 😂$
*ivy smiles*
(oh wow 😂)
J-*feeds her and wipes her mouth* good girl
(like what the f***)
*massages his shoulders*
(ya 😂)
ivy: *giggles*
d: *smiles and cradles Andrew*
faith: *laughs as Drake pokes her side*
J-*wipes her mouth and finishes giving her food* was that good?
Ivy: *hiccups and giggles*
*massages his shoulders smiling*
dillan: *grins and rocks Andrew*
J-*puts the food and towel away holding her* you were a good little girl weren't you?
Drake: *giggles and pokes Ivy*
what? *smiles and massages his shoulders*
J-*puts Ivy down next to Drake* now be careful
dillan: nothing
Ivy: *grins and pokes Drake*
tell me *smiles and massages*
dillan: it's nothing. I promise
J-*sits in a place they can't move to far*
Ivy: *tries to crawl, but falls over*
are you sure?? *smiles and massages* I know rocking him hurts your shoulders after awhile
Dillan: thanks babe. and yeah I'm fine
J-*picks her up so she's sitting and holds her so she can't fall over*
*massages and smiles* isn't he cute and tiny?
Drake: *falls over*
*scoops him up and holds him*
you are very wobbly *laughs*
Dillan: he is
J-*smiles and plays with Ivy* does Andrew want to play??? or is he still asleep?
Dillan: hes asleep
and really soft *smiles and massages*
Andrew: *wakes*
Dillan: never mind he's awake *chuckles+
can I hold him again??
J-they could "play" together
Dillan: sure *hands him to her*
*smiles and tickles Andrew*
Dillan: sure! once Jess is done, I'm sure he'd love to play
Andrew: *giggles*
Drake: *falls backwards into Faiths lap*
Faith: oh little one *smiles softly and strokes his cheek* you are so tiny. like a fairy
*sits on the ground and puts Andrew in her lap*
Ivy: *scooches forward and pokes Andrews leg*
J-*smiles and laughs*
Andrew: *giggles and pokes her stomach*
*has Andrew in her lap in a way he can play*
J-*smiles and chuckles* I think they'll get along just fine
Faith: *kisses his stomach* want to play dear one? Drake: *smiles*
Dillan: I'm sure
*sits in between Dillion's legs*
*on the ground*
Faith: ok *smiles and sets Drake on the floor gently and stands*
Andrew are you having fun?
Dillan: *watchs the babies*
Andrew: *accidentally pushes Ivy over, who giggles and pushes him over*
*looks up at Dillion sitting on the ground in-between his legs holding Andrew up*
Andrew: *topples forward and giggles*
J-*picks up Ivy*
I'm gonna go in there *points to the kitchen and wake in*
you wanna join the "party"?
J-did Drake eat yet?
Drake; *moves to Ivy and puts her hand in his mouth*
J-okie I just don't remember when
Ivy: *wipes her hand on Josh's pants*
Yeah he did
J-Ivy daddy's pants aren't a place to wipe your hands on *wipes his pants and her hand*
Ivy: *pouts and lays in his lap*
(why did Faith go into the kitchen?)
*goes to the kitchen*
J-*holds Ivy* I'm not mad just don't do it again
*Gets some water and walks back*
Ivy: *scrunches her face up*
*lifts Andrew into Dillion's lap*
J-please don't cry Ivy*holds Ivy*
Dillan: *holds Andrew*
J-do you want mommy??
