Haha thanks. We could be friends if u actually talk to me ๐Ÿ˜‚


Haha thanks. We could be friends if u actually talk to me ๐Ÿ˜‚

21 0
Yay! Wait Jenny
nah u can tho
Jennifer Fernandez right Bc that's my sister best friend Jenny is like a sister to me
yea that's who they we talkin about it
but I won't interfere with you and the person
I really don't care it's just a hater
ooo now I know
I'm at Jenny's dropping my sister off rn
I HATE drama
hey Wes I have one question have you heard Jenny we've been trying to reach her but it gets sent to voicemail I'm worried about her right now-Hannah
you didn't see her posts or Quinn's
ig you might wanna look
Wes do wanna know the true story?
what do u mean
can u promise me something
if Jenny makes will talk to her
I'm not making any promises
don't do this for me do it for Jenny
really a least Jenny is okay right now
I don't really like her and I'm leavin
really at least say hey or hi or something to her
ooo wait I forgot to tell you something
bye annoying bรฎtch โœŒ๐Ÿป๏ธ
you know that Jenny started cutting Bc she wanted you
i don't give a fxck
okay deal with the guilt that she literally almost dead Bc of you but do what's best for you
u all r stupid hoรจs๐Ÿ˜‚