We are trying to contact all of you who haven't given us an entry. Please, if you changed your username, let us know. We need to be able to keep track of your scores and entries.

If people still do not enter, especially those on Team Donald, we w


*click* We are trying to contact all of you who haven't given us an entry. Please, if you changed your username, let us know. We need to be able to keep track of your scores and entries. If people still do not enter, especially those on Team Donald, we w

24 1
thank you for reminding me!
will extend the due date to December 4, 11:59 pm. We are giving this opportunity because most of the people on Team Donald did not submit and entry, and it would not be fair for them to have 8 people eliminated. If people still don't enter, we will have no choice but to eliminate those who did not enter, even those on Team Donald.
thx for extending
Omg sorry
I messed up!!
I'm on team Pluto!!!
I changed my username to imagine-tacos. I am Dino-corn.
dang it teams are full
Are you choosing winners today?
You are forgiven, Saedi
Being the first round, we'll let this slide, since we're just getting used to this. However, we will not be this generous for when we make the next round.
so When will you announce the winners?