Names fang


Names fang

10 0
so cute
IKR and not to be to blunt but your really pretty
thanks so are you
na not really
yes you are I would say if it wasn't true
lol thanks I guess I just wish other people were just as nice as you
I'm not used to people being nice
yea I have a rough life and a worse past you can tell better from my last account tough_girl
oh I have a rough time with life and a terrible past
twins 😁😔
yah 😔 twins
hey at least we got each other and I will always be there if you need anyone
and I will always be there for you when you need anyone
what type of music do u listen to
Rock you?
rock and heavy metal
what bands
ptv, get scared, bvb, bring me to the horizon, three days of grace,theory of a deadman and so on
yep wbu
PTV, BVB, Sleeping With Sirens, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, and so on
omg forgot about breaking Benjamin and sorry about adding the of to three days of grace it's just a natural reaction because I writes books and all
three days grace not of grave goodness I need to quit doing that
it's fine
well I got to go bye