Oh shít, I'm drawing Noodle again 👀


Oh shít, I'm drawing Noodle again 👀

101 0
That is me with Alois like Peri if you know a rehab for these type of things, like excessively drawing one character and no one else, hmu.
I'm always amazed at your effïN amAzInG aNatomY skiLLs
Geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz, this is too pretty, I just doodle way too much, you make aRT LIKE OML.
Mine is trash compared to this tho.
Aw, bro. I'm sure your art is great. Don't bring yourself down just to make others feel better. :>
No I'm serious, I doodled in class too much today bc boredom and it's all too sloppy :'v I can show to ya rn.