🎶I don't love you I'm just lonley🎶


🎶I don't love you I'm just lonley🎶

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it's a book series called Slated. They were originally meant for school, but I read the first one in two days and it was super good so I bought the second one as well😂
um basically there's this girl called Kyla and the she was a criminal in her past life and what the government does with criminals is Slate them which means they erase all their memories and give them a second chance to live a good life. so once you're Slated, you can't remember anything from before then, but she can and the book is basically about her trying to find out why she is different to all the other Slateds around her. it's pretty good👏🏼
cool :) I'm almost finished the second one and then imma buy the third one. then I don't know what I'm gonna read😂
ooh yeah, tell me :))
awh goodnight, talk to you later☺️
my weekend is on Saturday and Sunday💓
wait so you didn't go to school today?
oh cool🌩 omg I just walked back from my friends house 2 miles away in the rain with no coat or umbrella ☔️ I walked past someone from my primary school and they just laughed at me. i must've looked a mess😂 god I hate rain
whoa that is not much rain🌩 and what is artificial rain?☔️
whoa that's so weird I've never heard of that before! I guess it's because it already rains a lot here idek
enjoy school today😂💓
cool! I used to love burritos but I'm vegetarian now😂
I witnessed a pig being killed :( yeah it wasn't pretty
i know right :( sometimes it's pretty hard, I went to a theme park with my friends last week and they all had hot dogs and candy at lunch time and i was just like 😑😂
oh cool. none of my friends understand😂
yeah. anyway, I never do anything like cooking or stuff at school and there isn't any clubs or after school stuff which is kinda sucks
um idk, I used to do ballet and gymnastics but I quit. I might start it again though. what about you?
no, that sounds cool! I always wondered what book club was like. I almost joined one once but I never did it☔️ goodnight💓
oh, nice💕I love reading, I spend £32 on books yesterday😂
I know😂 I mean I read pretty quickly and I don't like reading books I've already read (unless they were really good)💘