Vincent: * blushes*  Merry Christmas to you too.


Vincent: * blushes* Merry Christmas to you too.

3 0
For each of you: Which HP character do you ship me with?
*sigh* *smiles*
so cute
so do you like her Vincent?
well no shįt I do!
sorry mangle
but yes I do!
why do you say sorry don’t be
never mind the important thing is that he saw my notes!!!
lol congrats
yeah lol
😉 let’s see what he says if he likes you or not
ok here it goes
Vincent... *sigh* do you like me?
go for it
are we not ganna continue the role play ?
sorry ok
*Looks Vincent directly in the eyes* Vincent I love you and i understand quite a lot so just think about that *hugs*