Ivy: *cries*
*smiles up at them still sitting the same way*
Dillan: *rocks Andrew*
J-*rocks her* Faith could you hold her while I go get Drake
Faith: mhmm *picks up Ivy and sits on a couch and pulls her knees close to her chest, and cradled Ivy*
Drake: *looks at Josh*
J-*picks up Josh and sits next to Faith* I wonder why she's crying
I think Andrew likes you
Ivy: *when Faith her,she calms*
J-she just wanted you *smiles and rocks Drake*
Drake: *coos*
J-*rocks him*
Ovy: *closes her eyes and goes to sleep
(I'll brush my teeth then brb)
(I'm gonna go get some water. I'll be right back)
J-*smiles at Faith*
(I'm on)
*smiles and strokes Ivy's head*
J-*rocks Drake gently and smiles at Faith* she's just so cute... just like you
(sorry didn't have enough time to mos but she left)
(ya I totally understand 🙂)
Faith: *blushes* thanks
J-it's true very true *rocks Drake* I bet she got it from you
*leans on Dillion's legs*
Faith: *laughs* I'll bet Drake got his everything from you
J-sureee *laughs and smiles rocking Drake*
Dillan: *cradles Andrew*
*sits on the couch next to Dillion and puts her finger in his hand*
Faith: he's an adorably boy. how can that not be you?
(in Andrews hand)
(Dillans or Andrews hand?)
J-oh right! *laughs and smiles and rocks Drake* she got everything from you though
(she put her finger in Andrews hand bc Dillion's hand are holding Andrew)
Faith; I'm glad *smiles and rocks Ivy*
Andrew: *grips her finger*
J-*smiles at Faith rocking Drake* hey little man *kisses the top of his head*
*smiles at Andrew*
Drake: *smiles and coos*
J-you wanna play now?? *rocks him*
*smiles and keeps her finger there*
Drake: *Wiggles*
J-*sits on the ground and puts Drake on the floor*
Andrew: *giggles*
Drake: *begins to play with the carpet*
*stands* I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back *walks to the bathroom*
J-Drake you play with the weirdest things...well not weird for a baby
ok *smiles and lets ivy rest*
Drake: *grins and sucks on the corner of a blanket*
J-Drakes got so much energy it's crazy
J-*puts Drake in his lap with the blanket*
*walks back in after a few minutes*
Dillan: he's going to be one hyper kid *laughs and hugs Andrew gently*
Drake: *sucking on the blanket*
Dillan: hey babe
J-he'll be crazy, I just hope that means sports or he'll be bouncing off the walls inside *laughs and smiles*
hey *sits on the ground*
Faith: *laughs* hopefully sports
J-I wonder what kind.....he could end up being a professional
Dillan: *pulls her close to him and smiles*
Faith: that's a while away *giggles*
*looks at the clock* wow we've been here 3 hours
J-I know but just think
*leans on his shoulder thinking*
Dillan: oh wow
Faith: *smiles*
we should get going its 6:30
J-*smiles playing with Drake* see just look at him go
Dillan: ok *stands and carries a sleep Andrew* see that ya guys
Faith: bye. good luck with Andrew!
Drake: *sucking on the blanket*
J-bye guys!
bye *stands and grabs the bag*
thanks good luck with Ivy and Drake
Faith: *falls asleep*
*walks to the car*
Dillan: *puts Andrew in the carrier and carries him to the car*
J-*puts Ivy in her bed*
J-*walks back with Drake and sits next to Faith*
*gets in the car*
Ivy: *asleep in bed*
Dillan: *gets in and drives home*
J-*rocks Drake*
*falls asleep thinking*
D: *they arrive and he brings Andrew in and then carries Jess in*
Drake: *sucks on his thumb*
J-hmm I wonder where you get all this energy
Drake; *giggles*
*thinks while asleep*
Dillan: *puts her in their bed and goes and changes Andrew*
Dillan: *puts Andrew to bed and lays on the couch*
*walks into Andrews room*
Dillan: *falls asleep*
*kisses his head and sits next to Dillion and slips in his arms*
Dillan: *tightens his arms in his sleep and brings you close*
(she kissed Andrews head)
Faith: *wakes up*
*cuddles him and falls asleep in his arms*
J-hey babe *smiles rocking Drake* Ivy's asleep in bed
Faith: *smiles and shakes her head* do you EVER sleep?
Drake: *begins to sleep*
J-hmmm sometimes *rocks Drake* it all depends
(btw Jess did something)
Faith: like when?
