if you’ve posted a story on Wattpad that you want me to read, let me know . I’ll do it. Or even if you haven’t posted it on Wattpad.


if you’ve posted a story on Wattpad that you want me to read, let me know . I’ll do it. Or even if you haven’t posted it on Wattpad.

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i haven't been on wattpad in years but i'm gonna have to go check this out now
Ayyyy I have wattpad! I'll make sure to check you out my username is @Thymes Oak
heaven knows i have very mixed feelings about wattpad but there’s no way i’d miss this 😍
I don’t particularly like wattpad for various of reasons, but i love checking out my friends works out. i’ll give it a look whenever i get the chance :)
how do you get your inspiration for writing and how long have you been writing ?