Collage by --Rip_Angelica--


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That is extremely rude! It's not our fault she's depressed, it's not our fault that she killed herself. You just want to blame someone because you think it'll make you feel better, but guess what: IT WONT. It won't make you feel better and it won't help your problems. So please, stop blaming me and please stop being rude to others. It was her real life problems that made her worse. Not her online life.
and how would you know? you know she had no life until she THOUGHT she had friends on this stupid app!
then bam! she lost them! they weren't EVER her real friends!! and they never will be! they're all AŚŚHOLES!!!!!
y'all's just stop..ight? geez. 😔😒..
wow thanks for calling me and my sister that. we tried to help her, we really did. she needed actual real help, and she never got it. so it isn't our fault. it's hers