Dillan: *asleep*
J-hmm well I never am actually asleep I'm more half asleep I've never fully slept since I was like a kid
*cuddles him asleep*
Faith: that doesn't work for me *under her breath*
Dillan: *smiles in sleep*
J-hey I heard that. and remember you can't exactly do that stuff anymore remember
*sleeps on him*
Faith: *innocently* what's stuff? and why haven't you been able to sleep?
J-please promise you won't do anything like that please
d: *above^^^*
J-eh I'm not sure I've just not been able to
Faith:oh. ok
J-climbing trees in the middle of the night and sleeping there or going somewhere
Faith: what? I've never done thaaat
J-I'm promising it's not you I haven't been able to sleep fully since I was like 12
J-yeahhh sure u haven't
Faith: ohhh ok
J-I'm not sure why
Faith: I haven't. I'm gonna put Drake to sleep now *stands and holds out her arms*
J-it just happened
d: *same*
J-*puts sleeping Drake in her arms*
*wakes with something random in her head*
J-*watches TV*
*cradles Drake and brings him to his room and gently sets him in his crib*
D: *groans- still asleep*
*gently sucks on his neck*
J-*turns the volume down and walks to Drakes room*
Dillan: *smiles and wakes*
Faith: good night darling *softly kisses him head and walks to her own room*
*doesn't know he's awake and continues sucking gently on his neck*
d:*stays still and silent*
J-hey I'm not really hungry for dinner you want anything?
Not really *changes to pjs*
*continues sucking gently*
J-I'm just tired but I'm not sure I really am
D: *same*
Faith: well I'm sleeping. you don't have to *lays in bed *
D:why'd you stop?
J-let me know if you need anything and by the way if the little ones wake up I can handle it you can sleep
*jumps* wha....when...
Faith: ok love *falls asleep*
Dillan: for a few mins
J-*smiles and watches TV*
sorry *blushes*
(hello sorry I almost fell asleep)
d: I don't mind
*has a lot on her mind as she thinks*
Dillan: awww where are you going?
(ya sorry!!)
Dillan: can you stay here? with me? on the couch?
how come?
Dillan: cuz I asked you
fine *sits down in the couch*
Dillan: yayyyyyy *pulls her close*
*wakes and sits up*
*leans on him*
J-*walks into Drakes room to check on him then the same with Ivy*
+They're both asleep*
J-*walks into their room* hey you're up
Dillan: *hugs her*
*hugs him*
Hey babe
Dillan: how you feeling?
J-*sits on the bed* both of them are sound asleep *hugs her*
J-you did a wonderful job
awesome *leans on him* thanks.
ok I guess
Dillan: not awesome?
J-*plays with her hair* I love you Faith
FaithD : I love you more
Dillan: why
J-not possible I've got proof- I love you more then there is animals in the world living and dead
I'm not sure
Faith: ok. you win *smiles*
Dillan: the pain maybe?
Dillan: ok *smiles softly
Dillan: what is it?
J-YAY *smiles and hugs her*
YAY *giggles and hugs him*
I told you before I don't know
Dillan: can you try to smile for me?
J-*smiling hugs her and kisses her head*
*trys but nothing comes*
Faith: *Leaning on his chest*
Dillan: *Jamie comes in and hops on her lap and licks her face*
J-*hugs/holds her there smiling*
*hugs Jamie but nothing happens*
Faith; *smiles up at him*
Jamie: *whines*
J-*smiles at her*
Faith: *closes her eyes*
*kisses the top of Jamie's head* aren't you tired?
J-*holds her smiling*
Jamie: *licks her face*
*hugs Jamie and walks to there bedroom and looks out the window*
Dillan: *sighs and lays down*
Faith: *closed her eyes*
Dillan: *closes his eyes*
J-*smiles sorta rubs her shoulders*
*walks back to where Dillion is*
*kisses the top of his head*
Dillan: *opens his eyes*
Faith: *smiles*
Dillan: love your pjs
J-*sorta rubs smiling* this hurt?
