Newsflash: celebrities are people too and it's not okay to say creepy sexual stuff to them, they're not toys fam.


Newsflash: celebrities are people too and it's not okay to say creepy sexual stuff to them, they're not toys fam.

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idk it really annoys me shes going to the concert now i cant even just why
Thank you so much💜😍
ikr like i cant wait for my concert
YASSS I totally did a rant about this a while ago...I don't understand why people do this anyway. I also hate how I'm on the Internet, trying to find s good pic to use in an edit, and some creepy zoomed in on an innocent picture to make it...not so innocent...
hey, can I ask you a q?? I'm gonna anyways, how do you get a GIF as your Icon??! plz
Hey there!👋 I posted an icon contest on my page💖It would mean the world🌎to me if you entered✨tbh your edits are great😍 that's why I'm asking you to join😌 anyways.... The contest will end July 29th‼️You don't need to join😮 I'd appreciate it a lot tho❤️💛💚💙💜 Good luck!🍀 Have a great day☀️😚