Jasemen: Sebby! Don't do it!


Jasemen: Sebby! Don't do it!

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Chelsea: He going to kill himself if someone comes any closer than this!* sobs *
Chelsea: yeah
Sabastian:* looks at KC * take one more step and I jump and rid the world of another Fàg* is crying *
Sabastian:* jumps off*
Sabastian:* takes out a knife and cuts her hand* Let go
Sabastian:* keeps cutting her am*
Sabastian: Just stop!
Sabastian: please
Sabastian: just stop and let me go
Sabastian:* uses other hand and pries of her hand and drops*
Chelsea:* runs up to him and hugs him* don't ever do that again
Chelsea: Thanks so much
Chelsea: the fûck
Chelsea: thanks
( Chelsea)