*sits down next to him*
faith: nope
Dillan: anytime *smiles and sits up*
I gave you the other half but you don't have to wear it
*leans on him*
J-*smiles and rubs gently*
Dillan: ooooo can I!
Faith / *smiles*
seriously you don't have to if you don't want
Dillan: I'll be right back *gently moves you so you're leaning on the couch and goes and changes to the other half*
J-*smiles rubbing* isn't it weird that neither of them has made a sound?
Faith: they're probably exhausted
*hugs Jamie who was on the ground* I should check on Andrew
J-probably *smiles rubbing*
Dillan: *Comes back in and sits on the couch*
Drake: *wakes up and cries*
J-*stands up and walks to Drakes room* hey little man what's up *whispers and picks him up*
I told you that you didn't have to wear that
Drake: *cries loudly*
Ivy: *wakes and cries*
Faith: *goes to Ivy's room and picks her up* hey little one quiet down now
J-Faith could you get Ivy please?? *rocks Drake gently* shhh
Dillan: but I want to
J-hey little man *smiles and rocks him to sleep* it's time to sleep
are you sure?
Faith: *Rocks her and goes to faiths room and sits in bed* you want to stay in mommies room Ivy?
Dillan: yes
Ivy: *quiets down*
Faith: *smiles and sets Ivy on the bed and changes her diaper*
J-*rocks Drake* now little man if you fall asleep you'll have energy for tomorrow then we can play
Dillan: yes
Drake: *quiets down and yawns*
Faith: *Changes Ivy's clothes and cradles her gently*
J-*sets him down in his bed* goodnight little man
Andrew/ *loudly cries*
Ivy: *begins to sleep again*
*hugs him* nobody else in the world would do that
Drake: *falls asleep*
Dillan: *hugs her* but I did
*walks to Andrews room* hey Andrew *whispers and picks him up*
J-*leaves to their room* I got Drake asleep
Faith: *begins to stand, but Ivy cries and wakes* *Faith chuckles* you can stay with me tonight little one
Andrew: *cries*
thanks you're the best boyfriend in the whole galaxy
Ivy: *as soon as Faith sits back down, Ivy yawns and falls back asleep*
*rocks Andrew* shhh
Dillan: (when should he propose?)
J-*sits on the bed* she really likes you Faith *smiles*
(idk it's ur decision)
Faith: I'm glad *smiles softly down at Ivy*
J-she's sweet just like you *smiles and rubs her shoulders gently*
Faith: and she won't leave me, like you *laughs and cradles Ivy and leans against him*
*rocks Andrew* do you need a diaper change?
J-that's for sure *rubs her shoulders holding her*
Andrew: *cries loudly*
Faith: let me try one more time *stands up and Ivy stays asleep* *smiles and walks to Ivy's room and purse her to bed*
*changes his diaper* aww Andrew this stinks *after she changes him she picks him up and rocks him*
J-*whispers* I think it worked
Faith: *walks back and sits in his lap* me too
Andrew: *calms and giggles*
Dillan: *smiles
J-*smiles and rubs her shoulders*
*rocks him* there we go
you wanna see daddy?
Andrew: *smiles*
Dillan: *holds out his arms*
Faith: *smiles and yawns*
*brings him over to Dillion* he wanted to see his daddy
*puts him gently in Dillion's arms*
Dillan: yay! *smiles*
Dillan: *holds Andrew and they smile*
*leans on him gently*
J-*rubs her shoulders smiling*
Faith: yeah....
Dillan: *smiles and rocks Andrew to sleep*
I've got my to favorite people in the world with me there's nothing more I could ask for
Dillan: I'm pretty sure there's one more thing to ask for
J-*holds her* go to sleep then I'll be here if you need something and you especially you should get your sleep
what?? *looks puzzled and him*
Faith/ *leans back against him and falls asleep*
J-*smiles and holds her and gently rubs her shoulders*
Faith: *asleep*
there's nothing more I could ask for *looks at him puzzled*
Dillan: are you sure????
