2015 was just one big sign I was gay like 1) my parents took me to Provincetown, Massachusetts, which is gay af (google it) and 2) I went to an all girls camp with counselors who wore buns and stick price flags in them for the legalization of same-séx mar


2015 was just one big sign I was gay like 1) my parents took me to Provincetown, Massachusetts, which is gay af (google it) and 2) I went to an all girls camp with counselors who wore buns and stick price flags in them for the legalization of same-séx mar

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I love the comic is so cute
@caption I visit Providenicetown, MA all the time for family vacations. UMMM. (strangely; not this year though.)
(last year I did though
^we visit Cape Cod every year actually.
maybe we'll bump into each other ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i love this post