Collage by theconstellationthief


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My love
We decided to be "And then"
I've screwed up. I'm sorry for that.
But don't leave me now, my beautiful girl
Everything that I said I wanted. I don't know if I said it, but I meant I wanted it with you.
There is no one in this world I would rather hold. No one I would rather be with. No one I would rather kiss. No one I would rather worry over.
If you allow it, I will love you for as long as I possibly can.
I'm sorry that I'm so afraid to tell you sometimes. We're young and I know the odds when it comes to relationships this young. Not that you and I have ever conformed to the standards, but I'm afraid to break your heart.
To me, you are worth every heartbreak. I know how I feel about you. I feel like I would gladly spend the best and worst days of my life with you.
There's no one else I want to write poetry about, no one else I want to dream about, no one else I want to fall asleep next to.
It's always been you.
Don't leave me now
Don't make me send messages to another ghost.
You promised.
"I'll never leave you if you don't need me."
My love.
I'll kiss you.
I don't know what I'm doing and I don't know if this is "okay" but I know I love you
And I know I'd kiss you in a heartbeat.
I'm yours.
I'm your Chris.
I'm your love.
I'm whatever you'd like to see me as.
I'm yours and you are mine.
Don't let this universe live without you and I.
Chris and Ivory
Argetlam and Amrâl
"I am not afraid to walk this world alone"
That's a lie
I'm terrified to walk this life alone
I'm terrified of me without you
Don't let me lose you
Don't let go of you and I.
gøddàmmit, Chris..
I swear to god, don't leave me
Give me five minutes, I'll call you
I- I can't call..
I'm in the car right now, so I can't but we're going to a restaurant and I'll go in the bathroom and I won't have long but I'll have two minutes and I have your number now and I don't fxcking care if I get caught just don't leave me.
Not skype..
Please don't go..
no I can't call....
Fine then just keep talking to me
I'm an idiot.
Argetlam, you're not an idiot.
and yes I am..
Depression is an idiot, but depression doesn't define you.
What were you going to say?
Please tell me
I'm done worrying you. All those things you said you were probably just saying anyway.. I'm sorry...
I was not just saying them.
and no I'm not telling you because you would yell at me
I meant every fxcking word.
I will not tell at you.
yes you will.
I promise I won't yell, just tell me
I already took like 5 sleeping pills and I regret it and I'm sorry
How strong?
I don't know but I feel dizzy..
Don't fall asleep
Call 911 if you have to
No I'll be okay..
I am not losing you.
That's right. You aren't going to.
Ivory, please..
Call 911
Call someone
No, Chris.
You won't lose me.
I'm not going to fall asleep.
I'm dizzy. That's all.
That's not good.
I'll be fine.
I love you.
I can't lose you.
I love you too
And you won't.
So much
My Argetlam.
Isn't there something I can drink?
Like water?
Šäłt wâter?
Hold on
All it says is call an ambulance and don't let them fall asleep:.
I'm not calling anyone
I'll be fine
Don't eat or drink or try to throw up
I understand you don't want to call an ambulance. Will you call a suicide hotline or something of the sort just to ask what to do?
I don't know, that's what it says
No I'm not calling a suicide hotline
Will you let me call?
Wait, I think water might be okay... Just not coffee or pop or monster or anything
I can't call, Amrâl..
You don't have to. Will you let me call a suicide hotline?
Why would you call a suicide hotline?
To find out what to do
I- I can't stop you, can I..
What kind of pills did you take?
Just sleeping pills
I have no clue if there's like a specific kind..
Is there a specific brand though?
my phone is about to die.. I'm sorry, my love..
Okay, love
Don't fall asleep..
Promise you'll come back to me..
I love you so much. I'll be back soon. I promise. I never sleep anyway. I'll be back. I will. I promise. I love you so so much, amrâlimê.
I'm back, darling. I'm not sure if you're on but just wanted to say I'm here.
My beautiful Amrâl.
You're mine and I love you so so much.
I love you too
My lovely Argetlam.
I miss you so much
I miss you too..
Goodnight, my love..
I'm so sorry...
I- I'm still here..