Faith: *smiles asleep*
Dillan: hmm.... I'll bet you that there's one more thing
Dillan: do you accept the bet first?
faith: *above*
huh??? (I didn't understand that)
(he gonna propose)
J-*gently rocks her*
(ohhh what should she say?)
(uhhhh idk)
Faith: *above*
J-*rocks her gently*
Dillan: *places the sleeping Andrew on a pillow and gets down on a knee*
*covers her mouth with her hands*
Dillan: *grins and pulls out the ring*
Faith: *asleep*
*hands stay where they are as happy tears fall*
J-*rocks her smiling*
Dillan: would you do me the great honor of marrying me and officially becoming my wife?
Faith: *curls up in his arms*
*crying* y-yes
*hugs him tightly*
Dillan: *gently takes her hand and slips the ring on and hugs her*
J-*smiles rocking her*
*crying as she hugs him*
Faith: *wakes*
Dillan: *laughs and Andrew wakes up*
J-*rocks her smiling* Heyyy babe
*picks up Andrew*
Faith: hey *pecks his lips*
is that why???.....
Dillan: now we know what his last name has to be
J-*smiles and kisses her head*
Dillan: yep
Faith: you literally don't sleep. *smiles and gets off him*
*crying happy tears*
J-I just don't know why
faith: it's interesting *stands and stretches*
*rocks Andrew* Andrew you've got the best daddy in the whole galaxy
J-*smiles at her*
Andrew: *smiles*
Faith: Im gonna go sit on the porch
*rocks him*
J-ok I'll be here unless I can come
Faith/ you can come if you want
Andrew: *gurgles*
J-*follows her*
*laughs and rocks him* it's time for bed mister
J-*holds her hand*
(nvm she's gone now$
Faith: *holds his hand and walks outside*
Andrew: *pouts*
*rocks him* fine a little longer
Andrew: *smiles*
J-*holds her hand and walks with her*
Faith: *sits down on the porch*
*rocks him*
Andrew. *yawns*
J-*sits next to her*
Dillan: want me to put him to bed?
Faith: *looks up*
sure *hands Andrew gently to him*
Dillan: heyyy little guy. time for bed now *smiles and carries him to Andrews room*
J-*smiles at her*
*looks at her hand*
Faith: *lays down and looks at the sky*
Dillan: *puts Andrew to bed and comes back in*
*looking at her hand*
Dillan: *smiles and kisses her hand*
J-*lays next to her* the sky sure is pretty at night huh?
Faith: definitely *looking at the star*
I-I didn't think you'd ever do it
J-*smiles and looks at the sky*
Dillan: I was really nervous and was thinking when to do it
*smiles and kisses him*
Faith: *twists her ring around her finger and plays with her necklace*
Dillan: *smiles and kisses*
*sits down* did Andrew go to sleep nicely?
J-*hugs her*
Dillan: yup!
Faith: *hugs him*
(I know we skipped Faith and Josh's wedding but do u wanna do Jess and Dillion's??)
that's good
J-*hugs her smiling*
Dillan: yup
(okie when should it be??)
Faith: *puts her head on his chest*
*hugs him* I'm going to bed
(in a month or two their time$
Dillan: me too *stands and hugs her*
*walks to their room* night baby *lays down*
Dillan: *walks to their room and goes to sleep*
Dillan: gnight babe
*falls asleep on him*
(gtg for a while. I'll comment when I'm back)
Dillan: *cuddles and falls asleep*
(aww okie hurry)
J-*smiles and holds her head*
(I'll try)
*cuddles him*
Faith: *kisses his chest*
Dillan: *smiles in sleep*
*cuddles him*
J-*smiles and kisses her head*
*sleeps on him*
(and look u don't respond^^)
(I was trying to talk to you)
Faith: *smiles*
Dillan: *cuddles*
J-*hugs her*
Dillan: *huggle*
Faith: *hugs hum*
(him not hum)
*smiles and sleeps*
Faith: *falls asleep*
Dillan: *wakes**
J-*hugs her*
*asleep on him*
Dillan: *smiles softly and hugs her softly*
Faith: *has a nightmare*
*hugs him asleep*
J-*hugs her tightly*
Dillan: my wife *softly*
Faith: *breathing heavily*
*hugggles asleep*
J-are you ok? *hugging her tight*
Faith: *cries out softly*
Dillan: my beautiful wife
J-*shakes her gently to wake her up* Faith what's wrong?
