Collage by miss-understood


60 1
tell me plz and i will leave u alone I promise
who r u
and I hope we become rlly good friends too! 😊
and it’s ok! 😊
what is wrong? can I help?
FINE *crosses my arms * *five seconds later i realized i yelled* sowwy for yelling *look down*
who is u!//colt
new sowwy *hugs u* ik i dont know that well but trinity talk abt u all the time. saying she wants to be u. cause ur perfect and pretty and nice and more
sorry...ill leave....
sorry.... *lets go and leaves sadly*
u did not waste my time
Hey, are you okay?
are u ok..?
you don’t waste anyone’s time! I’m the one who wastes others time!
hey, you didn’t waste my time, if you ever need someone to talk to, im here
hey....ik what it feels like to be sad:( we can help! 💛
Congrats on 154 followers already! And if u need someone to talk to u can talk to me
you remind me of me. I’d be glad to talk to you. maybe someday we can talk.
hey you can talk to me and I bet your not wasting anybody’s time and plz don’t cut
are you ok