My top 3 fav players🏀 ball is life


My top 3 fav players🏀 ball is life

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curry bae yess😍
shutup harden girl
curry is bae
James harden sucks with that ugly beard
how do u sound hes one of the best in the league do u watch basketball
sup dug go
put a picture of u please 😃
I don't think I've seen u I school I hear about u
i was the one who during lunch when u and sunny were at her locker member
and she was cussing at me
no can u just do it please
i dont know how lol
jk let me think🤔🤔
think about what bro
about posting a pic with me
btw in ur one pic i liked ur kd hat it was cool
thx I was like u want to go out with me wow
are u posting yet
ok so when me and sonney where at the locker did u hav 2 peoples around u
ok so when me and sonney where at the locker did u hav 2 peoples around u
what where their names
jason and vageta
but im douglas
oooooo u called sonney a bad word
omg 😂😂😂😂 love is in the air Anna
omg shut up we aren't dating 😑
I'm dating a boy
ohhhh who
just tell me plz🙂
whhhhhhyyyyy give me a good reson
cause i wanna know lol
what is not a reason and why did u call sonney that lol
idk she was annoying me
ok lol I'm ok
k check out my new post and watch the video