So ppl who aren't obeying me at school gets threatened and beaten up by my sis at school were allowed o bring weapons btw and like always I am the queen and my sister was being her ugly at chested annoying self and I decide to slap her and she started lau


So ppl who aren't obeying me at school gets threatened and beaten up by my sis at school were allowed o bring weapons btw and like always I am the queen and my sister was being her ugly at chested annoying self and I decide to slap her and she started lau

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continuing we went shopping also and she chose this horrible shirt on me I ripped the shirt and threw it at her calling her a useless person and she didn't mind I kicked her so she would trip and fall and everyone was laughing at her at the mall it was priceless 😂😂 geez my sister is so ugly not a beautiful model like me sadly
my sister knows how much I like to see her suffer she enjoys it as well
that's horrid
square up because I'm still triggered because I didn't deserve getting hurt
the hëll is wrong with you?!? and your school? must be where all the rapërs be at.
so pretty much she is not suffering
I feel so bad for your sister
I'm sure she's not ugly
Yeah...What's her name again?? It was Lucy right?
you remind me of this one girl I hate lol. She's super rude and no one genuinely likes her. She tried to get everyone to call me ugly and she called my friend a dog, which is so horrid
You sorta remind me of Chika, Chitoge, and Chisaki mixed together.... If you really know me you'd understand
don't you hate those characters?^
Erm.. That's sorta mean.. Do you have any texting apps?.. I think you need help
I think she's beyond help
in my juice fam/furry fam shipping meme I put a straight BLACK line between yeah:/CherryXSam;)
;)))))) I ship it now ^
I have no clue who I'd be shipped with besides fruity TBH
no my school is a privet school btw so everyone luvs me
HAVE U MET MY SIS SHES TERRIBLE!!!! I hate her so much maybe I might execute her the same way Junko did to Mukuro when we're older 😈
also why Chika she's a nice character? and Chitoge is alright she's mean like me though 😌
and yea I do have other texting apps plus u can't fix me my head is just full of despair anyway
that's so cruel. I know from personal experience how it feels to live in a sibblings's so dreadful.
you wake up every morning, wondering if everything sees you in that manner, at least I do...because I love my sister too much when she hates me with a burning passion.
it so despairing ☺️☺️☺️☺️😍😍😍😍
please realize how much you are hurting her and be humane...if it...isn't too much trouble...
she doesn't care she said she wouldn't even care if I killed her she'd do it to make me fall into despair
if she...enjoys it... but isn't right...
That's mean, Ivy's sister is dating Lucy and it would break up our clique of models YOULL BE PAYING FOR ALL OF US WHEN WE GO TO FRANCE
ok I was in a private school. every school bans weapons. Government Law
it's a secret at my school 😉
I don't mind paying I am rich remember and your right I can't kill her I need to use her more
she decide to follow me and let me treat her however I want to
You need a license to own a school. Government tracks each security camera. get your facts straight
you don't understand it's different for us
no school is different
school is a place to learn not to sëxually arouse people and ruling.
Ha, I know more than you! stop trying to make excuses and level up your maturity level. (I've been in Gifted Education for all my life so don't go around yelling I'm stupid)
Is Lucy old than you???...
Remember that Mari could pay to be principal SO JENNIFER CAN DO THIS STUFF TOO
"she decide" nice and you don't know how to use grammar
Lucy is 14 and Jennifer is 11
Lucy is dating a 16 year old!!!!! OMG YURI I LOVE HENTAI
Love live is fiction....though.......
I'm sorry....
I'm really sorry, please don't hate me!
i wouldn't obey you, and if you tried that, i would punch your freaking face
good for u poke girl I don't really care if your smart or not
I'd like to see you try^
I'd like to see you say that to a real freaking queen, cuz that's what you aren't
oh wow. you're a real côckslap.
i wouldn't obey you, either. i'm my own person and i can tell myself what to do.