CNN is sick! Big trouble!


CNN is sick! Big trouble!

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CNN is little see you in court
^^c a c k l i n g
jobs are loony. jobs jobs jobs!
America is over-rated! A total scam!
^^wow that's like the opposite of a trump tweet tho
Hillarys emails are nasty. it is sad
fake news media is dumb! enjoy!
jobs are unbelievable. obamacare is in a death spiral!
CNN is fake! see you in court.
obamacare is idiotic! such dishonesty!
i feel like all of these are real tweets tho, like it doesn't matter the combination, it is a trûmp tweet
Obamacare is dumb. see you in court
fake news media is rigged.its sad.
covfefe is useless. make america great again!
Russia is loony! Bad (or sick) guy
how can emails be rigged
CNN is dangerous!!1! new low
women are bad. Enjoy!
america is dumb! make america great again!
Mexico is bad! Bad guy!
Russia is Great. Enjoy!