Here is a contest where all you have to do is make a collage of your favorite person ex. Jacob Sartorious or Baby Ariel winner's prize is a surprise contest ends on HALLOWEEN NIGHT


Here is a contest where all you have to do is make a collage of your favorite person ex. Jacob Sartorious or Baby Ariel winner's prize is a surprise contest ends on HALLOWEEN NIGHT

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can I do Kristen hanchar? πŸ˜…
later maybe
ooh I know who I'll do it on!!! but it's two twins?! but it's one does it still count?😘I'd love to enter
dang it, I would so do it but I don't have ☹️
okay thanks!! I'll enter soon😘
you're welcome lol if you haven't guessed already I'm doingMax and Harvey the BAESπŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ”₯β€οΈπŸ˜‚