❤️❤️Tap Me❤️❤️

I won't do any characters from TV shows, moves, or books, just common things, like limbs, hair, faces etc.


❤️❤️Tap Me❤️❤️ I won't do any characters from TV shows, moves, or books, just common things, like limbs, hair, faces etc.

14 3
I need a bit help with hands too
I'm on it!
I just wanted to say... Tank u for choosing me!! ^~^
I have a question about the contest. Do personas count as original characters
@your comment thank you
HEYO!! u contacted me about the art contest, and said that I was allowed to enter *tank u btw ^~^* but I know I never really entered anything and it's mainly bc I've been SUPERRR busy with stuffy stuff and governor school art and all dat junk but I will most likely give u something as soon as possible if u still want me too!! •~•
I need help with drawing ears and anime tips are needed.