*sleeping on him*
Faith: *too deeply asleep to hear him*
Dillan: *gently kisses her neck*
J-Faith what's wrong?!? *gently shaking her*
*smiles in sleep*
Faith: *cries out again, louder*
Dillan: *smiles and strokes her hair*
J-*shakes her gently and carries her inside*
*smiling asleep*
Faith: *whimpering*
J-Faith what's wrong? I'm here *hugs her and puts her in his lap*
Dillan: *strokes her cheek*
Faith: *quietly screams*
J-shhh what's wrong? *cradles her*
Faith: *shivering in his arms*
Dillan: hello princess
J-shhh it's ok *cradles and rocks her gently*
Faith: *beginning to calm*
*eyes slowly open* hey
J-*rocks and cradles her gently* shhh it's ok
Dillan: you're beautiful when you're asleep
faith: *breathing heavy*
*blushes* noooo I'm not
Dillan/ yes you areee
J-*rocks and cradles her gently* shhh it's ok I'm here
Dillan: you are beautiful, hot, cute, gorgeous, amazing
Faith: *wakes*
J-*cradles her and rocks her gently* are you ok?
none of the above
Faith: *cries* go away
Dillan: all of the above
J-wha why?
Faith: because *doesnt want him to see her tears*
J-if it's something in your dream I didn't do anything
J-Faith it's ok I wanna help you ok?? I love you so much
how come you never say that then?
Faith: *slips out of his arms*
Dillan/ I do. you just don't hear me
J-Faith please
J-do you need Jess?
Faith: I don't need anyone
Dillan: I just did
J-Faith please
J-everyone needs you
Faith: it's nothing babe
Faith: no they don't. I wanted to stay only so you have the kids and they have someone to love
Faith: bye *walks out*
Dillan: you're amazing Jess. if you ever need to hear that just let me know.
J-*grabs his phone and calls Dillion*
J-*tears fall*
Faith: wait *comes back and tenderly kisses him*
J-get Jess over right now please hurry *hangs up*
D: ok *hangs up*
J-Faith don't leave please *crying* please
J-*kisses her*
lemme guess we gotta go
Faith: *kisses him and pulls away*
Dillan: ya *kisses her forehead*
J-Faith...... *crying hard* don't leave
I can go if you stay with Andrew
Faith: bye *wipes his tears away and squeezes his hand*
J-*holds her so she can't go* Faith why are you doing this?
Faith: I don't know. I just...... don't know
*hugs and kisses his head* I'll be back soon watch Andrew
Dillan: ok babe. see you soon
J-please Faith I love you so much and if you left.....I would kill myself
*drives to Faiths house and runs inside*
*sees Faith*
Faith: no. I made sure that you can't. Drake and Ivy wouldn't have anyone then
J-she's trying to leave
Faith: I'm not trying. I am leaving
J-well I would
Faith/ sorry but you can't
Faith please don't leave
*kneels down on the ground*
Faith: but I have to
J-nobody but you could stop me
Faith: and Ivy is a tiny me. so she would stop you
*hugs her tightly*
J-she couldn't
J-only if you stay
Faith: *tries not to cry* *weakly hugs back*
Faith do you know how many people would care??
Faith: she could
*hugs her*
J-nope only you, I'd rather have you then anyone in the world
Faith: *hugs more tightly*
Faith: you're making this hard yall
now everything is gonna be alright ok?? *hugs her* I'm here always here along with Josh
J-Faith I'm seriously not lying just ask Dillion
Faith: o-ok. but I'm still leaving
J-I never had the guts to ask you out and then Dillion came and had the same problem with Jess and well..
