I am sorry...


I am sorry...

9 1
what did u do
I cut
Did you really cut yourself?
babe, why did you cut 😭😭😭😭
its ok ur not alone
I still have my self harm scars on both of my arms 😭😔😭
you're not alone, I'll always be there for you
meh... I think I am going to leave
please don't 😭😭😭😭
you're making me cry 😭😭😭😭
everyone is saying that I am a hater and they hate me
don't listen to them 😭😭😭😭😭
why they comment hating on every post saying that I even get my cuts from the Internet
you're making me cry 😭😭😭😭😭
I am sorry
my heart is dead 😭💥🔫
I posted a post about leaving
I will never be on after 9:30 pm uk time
I'm dead inside 😭💥🔫
I am sorry maybe I can create a new Acc later to start again
please do, I can't live without you 😭😭😭
please make another Acc
I love you baby :(
I love you too 😭💥🔫
promise me you won't hurt yourself
I can't, my heart is digging its own grave 😭😭😭
baby if you hurt your self I will too
why would you do the same 😭😭😭😭😭😭
if you are hurting your self your hurting me too
* I hug you and I cry *