This is my big sis I do anything for her if somebody talk bout her u would not like me I am straight up I got yo back big sis no matter what


This is my big sis I do anything for her if somebody talk bout her u would not like me I am straight up I got yo back big sis no matter what

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u welcome go look at my basketball post and read what I said and comment below and explain why
I no I do to
do u do the basketball thing I said
can u comment on it
I read it and I comment
Miranda I created a kahoot if u want to play do u
what's the code
oh it is 1747847
man I missed it
can I play to?
what kahoot
I'm ugly
stop no u not I am not going through this again u not ugly
lol ok I'm bout to post a pic of u smile
no don't u dare