Faith you're not leaving
you've got a family
Faith: yes I am. *looks at Josh* well we all have each other
Faith: *sighs*
J-I thought you would turn me down and that day when we were shopping he wouldn't let me not ask and I wouldn't let him not ask
J-Faith please
J-*goes to drastic measures and gives her the puppy dog eyes*
*tears come down* Faith you're the person who stood by my side the whole time and never left me
you helped me
Faith: I-I know *bites her lip*
if you leave my life is torn
Faith: but you have Dillan and Andrew
I would be missing a part
a pretty big part
faith: you're making this hard
*crying* Faith please please just don't go
Faith/ *buries her face in her arms* (faiths arms$
it's a domino affect you leave everything falls apart
*hugs her tight*
Faith: fine *groans*
(brb lunch)
you'll stay?
Faith: yeah
J-*hugs Faith*
please never run away
Faith: I won't. I promise
Faith: ever
J-*kisses Faiths head*
well before I go I've got news
Faith: yeah?
*shows Faith her hand*
Faith: YAYYY *hugs her tightly*
J-he actually did it
*hugs her tightly* Andrew was even happy
Faith: *giggles* I'm so glad
and you get to be in it
*looks to Josh* and you will also I'm assuming
Faith: yayyyy
I should go before he starts worrying
*hugs her tightly* you better say something to Josh
ok. thanks Jess
J-*hugs Faith* thanks for the help Jess
*hugs her* bye
*drives home*
Faith: *hugs back* bye
Faith: I'm really sorry *kisses him quickly and stands*
*walks in face red from crying and walks to the bedroom*
J-promise you'll never do it again
J-*kisses her gently*
Dillan: *rushes over and hugs her* is Faith ok? are you ok? what happened
was Andrew good?
Faith: *kisses him back*
*hugs him* she's fine now, I'm ok and it's a long story
J-*hugs her and kisses her*
Dillan/ ok. good. and Andrew is still asleep
I'm ok I guess
I'll tell you the story whenever you'd like *sits on the bed*
Faith: *smiles and kisses*
Dillan: *hugs her tight*
Dillan: now works
J-all better? *hugs and kisses her*
Faith: yup *kisses him*
well Faith wanted to leave and never come back and then we had to give reasons why she should stay
Dillan: well she's staying right?
and I was crying that's whim red but who cares umm Josh was balling his eyes out
Dillan: poor Josh
yeah she's staying
*lays down still red*
Dillan: *lays beside her and holds her close*
*lays close to him*
she almost left me
Dillan: *pulls her close* but she's ok
*lays her head on his chest*
J-*hugs her* I'm surprised neither Ivy or Drake has woken
Dillan/ *hugs her*
Faith: me too. you and Jess were crying a lot *half smiles*
J-we didn't want you to leave
*hugs him tightly*
Faith; thanks
Dillan: now go to sleep babe
*sighs and pretends to sleep*
J-it's time for bed tho
Dillan: actually sleep babe
*looks like she's sleeping but she's not*
Faith: ok *stands up*
J-*walks to their room* I'll go check on the little ones then I'll be back
Faith: ok *goes to her room*
(their room)
J-*looks in Ivys room the Drakes* sound asleep *walks to their room*
*pretending to sleep*
Faith: *asleep*
Dillan: Jess......
*pretends to be asleep*
J-*lays next to her*
Dillan: *sighs and goes to sleep and holds her*
*pretends to be asleep*
Dillan: *asleep*
*sighs and plays with her hair*
Dillan/ *asleep holding her*
*playing with her hair thinking about something she'll tell Dillion*
Dillan: *asleep*
Josh-*hugging Faith in their bed not asleep*
Jess-*half asleep*
Faith: *awake*
Dillan/ *awake*
J-those little ones never woke should we wake them?
*playing with her hair*
faith: probably
Dillan: morning princess
J-Ivy or Drake?? (for her to wake)
hey baby