i wish i knew this like 4 years ago honestly the most freeing thing is knowing that the only one rlly focusing on what u think is stupid abt u is u ,the spotlight effect is so interesting


i wish i knew this like 4 years ago honestly the most freeing thing is knowing that the only one rlly focusing on what u think is stupid abt u is u ,the spotlight effect is so interesting

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u could die at any moment and that sounds terrible but if u think abt it it almost has a positive side to it like if u live ur life like anyday u could just die you’ll feel a lot more free and lively and i don’t mean like do dumb stuff you’ll regret i mean little things dont matter like little mistakes or awkward things u said or things u hate abt ur body dont matter u could literally be hit by a bus tomorrow or the sun could finally explode and nothing else would matter
that sounds so fake deep and ugly but our world is literally fallimg to pieces everyone is kïłłing eachother and theres not much we can do to try to reverse it so enjoy ur life while its still urs to live hnngngn that sounds YUCKY and PRETENTIOUS but i genuinely think abt thay everyday
oof I really needed this thank you :,))
this is actually a great way of thinking 😂
^ ur a genius jeaf ily
this made me feel some type of way ur so smart
okay but tea!!!