Just got home from school and the girl I like I'm pretty sure she like me to but someone said someone else is going to ask her out should I fire now or wait and see????????????


Just got home from school and the girl I like I'm pretty sure she like me to but someone said someone else is going to ask her out should I fire now or wait and see????????????

4 0
Ask her out now before it's too late.
you sure
get the guts and do it
middle school drama
Yes I'm sure 99% of the girls you ask out say yes....Just do you've never been scared before so why now? ......And btw Isabella IS really pretty...no wonder why you like her😍
I know but still people say she likes someone else but of course they could be lying
just try if she says no it's not the end of the world
ok I'll do it on Monday
yay I'm so happy for you I know she's going to say yes
but I I wouldn't say she looks like Kylie💘 and Ashley because people could take that the wrong way......
people might think you like Kylie💘 and Ashley too so that's why I wouldn't say that
it's weird we only talk on Pic Collage
I mean I know we're still friends but like we don't even look at each other at school it's like we don't know each other