... just because the Rock was denied admission to the university doesn't mean he is dumb...


... just because the Rock was denied admission to the university doesn't mean he is dumb...

301 3
this is sad...
poor rock.
im the rock
2 sad 4 me
Awww... So true and sad.....
the rock is not stupid (sad)😭
poor little rock.
awwwwwwwww, so sadπŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ’•πŸ’¦
the Rock has a letter if u read it it makes this even sadder
me in earth science though. but then I apologize to the rocks, and people think I'm crazy for talking to the rocks
yas at least he had the courage to apply
the poor rock 😭😭
omg I am crying for the rock
i am going to cry for the rock. but I feel really dumb. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ͺ
that's right its probably smart
😭I'm the rock
I mourn for that rock 😰
Poor ROCK! (LOL, I have feeling for a rock...) πŸ˜‚
poor rock
That’s really sad πŸ˜”